Expect status quo even without O’Keefe

Folks have had their heads buried in the sand if they think there will be any changes while KF is in command. BAU
Big changes in the system? No, but I am going to be optimistic that we will see a small amount of improvement.
Re:Expect status quo even without OÂ’Keefe

02-11-2012 09:58 PMMoseSchrute
Big changes in the system? No, but I am going to be optimistic that we will see a small amount of improvement.

Exactly. Not expecting major changes. A few tweaks maybe.
Things that can't be worse.

1) two minute offense
2) clock management
3) predictability
4) play calls getting in slow
Re: Expect status quo even without OÂ’Keefe

on those things? don't think so. on other things, definitely.

Agree with this. I'm amazed that some still talk about the great play call against LSU. That was a mistake, and even KF admitted he didn't realize the clock got wound.

Having said that, look at Les Miles. It is more common in the college game for these types of errors.

I'm not sure why. At Indiana last year, early in the game, there was single cover on McNutt several times. It took three times before JVB saw it. I sat very close behind the Iowa bench, they didn't seem too excited by the single cover either. I'm not sure they noticed.

Regarding the major changes to offense. I've been very vocal about the play calling. Major change however, would mean about 3-4 years of marginal success. Major change on offense I believe also means major changes in the types of athletes recruited. That's not necessarily a quick solution.
Things that can't be worse.

1) two minute offense
2) clock management
3) predictability
4) play calls getting in slow

Exactly thank you for laying out the obvious. I love how people just assume it'll be more of the same ole same ole. I would think that if the new guy is an outsider. No matter who it is pretty much would see we have to improve on all 4 of those alot. How many possible points did we leave on the field and time outs did we misuse. Either by burning one on the first 3rd down that we had or not using em at the end of the half and we just sat on em by playing not to make a mistake. I'm not looking for Michigans O or more of the same either. There is a way to improve the "style" of play that Ferentz prefers. I hope thats what Ferentz finds with his next hire.
No use speculating until we see the O in action! And of course the thing that bothers me most is with all this change and the fact that it could be MONTHS to name the new OC means players won't be ready for the 2012 Fall season. Offense takes a lot longer to mesh than the D. Our 7-5 hopes for next year could turn into 5-7 in a New York minute.
Big changes in the system? No, but I am going to be optimistic that we will see a small amount of improvement.

We will run the same scheme, pro-set I, with some variation. Hoping for a Small amount of improvement is an understatement!

We averaged something around 70th in the country under KOK. Hoping for a small improvement is a HUGE understatement. This moment is the best thing to happen to KF's legacy. Let's see how he chooses to use it.

One of two things will happen, he will choose the best talent or reward loyalty & friendship. If it is the latter, then let us hope he gets luckier than the last time!!
Re: Expect status quo even without OÂ’Keefe


Agree with this. I'm amazed that some still talk about the great play call against LSU. That was a mistake, and even KF admitted he didn't realize the clock got wound.

Having said that, look at Les Miles. It is more common in the college game for these types of errors.

Les Miles is a HORRIBLE reference. He is one of the worst play callers/clock management coaches there is. Ask LSU. With the talent he has, he should win the NC every year...every year.
Re: Expect status quo even without OÂ’Keefe

Les Miles is a HORRIBLE reference. He is one of the worst play callers/clock management coaches there is. Ask LSU. With the talent he has, he should win the NC every year...every year.

Ive said this 1000 times, thank you for brining it up.......every fan base thinks there coach sucks at something. Its just how people are. LSU is one of the finest programs out there and their fans have wanted him fired for years....now I ask does that say more about the fans or Les....?!??!
Incidentally we wont change much and in fact all that needs to change is the wins....if we win more, you'll think he is great, if we don't you'll think he isn't. Pretty simple stuff....we aren't going to even try to score as much as many on here want....I'll I want to do is win, and our play calling was no better or worse than any other team that won 7 or 8 or 9 games last year.
Now our dropped passes, poor execution at crucial times and very dumb penalties was very poor and I'll concede our clock management is shaky, but I don't watch very many coaches in the College or NFL ranks that makes me go....hmmmm, that easy why can't our guys do this. But that comes with having a pretty broad perspective to draw from.
Exactly thank you for laying out the obvious. I love how people just assume it'll be more of the same ole same ole. I would think that if the new guy is an outsider. No matter who it is pretty much would see we have to improve on all 4 of those alot. How many possible points did we leave on the field and time outs did we misuse. Either by burning one on the first 3rd down that we had or not using em at the end of the half and we just sat on em by playing not to make a mistake. I'm not looking for Michigans O or more of the same either. There is a way to improve the "style" of play that Ferentz prefers. I hope thats what Ferentz finds with his next hire.

