Dump the Des Moines Register!!!

Social media is a cancer. Plain and simple. It started off as a great idea to connect friends and has morphed into some sort of sick beast that needs to die a painful death.

Occasionally Ill get these "this day in history" alerts on Facebook from shit I posted back in my younger days that would get anyone fired from their job if they were taken out of context...which they absolutely would be.

I remember one time I made a joke about Riley Cooper dropping the N bomb at a country music concert and it got 60 likes at the time and yet today it would get me killed.
I’m giving the dude more money now just as a middle finger to the Register.

This is isn’t the first hit piece the DMR has run lately. It’s not journalism. Newspapers are hanging on by their fingernails these days and they’ll run with anything if they think it will get a click or sell a paper. The DMR is a shell of its former self. It should be put out of its misery before it inflicts more on others, albeit to an ever dwindling audience.

The DMR has been owned by non-local entities like USA Today and whoever owns USA Today for what 20+ years or more. I dumped the DMR many, many years ago after they started purging their best reporters to try to make more $$$$ instead of get really good news in their paper.

My wife looks at the paper online free through the Library I believe and it is not a very thick paper anymore. When I have looked through it recently at let's say a doctor's office or some place it is amazing how gutted the paper is. Yes the loss of the Big Peach was terrible but there hasnt been a very in-depth metro or statewide reporting presence for years.

And this current report seems very cheap on the part of an editor to let go into print.
Social media is a cancer. Plain and simple. It started off as a great idea to connect friends and has morphed into some sort of sick beast that needs to die a painful death.

Occasionally Ill get these "this day in history" alerts on Facebook from shit I posted back in my younger days that would get anyone fired from their job if they were taken out of context...which they absolutely would be.

I remember one time I made a joke about Riley Cooper dropping the N bomb at a country music concert and it got 60 likes at the time and yet today it would get me killed.
The worst part is that it's expected that you have it and use it.

The first year I started coaching 8u I had a helicopter parent lady--real in-your-face type A bitch--contact me after I sent out the email introducing myself, asking me what the Facebook group was that I started for the team. Said "I'm sorry, I don't use Facebook," and she went OFF about how she'd never had any of her kids play on a team without a Facebook group for the "mom's" (her quote, not mine), and how she's so busy that there's no way she can check emails all the time, and "how else are we supposed to share pictures with other "moms," blah blah blah.

It continued all the way up through 12u and by the 2nd year I just ignored it. The worst part is that her kid was the absolute nicest, quietest, hard working kid you could ever want to meet. Awesome teammate too, I shit you not at first the kid called me sir and I had a hard time getting him to quit that. His mom made him late a handful of times, and I guarantee you she did it on purpose to prove some kind of point because I heard she bitched to parents that she missed emails, etc.

Look out in the bleachers during a game when her son's at bat...guess what this C is doing? Nose in her phone doing the Facebook thumb shuffle.
Guy who has a kid in my kid's Sunday school class teaches AP something or other down here. He said the school runs a social media scrub day in the last week of school for the seniors where they recommend kids either delete accounts and start fresh while they can still go around and get all their friends signed up or they purge everything on an account and give kids school time to do it. Seems like every school should do that for every grade at the end of every school year.

That's a great idea and should be mandatory.
That's a great idea and should be mandatory.

And I want to go on record as saying that for all of the shit I give KF, his no twitter policy is the absolute best idea he's ever had. The only thing I'd add to it is that players be in their dorms by 9:30 every night.

Brands has a curfew and doesn't allow his wrestlers downtown, and it works.
I dumped the DMR many, many years ago after they started purging their best reporters to try to make more $$$$ instead of get really good news in their paper.

Not to defend Gannet here, but they are in an existential crisis, not out there trying to puff up earnings. The industry is dying. I used to carry the Register in the late '80's, early '90's. I had 103 houses on my route and my daily numbers were about 85 and Sunday was about 95. My guess is that if you went to that same neighborhood today, you'd be lucky to have 20 who still subscribe. Part of it is probably managerial incompetence, but I think that is only maybe 10% of what has crushed the industry. The rest is the internet.
The best thing about not having social media isn’t not having to deal with Facebook drama, Instagram influencers, or twitter social justice mobs, it’s not having to worry that anyone will dig up some off color joke you’ve long-forgotten you ever made.


Here's the thing, though.

What if Carson's Venmo hadn't completely blown up like it did? What if the hospital donation only made it to, say, $20k (maybe no DMR story, but maybe it's still enough to generate one)?

He likely wouldn't have had as many defenders. Likely would have had at least some, if not most, of the mob after him now.

But, all the same arguments could still be made by reasonable people. Long time ago. He was a kid. A couple tweets is a pretty small sample size with which to judge somebody's character...

