Drop Title IX: No More Free Rides

I think we should make a reasonable attempt to have equity is extracurricular activities at colleges. how about we just exempt the money sports at college from the title IX equation? seems a lot more fair to me.
Then should all money-losing football teams be dropped? A great majority of D-I would disappear.
While you are at it, kill band, debate, moot court, wrestling, swimming and diving, golf, tennis, baseball, and all other extra-curricular programs.

Dude, these are comprehensive universities. They provide a rich academic experience with a wide range of activities.

Also, title 9 coincides with a massive increase in enrollment for women who far outpace men in college admissions at each level. Should they only subsidize men's athletics with their student fees? Because, like the above poster indicated, many if not most collegiate sports programs survive off of student fees, not ticket and television revenue.
Sports that are financially viable on their own have to underwrite ones that are unable to pay their own bills. That’s laughable.

Absolutely. All academic programs that don't pay their own way should be dropped, too. If engineering can keep that DoD research money coming, and medicine has a decent patent revenue stream, fine.... but get rid of the useless freeloader departments like English, History, Drama, Music and all that other liberal arts crap.

Yeah ... it doesn't benefit all those other athletes at all to benefit from being a part of a team. (sarcasm intended)

Universities are about education ... and team athletics are A GREAT way for students to learn and execute in a team environment. A lot of great life lessons can be had as a result.

Of course, who gives a darn about our youth these days anyhow ... let's just save a buck NOW so that we'll be insufficiently experienced to create more value in the future. That makes GREAT sense ... (again, sarcasm intended)
Absolutely. All academic programs that don't pay their own way should be dropped, too. If engineering can keep that DoD research money coming, and medicine has a decent patent revenue stream, fine.... but get rid of the useless freeloader departments like English, History, Drama, Music and all that other liberal arts crap.


This is not about the academic programs or other extracurricular activities. The other activities are part of the university experience. Football is a full time job for the players and a huge revenue and donation stream for the university. Who gives money to a school
because of a great putt or volleyball spike?
This is not about the academic programs or other extracurricular activities. The other activities are part of the university experience. Football is a full time job for the players and a huge revenue and donation stream for the university. Who gives money to a school
because of a great putt or volleyball spike?

This is the problem. Football and basketball are supposed to be part of the university experience as well. The players are supposed to be student-athletes. But we've changed that from amateur athletics to semi-professional sports.

People do donate and attend golf and volleyball, by the way. But we just don't make a big deal about the other sports.
This is not about the academic programs or other extracurricular activities. The other activities are part of the university experience. Football is a full time job for the players and a huge revenue and donation stream for the university. Who gives money to a school
because of a great putt or volleyball spike?

One of my younger sisters played college basketball at Northern Iowa, and it was a full time "job" for her too. You seem to be under the impression that only men are capable of dedicating themselves to athletics full-time.

It is good for the university, the state, and society to have as many student athletes as possible. Which do you think is better for Iowans as a whole; A group of women basketball players who show dedication, work-ethic, leadership, and integrity through their time as a student athlete, or a group of male basketball players who would never be able to academically attend college if not for their athletic abilities? Obviously this is a rigid and incomplete example, but simply put, there is a serious societal benefit to strong women's atheltic programs, and it has nothing to do with revenue.
I don't agree with this article but I do think the only sports offered by Iowa (for men and women) should be sports that are played in Iowa high schools. For example there would be no woman's field hockey or rowing teams nor men's gymnastics. It's absurd that our athletic department brings in a whole program of east coast high school girls to fill out the roster of a field hockey team that no one in Iowa gives a sh*t about, (and pay out of state tuition for them as well) just to meet the Title IX guidelines.
I don't agree with this article but I do think the only sports offered by Iowa (for men and women) should be sports that are played in Iowa high schools. For example there would be no woman's field hockey or rowing teams nor men's gymnastics. It's absurd that our athletic department brings in a whole program of east coast high school girls to fill out the roster of a field hockey team that no one in Iowa gives a sh*t about, (and pay out of state tuition for them as well) just to meet the Title IX guidelines.

Which is pretty sad considering they have as many national championships as the football team does, and have more Big Ten titles than the football team does in the 2000s.

EDIT: Also, aren't we paying out of state tuition for the various basketball and football players we're getting from around the country?
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Which is pretty sad considering they have as many national championships as the football team does, and have more Big Ten titles than the football team does in the 2000s.

EDIT: Also, aren't we paying out of state tuition for the various basketball and football players we're getting from around the country?

His point still plays. Yes, out of state tuition is paid for guys like Cartwright/Basabe/etc. But people DO care about basketball. They don't care about field hockey here, and there are few, if any players from the state because high schools don't play it. We're paying an entire roster's worth of out of state tuition for a sport that people in Iowa just don't know/care about.
I think we should make a reasonable attempt to have equity is extracurricular activities at colleges. how about we just exempt the money sports at college from the title IX equation? seems a lot more fair to me.

I would be for taking football out of the title IX equation altogether because the amount of players it needs dwarfs all other sports.
His point still plays. Yes, out of state tuition is paid for guys like Cartwright/Basabe/etc. But people DO care about basketball. They don't care about field hockey here, and there are few, if any players from the state because high schools don't play it. We're paying an entire roster's worth of out of state tuition for a sport that people in Iowa just don't know/care about.

That argument is a lame cop out. I am sure all of your Tennis matches are sold out because the people of Iowa know and watch tennis...
Doesn't the Athletic Dept fund the full-ride scholarships for all of the revenue & non-revenue sports? If that's the case, what's all this "we're paying for out of state players" business? You're not paying for anything. The football program is paying for everything, as the football program makes the Athletic Dept self-sufficient.
EDIT: Also, aren't we paying out of state tuition for the various basketball and football players we're getting from around the country?

Yes, with the obvious difference being the out state tuition costs paid by the Athletic department are exponentially recovered for the out of state basketball and football players by the vast money making machine that is big time college basketball and football - but you knew that.
The Big Ten Network basically pays for the athletic department. The BTN needs more than just basketball and football for programming.

People are so freaking myopic sometimes.

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