I view this hire as the barometer of KF's desire to see the program take another step forward (much moreso than the DC hire). Any OC worth their salt is not going to step into this position if they believe they're going to be tethered by limitations that will prevent them from designing the scheme that gives them the best opportunity to win. It's not going to be a night and day change in philosophy, but there is still plenty of room to add some punch and explosiveness even within a pro-style offense. So, does KF bring in a coach willing to run the same old, same old or someone who is going to speak bluntly about our deficiencies and offer him a plan to address them?

I don't think we'll know the answer to that until we're at least a few games into conference play next season.
I view this hire as the barometer of KF's desire to see the program take another step forward (much moreso than the DC hire). Any OC worth their salt is not going to step into this position if they believe they're going to be tethered by limitations that will prevent them from designing the scheme that gives them the best opportunity to win. It's not going to be a night and day change in philosophy, but there is still plenty of room to add some punch and explosiveness even within a pro-style offense. So, does KF bring in a coach willing to run the same old, same old or someone who is going to speak bluntly about our deficiencies and offer him a plan to address them?

I don't think we'll know the answer to that until we're at least a few games into conference play next season.

I agree with this. If any significant changes are to be made, and I don't think this is going to happen, it might take several seasons, rather than games though.
Exactly thank you for laying out the obvious. I love how people just assume it'll be more of the same ole same ole. I would think that if the new guy is an outsider. No matter who it is pretty much would see we have to improve on all 4 of those alot. How many possible points did we leave on the field and time outs did we misuse. Either by burning one on the first 3rd down that we had or not using em at the end of the half and we just sat on em by playing not to make a mistake. I'm not looking for Michigans O or more of the same either. There is a way to improve the "style" of play that Ferentz prefers. I hope thats what Ferentz finds with his next hire.

First of all, you're making a big mistake if you seriously think the new OC will be an outsider! lol
Re: Expect status quo even without O�Keefe

Les Miles is a HORRIBLE reference. He is one of the worst play callers/clock management coaches there is. Ask LSU. With the talent he has, he should win the NC every year...every year.
Ive said this 1000 times, thank you for brining it up.......every fan base thinks there coach sucks at
something. Its just how people are. LSU is one of the finest programs out there and their fans have wanted him fired for years....now I ask does that say more about the fans or Les....?!??! Incidentally we wont change much and in fact all that needs to change is the wins....if we win more, you'll think he is great, if we don't you'll think he isn't. Pretty simple stuff....we aren't going to
even try to score as much as many
on here want....I'll I want to do is win, and our play calling was no better or worse than any other team that won 7 or 8 or 9 games last year. Now our dropped passes, poor execution at crucial times and very dumb penalties was very poor and I'll concede our clock management is shaky, but I don't watch very many coaches in the College or NFL ranks that makes me go....hmmmm, that easy why can't our guys do this. But that comes with having a pretty broad perspective to draw from.

extra wins would be a nice benefit, but the "tweaks" many of us have been looking for WILL happen regardless who's hired, hopefully for the better. I personally would be happier with the WAY we win, ala not having to always go into the 4th playing from behind, etc.
I think KF has already said he has to have a new OC by spring football.

It could happen but if you read Barta's presser, because of stupid University hiring practices, that position will have to be posted for 30 days I believe before they can make a decision. I believe he can start interviewing anytime but the hiring can't occur for at least 30 days. By my estimation that 1st or 2nd week of March before we get a name. That starts making April look awwwfully close.
And again the other issue is the new OC will want to put some of his own beliefs into the O which may be markedly different than the way KOK ran things which again means trying to get the O ready for Fall problematic.

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