Ernie Johnson just called out Barkley about his Big 10 comments

Geez, Stormin'...are you ripping into CB because he ended a sentence with a preposition? Hey. "That is the kind of errant pendantry up with which I will not put." (Thanks, Winston Churchill)

stormin' is a very arrogant guy - a 'knowitall' guy based on his basketball posting on this website - shouldn't surprise you that he'd bash someone on their preposition usage - next thing you'll hear is that he takes credit for funk and wagnalls 'elements of style'.....
It's hard to get too mad at someone who has probably watched a total of 0 college basketball games before last Thursday. IF he had watched anything, it would have been the SEC. He's an NBA guy being thrown onto these broadcasts because people like him speaking his mind. What do you expect him to say about something (the Big Ten) that he hasn't seen and doesn't care about?
It's hard to get too mad at someone who has probably watched a total of 0 college basketball games before last Thursday. IF he had watched anything, it would have been the SEC. He's an NBA guy being thrown onto these broadcasts because people like him speaking his mind. What do you expect him to say about something (the Big Ten) that he hasn't seen and doesn't care about?

Maybe it's my age, but I can hardly understand what the hell he is saying anyway. The parts I do understand don't make any sense. He's basically a "made for TV" clown. I can't believe he doesn't have a reality show yet.
He used to call into the Rush Limbaugh show and pretend to be a conservative. Then he turns around and supports the most Liberal Presidential candidate in the history of our country. That's Charles.
He's an SEC guy period. I like him though. Where else would you hear some of the tell it like it is type of comments like.

Set up: A UNLV freshman thinking about going to the NBA
Barkley: "He needs to stop listening to his gold digging family and all the scumbag agents and stay in school."

Set up: The kid mascot from Colorado State wearing the mascot outfit for the past 15 years.
Barkley: "There is something wrong with that kids parents, they go after his parents cause there is something wrong with them." Or words to that effect.

You have to admit, he's pretty funny much of the time.
Geez, Stormin'...are you ripping into CB because he ended a sentence with a preposition? Hey. "That is the kind of errant pendantry up with which I will not put." (Thanks, Winston Churchill)


It reminded me of a quote from Blazing Saddles. :)
stormin' is a very arrogant guy - a 'knowitall' guy based on his basketball posting on this website - shouldn't surprise you that he'd bash someone on their preposition usage - next thing you'll hear is that he takes credit for funk and wagnalls 'elements of style'.....

Sorry you feel that way, I don't try to impose any sense of arrogance in life or on message boards.
It's hard to get too mad at someone who has probably watched a total of 0 college basketball games before last Thursday.

This is the problem with Chuck being at the desk for the NCAA games. He's just turrible, hasn't done any research other than a glance at the RPI, and is just trying to say something because he is supposed to. He's not turrible when it comes to the NBA because he actually pays attention to that. There's got to be somebody out there that they could get to help out during tourney time. Mebbe they could get Jalen Rose or Jim Jackson to come in. Imagine the drama if Michigan and MSU ended up playing each other or MSU and OSU.
stormin' is a very arrogant guy - a 'knowitall' guy based on his basketball posting on this website - shouldn't surprise you that he'd bash someone on their preposition usage - next thing you'll hear is that he takes credit for funk and wagnalls 'elements of style'.....

Then just make sure you never ask him about Red Lobster. You have been warned.
stormin' is a very arrogant guy - a 'knowitall' guy based on his basketball posting on this website - shouldn't surprise you that he'd bash someone on their preposition usage - next thing you'll hear is that he takes credit for funk and wagnalls 'elements of style'.....

Is this serious or a lame attempt to troll?
stormin' is a very arrogant guy - a 'knowitall' guy based on his basketball posting on this website - shouldn't surprise you that he'd bash someone on their preposition usage - next thing you'll hear is that he takes credit for funk and wagnalls 'elements of style'.....

Yeah, but it's pretty well accepted that ending a sentence with 'at' makes you look like an idiot. People that say, "where is it at?"... as opposed to, "where is it?" come across as uneducated. Charles Barkley can be example 1. And I don't think it's arrogant to say that.
stormin' is a very arrogant guy - a 'knowitall' guy based on his basketball posting on this website - shouldn't surprise you that he'd bash someone on their preposition usage - next thing you'll hear is that he takes credit for funk and wagnalls 'elements of style'.....

Strunk and White.

Barkley's awesome at NBA (thought I wouldn't say he's an NBA expert or genius, he at least has a clue as to what he's talking about.) Barkley clearly knows nothing about college basketball, which makes sense, he spends most of the year following the NBA then they throw him into the college game for a couple of weeks for no reason at all.
he had something to go on - what he says when asked is that 'i said the b10 had 4 good teams'......(the sweet 16 teams). i'd like to see if he actually said that, or if he is now saying he said that. convenient. he is also saying that he sticks by his guns that the b10 is not the best conference as there are a lot of 'good conferences' and goes to list the pac 10 and the mt west.

he is an sec guy so has a built in bias. that is fine. he is a color guy, and is good at adding color. the more he denies, the better off we are. it gets the rest of the crew (and assumably a large portion of the viewing audience) supporting the b10.

That's racist!
MN repped themselves well as an 11 seed, i thought. WI is the one who appeared to be a fallacy.

MN beat a falling-apart team who fired their coach. They then proceeded to fall apart themselves and fired their own coach. Pathetic. MN did take Iowa's spot in the Dance I am a firm believer in that.

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