Eric May's Line from the UNI Game


Justin VanLaere
24 minutes (4th most on team)
2 points
3 rebounds
7 assists (lead team)
0 turnovers
Played lights out, smart defense.

Did a lot of the little things in this one, was impressed to see him do that today, esp on the D end.
I agree completely. Its great to see. Hasn't been only this game either, he has been solid so far all year. Hope it continues.
24 minutes (4th most on team)
2 points
3 rebounds
7 assists (lead team)
0 turnovers
Played lights out, smart defense.

Did a lot of the little things in this one, was impressed to see him do that today, esp on the D end.

This is the kind of line that will never bother me. Obviously, I don't think he gets that many assists all the time. Here is the thing, May was not noticeable on offense today at all, meaning he was not a liability on that end today. The difference today was that the right people were taking and making shots. He passed well and played aggressive defense today. I have one of Eric's biggest critics because of his offense, but when the guys around him that should be making plays do, then he has a definite role and although I have been critical, I have always said there was a role for him, same with McCabe. Iowa needed players to play within themselves today when Woodbury and Clemmons got fouls and May/McCabe did that and were a big part of the win today.
Im shocked that he had 7 assists considering he almost always hesitates and lets the defense recover instead of just passing to the open man when hes open.

The assist to Gabe was nice though.
I think he was a little noticeable, in that a few times he stood out front with the ball in his hands and the offense was stagnant. But he was great defensively and it showed. So while he is a liability on offense he plays his arse off and was great on d, and I'll take that out of him any day.
May had about as good of a game as youll get from him. Id still prefer his minutes to be down but he played more because Clemmons struggled and give credit to Eric for stepping up when it counted.
Gabe will be May when he's a senior.

Casper cut Eric some slack, he has endured Lick ball, a back injury, and is still giving his team everything he has. Everybody knows he probably should have gone to a mid major but he accepts his role, plays hard, and gives this young team some veteran leadership.
I am a big fan of Eric May. I know he won't likely get a lot of minutes this year; he won't be a BT player of the week; he won't probably score a ton of points. He is, however, the classic college athlete who knows he won't make his living in the NBA, who plays for "dear ol' U of I", who accepts his role with humility. His greatest strength may be that he is viewed by his fellow players and coaches as a true leader by example. Before the year is over, he will have a couple of more games where he has a major role in a victory...just like he did against UNI. And, BTW, have you ever seen his girlfriend? Eat your hearts out, losers, right along with this old guy.
He played a solid game and we needed his leadership. He brought the ball upcourt and played very good D. His presence settled things down. His experience is worth a lot and it shows.......

Can't wait for another of his thunder slams. It will come......

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