Email from ticket office


New Member
Here is the email that I got today from the ticket office.

"With the extremely high demand we received this year for season tickets, we unfortunately could not fill your entire order and will only be able to offer you two seven-game season tickets.

We have already made the adjustment to your account and if you would like to accept this offer of two tickets you do not need to do anything else."

I was a new season ticket applicant. My order request was for 4 tickets. I requested zone IV as my first choice. I don't know how I got 2 tickets because I didn't have any priority points going in.

Did anyone else get this email today?
I got the same e-mail...........I had requested 4 tickets as an new season ticket holder, so I guess when it's all said and done I'm not too disappointed in still getting 2 tickets. Better than the 2 game package that is being offered out as well.
My group requested 4 tickets too as new season ticket holders. The other couple donated $1k for a parking spot so I think we'll be safe. We haven't heard from them yet so no news is good it sounds like.

Unfortunately, this year with the demand, I think you gotta pay to play. Probably not the best year for new season ticket holders.
Same situation, requested 4 but got 2. I won't complain, at least I have 2 seats for every home game!
Same here. Requested 4, got 2. I'll take it though, that's better than only getting tickets to the Eastern Illinois/Mich State games.
I got the same EXACT email. I already have two with a friend, and had requested four in my own name. I will take the two over zero. So I now have four tickets to every game instead of six. No biggie. Better than some who are going to get shut out! I wonder if they will shut out anyone who requested just two? It seems as if they just cut our requests down to two. A friend of mine has never had them before and requested two without a donation. What do you think his odds are of getting them?
Did you have any priority points hawkeye?

Well, I don't know. I donated $50 back in 2006, but I am pretty sure there are no points there. And I was a season ticket holder (under my own name) from 2005-2007. In '08 I switched to a friend's name. I also had season tickets in 1999--2004 with a different friend. The reason I think I do not have any points is because I thought that once you let your season tickets lapse for over one year (mine was 2 years), you lose all of your previous points. Is that true? I thought I read it here, but that does not mean it is true.

Confusing, I know!
Same here. Requested 4, got 2. I'll take it though, that's better than only getting tickets to the Eastern Illinois/Mich State games.

That's weird. I received an email that said:

"Thank you for your patience. We've been able to move some people around (wink wink) and are happy to accomodate your request for an additional 6 tickets. Your order for 8 seats together has been filled.

On Iowa and Go Hawks!"
I had season tickets for 4 years and then took last year off for kids activities. I tried to purchase 4 again this year and was only granted 2. This was with a $600 donation per ticket....I was very surprised and disappointed, but I guess I'm paying for my mistake of not purchasing them last year. I just thought I'd have enough priority points and donation level to secure 4 seats.

I'm curious to see how they will handle the season tickets when people decide not to purchase 2 tickets if they wanted 4. I wonder who will be granted the opportunity at the other 2? I would say it's very questionable on whether we'll take the 2 or not.
I had season tickets for 4 years and then took last year off for kids activities. I tried to purchase 4 again this year and was only granted 2. This was with a $600 donation per ticket....I was very surprised and disappointed, but I guess I'm paying for my mistake of not purchasing them last year. I just thought I'd have enough priority points and donation level to secure 4 seats.

I'm curious to see how they will handle the season tickets when people decide not to purchase 2 tickets if they wanted 4. I wonder who will be granted the opportunity at the other 2? I would say it's very questionable on whether we'll take the 2 or not.

So wait, you got the same treatment as me, but you donated $600 a ticket and I donated nothing? That is crazy!
I still haven't received anything from the ticket office and at this point, I'm considering that to be a good thing. I'm one of those idiots that has been a season ticket holder for 7 years under a friends name and I chose this year to start racking up points under my own name. I will have the 10 points for being an alumnus, but I'm not sure if that's going to get me my 4-seat order. Maybe the fact that I requested seats in the north endzone as my first choice will help. I'll happily take the 2-seat offer if they send me that response.

