Eli Carter and Stokes


Well-Known Member
A poster on Halo is stating that Iowa never offered stokes and we stopped recruiting Eli Carter a while ago.
This spring recruiting season is wacked out. Van Coleman stated on 4/14 that Stokes was down to Iowa and another school. I don't even think the kid has visited. He said the Hawks were after Ty Nurse who then committed to Texas Tech the next day. And Eli Carter? Who freaking knows with that dude! I heard a Hawk fan got into it with him on Twitter about whether he actually had an offer and the fan ended up apologizing.

Glover's visiting this weekend, right? Is Ben Dillard going to end up walking on or maybe even getting a schollie?

Katenda? Gone. Olaseni? Gotta think gone.

Hubbard? I think he's visiting Nebby this weekend.

This is flat out crazy. I really don't think anyone knows what the heck is going on except for Fran and Company . . . as well it should be. I'd like to hear about a commit in the next day or so, though.
"Olaseni? Gotta think gone."

I don't think Oklahoma has offered.

Basically Stokes was being looked at by Iowa, but Iowa backed away due to his size. I don't know why Iowa stopped recruiting Carter, maybe they felt he was jerking them around.
It would be nice to get a big.

Stratter, does Olaseni have 4 years of eligibility?
Considering that the latest "breaking" news about Carter has only been verified by a single twitter post I'm not sure of the reliability of it.
The recruiting process is fun to follow but a bit frustrating when the latest tweets and message board rumors cause such a roller coaster ride. Who knows someone could tweet today that Eli Carter is set to visit Iowa next week and all of a sudden he is the messiah of Iowa basketball again.
I could be wrong but I have not seen a single report from a reliable news source that backs up this latest and greatest "inside information".
Out of curiosity, I checked out Eli Carter's Twitter profile and for what it is worth (which is probably nothing) he follows Hawkeye Insider and Coach Francis. Coach Francis also follows him. There was not a single coach or organization that he follows from another college.
Does this mean that we are still actively recruiting him or even have a chance with him? I don't know but neither does anyone else besides Eli Carter and the Hawkeye coaching staff.
Looking back through his tweets we are also the only fan base that seems to tweet him. Seems like the passionate Hawkeye Nation seems to be a want to be a part of the recruiting process and actively participate instead of just trusting our staff and letting it play out. I see nothing good coming from a fan contacting a recruit directly.
I hear you, but it is the Internet age. It will be interesting to see if the NCAA looks into SNS contact as booster or coach contacts.
Check the databases---neither Stokes nor Carter has an Iowa offer, and it would appear that neither is likely to get one. Fran has moved on.
Carter does have an offer.

So Tom Kakert reports it then immediately it goes up on Twitter.
Here is the tweet:

Apparently Iowa is no longer recruiting @EliCart3r. Focus seems to be on Glover. Hopeful for Glover, Hubbard and Olaseni.

From there it goes to a message board. Then it becomes fact. Then on Halo the same poster is predicting that Hawk fans will all of a sudden start sending Eli a bunch of negative tweets.

This is unreal. I'm sure Tom is just doing his job and who knows it may be true. But putting it on Twitter causes a firestorm, especially when it seems it is purely speculation. That same poster had tweeted Eli directly a week before, asking him if he is still considering Iowa.
I'm sure Eli will share his thoughts with this random Iowa fan. Yeah right.
Then the same person just tweeted Rob Howe within the hour asking him if the rumors about us being off Eli are true.
Wait a minute, we are now double checking - after its been posted in Twitter world for the whole internet to see, including the recruit himself
Its just reckless and irresponsible use of the internet. Step back, relax, and let the coaches do what they are paid to do.
It is fun to speculate on here about recruits but it should end there. Speculation. Contacting a recruit is way out of bounds, reckless and could very well damage what the coaches are trying to accomplish.
The speculation by this board and others during the spring season has been pure comedy!

Iowa no longer recruiting Carter because he was never interested in coming here
Dude, someone was asking if a reputable source had reported it or something along those lines. What I was putting out is that yes, a known source or at least one that has some connections checked on it and he reported what he was told. Not saying its 100% fact but I think most would agree that Kakert probably has some decent source on this. Again, not saying its a 100% certain.
Thats cool. All I am saying is keep it on the message boards with all the other endless speculation where it belongs and for crying out loud, don't try to create a one on one relationship with a recruit.
That is inserting yourself into the process and that is not where fans belong. We are outsiders looking in - hoping, praying for good news but not trying to create it ourselves.
As far as whether Eli ever was coming here, still is coming here or sleeps in Herkey boxer shorts, none of us have any idea and if someone claims otherwise, its delusional at best.
I'm sure he is playing a wait and see game. If I was a recruit and had a sniff from a program like Pitt I would do the same.
Fair enough 1111, I think that Eli has put himself out there though with the Hawkeye postings etc. I certainly don't begrudge the kid for having fun with the process, it's what he should do. He only gets to go through it once and from what I can tell he seems to be a likeable kid. Some people though take what's out on twitter as life and death. It's social networking, that's all, it should be taken with a grain of salt either way.
As a matter of fact, Eli loves his boxers.....

"Olaseni? Gotta think gone."

I don't think Oklahoma has offered.

Basically Stokes was being looked at by Iowa, but Iowa backed away due to his size. I don't know why Iowa stopped recruiting Carter, maybe they felt he was jerking them around.
I don't doubt your opinion, but, Iowa knew how big he was when they started recruiting him. How do they later back away because he is too small? Was he wearing lifts when they first met him?

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