ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is listed)

Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

I just cannot believe this is the Iowa basketball program we are talking about.

One bad bad hire is all that separates Iowa from the it basketball or football, IMO.

Didnt want to believe that, but there is no doubt. And the amount of energy and momentum to get out of this hole is significant.

I would argue it may have been one bad firing/force out...the bad hire was just a byproduct of this...
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

I just cannot believe this is the Iowa basketball program we are talking about.

One bad bad hire is all that separates Iowa from the it basketball or football, IMO.

Didnt want to believe that, but there is no doubt. And the amount of energy and momentum to get out of this hole is significant.

I can believe it Jon

the Tom Davis Force-out
then the "my dumps don't stink" Steve Alford hiring
and then not learning our lesson the 1st Time with hiring a mid-major coach, we bring in The Licker.

Except for 2/3 above avg. seasons ....... This entire decade of Hawkeye Basketball has been mediocre to poor!

But now - it's just down right AWFUL!!!!

Thanks for a great hire Barta.......NOT!

At least Gary was smart enough to hire Terry Brands as the wrestling coach!!!!!
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

In my mind we can't tell yet how bad/good a hire Lick is for Iowa. Sure he is in year 3 but with the number of players lost he has yet to have a full roster of players. Next year I think will let us all know where this team is headed and what type of coach Lick is.
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

In my mind we can't tell yet how bad/good a hire Lick is for Iowa. Sure he is in year 3 but with the number of players lost he has yet to have a full roster of players. Next year I think will let us all know where this team is headed and what type of coach Lick is.

I think you have to hold Lickliter at least partly accountable for the transfers, at least when you're talking about the high number of players that just don't seem to want to remain Hawkeyes after playing for him for a year: Tony Freeman, Jermain Davis, David Palmer, Jeff Peterson.

None of these guys left for "personal reasons" like Jake Kelly and Tyler Smith. They left because they didn't see eye to eye with Lickliter, were unhappy playing for him, etc.

I don't call that "hard luck". It seems that Lickliter kind of ran some of these guys off the team..
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

I think you have to hold Lickliter at least partly accountable for the transfers, at least when you're talking about the high number of players that just don't seem to want to remain Hawkeyes after playing for him for a year: Tony Freeman, Jermain Davis, David Palmer, Jeff Peterson.

None of these guys left for "personal reasons" like Jake Kelly and Tyler Smith. They left because they didn't see eye to eye with Lickliter, were unhappy playing for him, etc.

I don't call that "hard luck". It seems that Lickliter kind of ran some of these guys off the team..

I see your point but I think it's pretty easy to say that Peterson, Freeman and Palmer didn't play the way Lick wanted them to and weren't willing to change the way they played.

I don't have have a problem with those guys leaving, sure we could have used them on the floor but it would have just created a bigger problem with not having gus on the team buy into his system. That kind of thing happens all the time when schools get new coaches, you can even look at what Mac went through at Ames when he got there, it's the same thing.
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

Wait, Jon are you saying the 'bad hire' you referenced earlier was Alford and not Lickliter? Just want to understand your point.
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

ouch. Even with next years good recruiting class coming in, I don't see much improvement. I watched the Texas vs. North Carolina game this past weekend, and was amazed by the athleticism on both sides. I began to realize that Iowa will never get these types of players, at least with TL under the helm.

With all due respect, if you think that next year's class is "good", you must be a bit delusional, or just a seriously optimistic Hawk fan.
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

IOWA can NOT afford to maintain this disaster of a coach and his program. Each year with him and his mismanagement of this program has big cost in lost games, lost fans, lost revenue, and a deeper hole to dig out of to rebuild. IOWA needs to cut the line and start over. Its a MUST DO.
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

Significant? How about enormous or monumental?

i'd go with monumental.

why is it that the "nice guy" coaches often fail and the sleazy greasy coaches often succeed? obviously exceptions (see our f-ball coach).
sadly i like TL exponentially more than i did SA, but i'd rather win games when it comes down to it i guess. does that make me a bad person?
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

With all due respect, if you think that next year's class is "good", you must be a bit delusional, or just a seriously optimistic Hawk fan.

They are ranked in the top 25 in a couple of rankings. I think that qualifies as "good" and knowing what the record of this team is going to be this year I think it says a lot about how good the coaches did to get them here.
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

probably should get tom brands to run some practices and get these boys fired up

never know what he could do!
Re: ESPN: Five things this college basketball season has given us so far (Iowa is lis

when did Iowa fans become fair weather fans and not support there team.

we have kids out there working there butts off without any fan support.

We would be having a hayday if isu had empty seats during a season like this..our response would be "Hawk fans always fill the stadiums" sad..very sad

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