Does anyone know why they are sending these out at different times? It would seem that they should be able to send out all offers at the same time, rather than all over the place. Perhaps they are trying to gauge the interest in the 2 ticket offer before rolling it out to all new requesters.
I still haven't received anything from the ticket office and at this point, I'm considering that to be a good thing. I'm one of those idiots that has been a season ticket holder for 7 years under a friends name and I chose this year to start racking up points under my own name. I will have the 10 points for being an alumnus, but I'm not sure if that's going to get me my 4-seat order. Maybe the fact that I requested seats in the north endzone as my first choice will help. I'll happily take the 2-seat offer if they send me that response.

Does anyone know why they are sending these out at different times? It would seem that they should be able to send out all offers at the same time, rather than all over the place. Perhaps they are trying to gauge the interest in the 2 ticket offer before rolling it out to all new requesters.

I also have not heard anything from the ticket office and I feel that is a GOOD thing.

I am a first time season ticket applicant and have 10 points. I asked for 2 season tickets. I am beginning to think that the ticket office PLAN is to send out emails by groups.

First to 2009 season ticket holders requesting additional tickets - telling them sorry charlie.

Next to new ticket applicants, that for what ever reason, were not going to get any season tickets - offering them the 2 game package.

Next to new ticket applicants that asked for more than 2 tickets - offering them just 2 season tickets.

I am hoping that those of us that have not heard ANYTHING as yet will be hearing next week that we got the 2 tickets we requested.

I think the point system will be used primarily within these groups to give priority to ticket location requests but not so much to determine who gets any tickets vs who gets no tickets.

It does seem that those being contacted by the ticket office earlier this week got bad news and those getting contacted later in the week were hearing better news.
Harpo- Keep us posted on how you fair.
Unfortunately, I got the 2 game offer today. I hope you get the tickets, and I'm not trying to get your hopes down, but I have more points than you do, and still got the 2 game, but on the flip side, I know people who asked for 4, have 10 points and were offered 2. I'm not very happy about that either. I have 13 points and got 2 games... they could have at least offered a single. If I would have requested 4, I pry would have been offered 2. Seems shady. I'm done donating for a while.
I would guess that if you haven't heard anything, it is because the U of I is seeing how many that were offered less than they asked decide to decline season tickets. Once they determine that number, then I would imagine they would start moving down the list. I hope for your sake that is not the case, but that would be my guess.
I have heard reports of persons with 10 points or more being offered the 2 game package while persons with fewer or even no points being offered full season ticket packages, although fewer tickets than than requested. This seems to make no sense but the U of I must have some sort of a plan. It is for this reason that I think the ticket office is not using the point system to make these decisions.

If they did use the point system, current season ticket holders would most likely have more points and therefore, get their additional tickets. Also, no one with 13 points would be assigned the 2 game package but this happened to 03bizHawk.

In the original PR, Pam Finke stated the majority of current season ticket holders would not have their requests for additional tickets met and we are hearing of persons with points getting the 2 game offer, while persons claiming no points, getting 2 season tickets.

Before the window for season tickets opened, I called the ticket office and asked if getting the tickets in ASAP would help, the answer was NO. No priority was given to getting the tickets in early versus later. Just make certain to get it in during the open window.

I also asked if making a donation would help. Again the answer was NO. They even said not to this as it would be better to give a donation after being contacted by the ticket office. However, all of this was before the number of requests for season tickets overwhelmed the process.

I think the U of I decided to forgo the point system. They decided to get tickets to as many fans as possible, but limit the number of tickets to two so more new fans would get tickets. They also may have used the date of the request as a criteria or whether a donation was made, who knows. I think that the U of I must have ID'ed SOME criteria that they are using as decision factors.

The idea that asking for 4 or more tickets gets you 2 season tickets and asking for 2 season tickets gets you a 2 game package makes no sense to me and I sure hope the U of I is not doing this. I hope that there is some other logical criteria involved.

I sure feel for those that have gotten the 2 game package offer. I wonder if anyone else has an idea of why some are getting offered 2 games vs 2 season tickets.
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I think I've got 12 or 13 priority points. This was first time requesting season tickets. I requested two and haven't received an email at this point. I don't know what to expect. It certainly seems like point system isn't being followed completely from what you guys are saying. A kid at the ticket office told me they put a lot of weight into how you describe where you want your ticket on your application.