Enemy Recon: My Thoughts on Arizona

Foles concerns me. He looked good against Iowa when they finally put him in last year. He looks like a typical good MSU QB(which is where he transferred from),like Cousins...and could shred our bend dont break approach for a lot of yards. That td pass he thru into the end zone could not be defended..by Toledo or Iowa.

Arizona might be favored by the time this game rolls around,and right so,with all the advantages out in the desert,in the heat,in the nite.
But wait....all the experts on here were mocking those of us who predicted an Arizona loss this year.
Your credibility just took a nose dive Jon. :)


I have said that is the swing game for the season. I never took anyone to task for picking that game as a loss..not at all
"Watching their offensive line I think we're gonna have our hands full as they are a veteran group"

Really? I think we'll have our hands full because they get rid of the ball so quickly not because of their offensive line. Toledo's DE, Johnson I think, was one of the few players on Toledo's defense that was consistently effective. Clayborn will be in the same position he was in by the way. I wasn't overly impressed with their offensive line. What should scare us is Foles and his RB's and receivers. Like Jon said, he gets rid of the ball quickly and into the hands of their athletes. If we aren't fundamentally sound on defense they have the ability to break a tackle and take it to the house.

I'll be the first to admit I wasn't as concerned about this game as a lot of people were. That has certainly changed after watching them last night. I understand Iowa's much more talented on defense than Toledo, but Arizona's offense is the Iowa D's kryptonite. If Foles stays poised we could be in for a looooooong night. In most games we can count on our
D-line to lead the defense to a victory. If Iowa wins this game it will be because of the LB's and DB's.
I hope iowa's defense is everything advertised, because after watching both AZ and ISU offenses, they will have to be good, and better then advertised. Our offense will need to be potent in both games. iowa will have to score a lot to win both games.

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