Dump the Des Moines Register!!!

My buddy's daughter played soccer at Michigan. He calculated that it probably cost him more to travel for AAU from the time she was 12 than he saved on the scholarship because they had to fly to Texas, Florida and California something like 20 weekends a year. Plus pay for hotels and rental cars. Said all in each trip was about $2k because a bunch of them are organized at facilities where they fleece you on the hotel for local "economic development" or some crap.

ugh...my daughters are 1 and 3. Better take a screenshot of my bank accounts now while there's still money in there.
My buddy's daughter played soccer at Michigan. He calculated that it probably cost him more to travel for AAU from the time she was 12 than he saved on the scholarship because they had to fly to Texas, Florida and California something like 20 weekends a year. Plus pay for hotels and rental cars. Said all in each trip was about $2k because a bunch of them are organized at facilities where they fleece you on the hotel for local "economic development" or some crap.
No one will believe this, but I'm actually glad I can't afford AAU for my kid.

The amount of money I see parent's blow trying to relive and compensate for their own failed childhoods by running their kids through the AAU and USSSA ringers is mind-blowing.

For you AAU/USSSA parents out there, your kid is not as good as you think he/she is, and becoming part of that culture makes you a worse person.

I know you don't want to hear that let alone accept it and I'm sure most of you are really good people, but it's unequivocally true for all amateur youth sports groupies (i.e. parents). If you're offended I'm sorry, but I won't retract it. You're driving your kid to some degree for your own fulfillment (some more, some less) and even if it's unconscious that part of it is still there. Think about that the next time you get your son or daughter out of bed at 3AM to drive to the airport or get in your Suburban to go yell at children because they missed a ball or shot that you yourself couldn't make given ten chances. Think about it when your player complains about losing every weekend and you swipe your card at the Comfort Inn for $475. I've seen it from the team side and the parent side for years and I have more than enough time in it to make that conclusion.

Are you doing this because your child needs it somehow, or because some part of you wants to try and live through your kid and keep up with the Jonses down the street? Be brutally honest with yourself (no one is watching), and I bet if you really are honest the answer might upset you.
No one will believe this, but I'm actually glad I can't afford AAU for my kid.

The amount of money I see parent's blow trying to relive and compensate for their own failed childhoods by running their kids through the AAU and USSSA ringers is mind-blowing.

For you AAU/USSSA parents out there, your kid is not as good as you think he/she is, and becoming part of that culture makes you a worse person.

I know you don't want to hear that let alone accept it and I'm sure most of you are really good people, but it's unequivocally true for all amateur youth sports groupies (i.e. parents). If you're offended I'm sorry, but I won't retract it. You're driving your kid to some degree for your own fulfillment (some more, some less) and even if it's unconscious that part of it is still there. Think about that the next time you get your son or daughter out of bed at 3AM to drive to the airport or get in your Suburban to go yell at children because they missed a ball or shot that you yourself couldn't make given ten chances. Think about it when your player complains about losing every weekend and you swipe your card at the Comfort Inn for $475. I've seen it from the team side and the parent side for years and I have more than enough time in it to make that conclusion.

Are you doing this because your child needs it somehow, or because some part of you wants to try and live through your kid and keep up with the Jonses down the street? Be brutally honest with yourself (no one is watching), and I bet if you really are honest the answer might upset you.

If you have a boy, the odds of him ever receiving anything of material pecuniary worth from sports are extremely low. But if you have a girl and she is really good at soccer or softball, there is a chance (albeit not great) that the AAU circuit will yield some results in the form of a scholarship. But as I noted above, the surefire bet is to take that $200k+ you will blow on years of AAU (they fleece it bit by bit so you don't notice at the time) and park it in a 529 account.
It's not a high moral perch, they have to protect their brand in this culture of outrage.
We're talking about Busch Beer, right? Are they selling a lot of Busch Beer in San Francisco, NYC, DC, the north shore of Chicago and other like-minded havens of moral superiority?
On topic:
This is bad for the Register. I feel sorry for the reporter. I feel sorry for Carson. I'm sure neither are fundamentally bad people. And both of them are tarnished by the Register's decision to try to compete with 4chan.

Off topic:
Lacrosse > baseball any day of the week.
Games are on a clock and aren't decided by which catcher lucked into not dropping more third strikes.
On average, the parents are better because they do not understand the game. Which, sometimes makes them worse. But on average, they are less likely to scream at officials. Less likely to run over to the bench after every at-bat and tell their kids how they should have approached that at bat.

It's the only sport that none of my kids complained about partway into the season. In almost every interview of top players and collegiate players, the overwhelming common reason they fell in love with lacrosse is that they got to play the sport just for themselves, because their parents often didn't want them to play (because they knew nothing about it) and when they did start playing, the parents just dropped them off at practice and left. And at games cheered when good things happened, and had no idea what was going on when something "bad" happened.

And I have a kid who's good enough to save me a bundle on college if he wanted to through lacrosse. But, he's too worried about being a student athlete and shortchanging his education. I can't complain, even if it costs me more.
We're talking about Busch Beer, right? Are they selling a lot of Busch Beer in San Francisco, NYC, DC, the north shore of Chicago and other like-minded havens of moral superiority?

That's exactly my point way above. Busch only sells in volume in the Midwest and South. Which is why they do stuff like Busch Latte in Iowa and sponsor Kevin Harvick in NASCAR. There is a very specific demographic buying Busch Light.
No one will believe this, but I'm actually glad I can't afford AAU for my kid.

The amount of money I see parent's blow trying to relive and compensate for their own failed childhoods by running their kids through the AAU and USSSA ringers is mind-blowing.

