Just got this email a couple minutes ago...
Not terribly surprised.
Well, I bet they figure out really fast that the app is where the money is at.
First off people are busy. Many including myself can't take time to sit down and watch more than a game a week.
Now if I drive to a casino to go to a live sports book, I really can't sit there and watch the game if I plan on drinking (which most people do when watching a game) then turn around and drive home. Even the scent of alcohol and the police will breath test you.
Plus how many casinos serve game day foods?
I'm telling you straight up the app is the $maker.
Yeah you can get 500 old ladies to drop $100-$300 in a night out of their monthly check, but the guy who's busy, busy farming or working, has more $ to bet and less time to do it.
Now, personally, IF I decide to bet before the app gets done, I will have to drive an hr or a little more.
I'll walk in make the bet and leave.
But I doubt I will do that.
It's looking like we have to make a trip to the south west in the near future so we are probably going to hit Vegas then as well.
The thing about betting or gambling is people do it when they have time and want to. That's why the app will be the $ maker.
But anyone who bets on sports knows it's like the stock market. You have certain days or times that you think the numbers are right for you. So again having time and being able to do it when you want.
The dropping of the ball on the app is big.
Especially when they knew the date to go live.
That's like having a grand opening of a restaurant, but not having one single food item delivered.