Dwight Reflects on DJK

Well, lets look at some other points/facts that would have made a difference in the record books. DJK redshirted and TD didnt. Couldnt keep that much talent off the field as a true freshman. Had D. Douglas, A Bowman and J. Cleavland stayed out of trouble and A Brodell stayed healthy, DJK would not have broken this record. Not even close. IMO DJKs numbers were the benefit of the next man in concept. Has he been a great Hawkeye, you bet. Did he earn those stats, yup. Is he a better or more dangerous football player than TD...IMO, no.
I lived in the Iowa City the time TD was in high school and college and the guy was like a rock star......Which was good and bad, I'm sure it was like a living in a fishbowl at times, the rumors and stuff. If I went through what he went through at that age I would've been arrogant, probably been a little bit of a *****.

I guess a little arrogance never really bothered me, especially when I don't know someone. I've heard from a couple of people that Jon is arrogant, I wouldn't know I never met the dude......Is what it is i guess.

I don't have problem with the article.....he is like everyone else just moving on with his life, not living in the past.
Well, lets look at some other points/facts that would have made a difference in the record books. DJK redshirted and TD didnt. Couldnt keep that much talent off the field as a true freshman. Had D. Douglas, A Bowman and J. Cleavland stayed out of trouble and A Brodell stayed healthy, DJK would not have broken this record. Not even close. IMO DJKs numbers were the benefit of the next man in concept. Has he been a great Hawkeye, you bet. Did he earn those stats, yup. Is he a better or more dangerous football player than TD...IMO, no.

TD overall was better football player.......but as strictly a wide receiver DJK given the same point in each careers, DJK is much more polished receiver.
tim dwight is a different cat off the field. hes just a little odd.

his record was broken because it really wasnt that impressive of a record. we just havent had a lot of stud WR's here.
wow I didnt get the negative vibe at all. He is 13 years out of college and played in the NFL for a decade. He has moved on from his college glory years and he is still a supporter of the Hawkeyes.


In addition, TD played for Hayden, and has zero ties to any of the current coaches. If he didn't like the U of I, I seriously doubt he'd live in Iowa City part of the year. His parents don't live there anymore, so it's not like he's coming back to see them.

TD is promoting renewable energy and focusing on his real estate investments now that his football days are done. Believe me, TD is still a big time supporter of the Hawkeyes.

If you thought he came off bad in this article, then you're definitely taking it the wrong way.
I lived in the Iowa City the time TD was in high school and college and the guy was like a rock star......Which was good and bad, I'm sure it was like a living in a fishbowl at times,

This. I'm sure the reality of TD is reflected in this thread - both the good and the bad. He's human and none of us can come close to understanding the fishbowl like existence he lived in until he left for the NFL.

I remember reading an article years ago that interviewed TD when he got to Atlanta and he talked about how he loved the anonymity. He drove some beat up pickup truck and told people he worked in construction :)
Saying he's moved on doesn't mean that he's cast the university aside. That can easily mean he's just trying to not live in the past. Doesn't mean that he turns up his nose, it just means that he doesn't continue to let his career here define him.

It's not any different than me saying I've moved on from high school sports (it's not true, but it's the same principle).

Perhaps I'm misjudging the statement, but that's a possible explanation.

Sounds like Couples Retreat

Vince Vaughn : "No one wants to sit at Applebees with you and hear old stories about how you rocked in High School"

John Favreau : "I did rock in High School..... Want to compare tape"

Thats Awesome!
Didn't sound bitter at all in my opinion. I was expecting something different because of the post. I liked the way he complimented McNutt and DJK.
I like what Timmy D did on the field, but have to say he's a real a-hole off it.

My story: A couple years back I was at Brothers with a friend. We both went to City High, so we thought it was especially cool to see TD standing right by us.

My buddy says, “Hey Tim Dwight”

Tim, “Hey D-bag”

Arrogant *****.

With that said I don’t know how many other people were coming up to him, and maybe he was just getting sick of it. I get that. However, when I saw Gallery downtown just a year back he was nothing but humble, and appreciative of the Hawkeye fans. We even had a couple drinks, and talked Hawks.

I hate how the best talent to come out of City High is an ungrateful ******.
I've heard bad stuff about Tim off the field as well but my experience meeting him was totally the opposite.

When I was in college in 2004, during the height of his NFL career, I bumped into him at a bar downtown and he was really cool and not a ***** at all. I got a picture with him and he didn't seem to think it was an inconvenience.
I will agree that parts of the article came off as TD being a bit bitter about losing his record. At the same time, he seemed to sincerely believe that if DJK and McNutt kept their heads down and in the game, they could have good careers at the next level.

The total dichotomies in character presented in this thread really show that nobody knows who this guy really is. Was he having a bad day? Or is he always like that and the people who had good experiences caught him on a good day? Who knows? I've never met the guy so I certainly won't judge. And unless somebody knows Dwight personally and has spent or currently spends a lot of time with him, I'll just take the anecdotal evidence with a grain of salt, if you don't mind.
I will always wonder what would have happened if Hayden had played TD at Halfback or as an option QB. He never got enought touches at Iowa and I thought he was underutilized. I really think it was very poor coaching by Hayden, who was losing his edge by that time.

Could you have imagined a backfield in 1996 of Cedric Shaw at fullback, Tavian Banks at halfback and TD as an option QB? It would have been unbelievable.
I will always wonder what would have happened if Hayden had played TD at Halfback or as an option QB. He never got enought touches at Iowa and I thought he was underutilized. I really think it was very poor coaching by Hayden, who was losing his edge by that time.

I've always felt the same way about the bolded part...definitely coulda/shoulda been used more. I don't know much of his background in the option, but I wish we would have found more ways to get him the ball.

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