For you AAU/USSSA parents out there, your kid is not as good as you think he/she is, and becoming part of that culture makes you a worse person.

I know you don't want to hear that let alone accept it and I'm sure most of you are really good people, but it's unequivocally true for all amateur youth sports groupies (i.e. parents). If you're offended I'm sorry, but I won't retract it. You're driving your kid to some degree for your own fulfillment (some more, some less) and even if it's unconscious that part of it is still there. Think about that the next time you get your son or daughter out of bed at 3AM to drive to the airport or get in your Suburban to go yell at children because they missed a ball or shot that you yourself couldn't make given ten chances. Think about it when your player complains about losing every weekend and you swipe your card at the Comfort Inn for $475. I've seen it from the team side and the parent side for years and I have more than enough time in it to make that conclusion.

Are you doing this because your child needs it somehow, or because some part of you wants to try and live through your kid and keep up with the Jonses down the street? Be brutally honest with yourself (no one is watching), and I bet if you really are honest the answer might upset you.

I know what you're saying but I don't think its a fair blanket statement to make. If my kids participate in these kind of leagues (AAU, etc) it wouldnt be for a scholarship or for me to re-live my glory days thru them. It would be because it keeps them active, keeps them social, keeps them out of trouble, keeps them competitive, and surrounds them with kids their age who are also staying active and (hopefully) out of trouble.
We're talking about Busch Beer, right? Are they selling a lot of Busch Beer in San Francisco, NYC, DC, the north shore of Chicago and other like-minded havens of moral superiority?

Fair point, but as a product manager you take no chances. If the brand suffers...your job is on the line.

If I read things right, they didn't condemn CK, they just said we're gonna follow through with our previous commitment and that's it. The buzz would likely have faded in a few weeks anyway. People have short attention spans.
Back in the day it was referred to as "traveling teams". My kids have been out of athletics for 10-14 years. I coached baseball and basketball with these same kids, and parents were never an issue. Not like nowadays. I agree with Fry, your kids are not that good, so quit acting like they are. And keep your fucking nose out of FB or Twitter, and watch your kids and those other teammates. Cheer everyone and wish them good luck. Is AAU for you? Or, for your kid?

I also agree with Mopkins, if your son or daughter is doing it to remain in a social atmosphere with their peers, great. By staying active is what we should all preach to our kids, even us as adults, but I like my Busch Light too much ;)
I'm reminded of when the pharisees brought the woman to Jesus ... it was only motivated by malace...they cared nothing for her or the other person (it takes 2).
Fair point, but as a product manager you take no chances. If the brand suffers...your job is on the line.

If I read things right, they didn't condemn CK, they just said we're gonna follow through with our previous commitment and that's it. The buzz would likely have faded in a few weeks anyway. People have short attention spans.
They missed a much larger opportunity to present the maturation of ideas and beliefs of a young man, as a teaching moment for others.
And to think the Register is doubling their subscription rate, starting October 1. I guess to help pay for top notch reporters like this.
This will be my next fascination in watching this unfold. The Busch Light angle.
I am currently sitting about 3 miles from the US headquarters of ABInbev. Had no idea they even still made Busch Light. I knew that Busch still existed. I've had one in about 5 years.

Even better though, I could probably throw a rock and hit the building where Hawkeye Vodka is made.
Ive been saying it for years but somewhere out in America right now is the 10-25 year old future president of the USA who has been on social media since they were 14 posting who knows what.

Already Trudeau and Beto are getting blasted for blackface from their younger days. Can't wait to see what videos, posts and pictures future politicians already have floating out there as teenagers just waiting to be dug up in 20 years

Can you imagine what Trump or bill Clinton would've posted on Twitter back in the 80s? I can't even imagine. Well actually I can easily imagine but you get the point

Uh, media is giving lip-service to Trudeau and Beto doing "brown face". They're just methodically digging for ANY indication that Pres. Trump, and the 26 degrees thereto, did it so the REAL crucifixion can begin.

As long as you're a Left-y, you're free to roam about the internet.
Liestikow and Emmert have gone dark on twitter, lol.

If they're smart they're mass mailing resumes out. Chadster has been doing vids pleading for people to pay for his HR stuff because if they don't it'll go under, well...sure as hell nobody's gonna pay for that stuff now.
Uh, media is giving lip-service to Trudeau and Beto doing "brown face". They're just methodically digging for ANY indication that Pres. Trump, and the 26 degrees thereto, did it so the REAL crucifixion can begin.

As long as you're a Left-y, you're free to roam about the internet.
GTFO with your politics. We'd all rather see ten unwashed assholes than hear hear your opinions on Trump or Trudeau.

These boards exist so we don't have to listen to assholes talk about politics or religion.
Uh, media is giving lip-service to Trudeau and Beto doing "brown face". They're just methodically digging for ANY indication that Pres. Trump, and the 26 degrees thereto, did it so the REAL crucifixion can begin.

As long as you're a Left-y, you're free to roam about the internet.

That wasn't my point at all. My point was that everyone in this forums (as well as public figures and politicians) said and did really stupid things when they were kids but there's no evidence of it because social media and cell phone cameras didn't exist. I don't care about your political views.
GTFO with your politics. We'd all rather see ten unwashed assholes than hear hear your opinions on Trump or Trudeau.

These boards exist so we don't have to listen to assholes talk about politics or religion.
Speak for yourself. A bridge too far. I'll suffer through politics before that. :)
Liestikow and Emmert have gone dark on twitter, lol.

If they're smart they're mass mailing resumes out. Chadster has been doing vids pleading for people to pay for his HR stuff because if they don't it'll go under, well...sure as hell nobody's gonna pay for that stuff now.

I noticed this too. Im sure the DMR sent out a warning not to post anything.

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