Hopefully some of the mob learns from this. I doubt it, but....
It's so ironic that a beer company is sitting on such a high moral perch.
It's a game they have to play; there's no moral anything here...

Busch saw the tweets come out and there is an A or B choice to be made.

A. Cut ties with CK because we fear what the Twitter mob will do to us if we "support racism."

B. Stay the course and issue a statement of disappointment but still support CK because we fear what the Twitter mob will do to us if we don't.

You can't blame them for either choice really. It's like a life or death flowchart (in a marketing sense) that they have no idea how it will go. They chose wrong, but they had no idea if they were choosing wrong until they did it.

Here's the thing, though.

What if Carson's Venmo hadn't completely blown up like it did? What if the hospital donation only made it to, say, $20k (maybe no DMR story, but maybe it's still enough to generate one)?

He likely wouldn't have had as many defenders. Likely would have had at least some, if not most, of the mob after him now.

But, all the same arguments could still be made by reasonable people. Long time ago. He was a kid. A couple tweets is a pretty small sample size with which to judge somebody's character...

Hopefully some of the mob learns from this. I doubt it, but....
In either scenraio the best choice is still to not participate in social media (at least on an individual level).

If you said to me, "Fryowa, we will donate $1.5 million to a children's charity, but in order to do it we have to run your name through the mud on social media, cause you a ridiculous amount of public embarrassment, you will forever be known as the racist beer guy, and some day a few piece of shit 4th graders will bully and tease your kids for their dad being a racist," well...they can F the hell off. I don't care if it's good for some sick kids or not. My life and privacy is worth more than that to me.
The worst part is that it's expected that you have it and use it.

The first year I started coaching 8u I had a helicopter parent lady--real in-your-face type A bitch--contact me after I sent out the email introducing myself, asking me what the Facebook group was that I started for the team. Said "I'm sorry, I don't use Facebook," and she went OFF about how she'd never had any of her kids play on a team without a Facebook group for the "mom's" (her quote, not mine), and how she's so busy that there's no way she can check emails all the time, and "how else are we supposed to share pictures with other "moms," blah blah blah.

It continued all the way up through 12u and by the 2nd year I just ignored it. The worst part is that her kid was the absolute nicest, quietest, hard working kid you could ever want to meet. Awesome teammate too, I shit you not at first the kid called me sir and I had a hard time getting him to quit that. His mom made him late a handful of times, and I guarantee you she did it on purpose to prove some kind of point because I heard she bitched to parents that she missed emails, etc.

Look out in the bleachers during a game when her son's at bat...guess what this C is doing? Nose in her phone doing the Facebook thumb shuffle.
Then we wonder why so many high school coaches resign. It's a huge time commitment to begin with. Then you add the aggravation of dealing with drama queen athletes, doctors and trainers, officials, school administration, the WIAA (or your state's equivalent), the coach on the other sideline, and then overbearing parents on top of it! I was talking to a girls varsity basketball head coach a while ago and I told him that I don't know how any of you do it.

I have seen mothers of players go right down to the rope separating the players sidelines from the football bleachers and rail on the coaches, right in the middle of the game, to play her son more often.
Ive been saying it for years but somewhere out in America right now is the 10-25 year old future president of the USA who has been on social media since they were 14 posting who knows what.

Already Trudeau and Beto are getting blasted for blackface from their younger days. Can't wait to see what videos, posts and pictures future politicians already have floating out there as teenagers just waiting to be dug up in 20 years

Can you imagine what Trump or bill Clinton would've posted on Twitter back in the 80s? I can't even imagine. Well actually I can easily imagine but you get the point
I shit you not at first the kid called me sir and I had a hard time getting him to quit that.
You better not move to the South, then. The kids all call the coaches coach, though. That and "pastor" are about the only exceptions to calling every adult sir/ma'am/Mr./Miss.
Ive been saying it for years but somewhere out in America right now is the 10-25 year old future president of the USA who has been on social media since they were 14 posting who knows what.

Already Trudeau and Beto are getting blasted for blackface from their younger days. Can't wait to see what videos, posts and pictures future politicians already have floating out there as teenagers just waiting to be dug up in 20 years

Can you imagine what Trump or bill Clinton would've posted on Twitter back in the 80s? I can't even imagine. Well actually I can easily imagine but you get the point
"Might want to put some ice on that."
It is probably Anheuser Bush that hired someone to do the investigation - big corporate protect your image kind of thing...and they probably fed the info to the Register.

This society permits everything and forgives nothing. Redemption and second chances are simply not part of corporate america or the political mind.

Its convenient when we find someone who done something years ago and they belong to that other group.

Oh well, none of that will undo the good that has been done.

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