Don't tell me ISU doesn't get more fired up for this game than Iowa

KF has no trouble motivating, or getting his team up. That was not an uninspired or flat team yesterday. That was a flawed team that got beat, expect it to happen 3-5 more times this year.

Disagree. KF is great at many things, but motivating them to play well against lesser competition is not one of them. This has been demonstrated countless times now.

(I agree that our flaws had a greater impact than motivation. But motivation was a big factor too.)
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Disagree. KF is great at many things, but motivating them to play well against lesser competition is not one of them. This has been demonstrated countless times now.

(I don't agree that our flaws had a greater impact than motivation. But motivation was a big factor too.)

Did you mean you don't DISagree that our flaws had a great impact? Because our flaws were the main reason we lost. ISU was simply better, and I wouldn't be shocked if they have a better year.
Did you mean you don't DISagree that our flaws had a great impact? Because our flaws were the main reason we lost. ISU was simply better, and I wouldn't be shocked if they have a better year.

Yep. Writing fail. Fixed it now.
this is a ridiculous generalization and you know it.

there is no ISU fan that would tell you they'd take 1-11 with a win over Iowa over a winning record with a loss to Iowa. If you do somehow find one, well, then they're a god damn moron.

and let me share a little quote with you:

"The worse feeling I've ever felt in my life was losing to Iowa State" -Bob Sanders

I think Iowa cares just as much about this game as ISU
Correct, sir. I would rather have a bowl winning season like 2009, than a ****** season like 2007 when we beat Iowa but sucked the rest of the season. This "super bowl" "caring more" BS is for whiny losers.

Not sour grapes at all.

I started this thread because historically Iowa fans have taken one game at a time while ISU views the Iowa game as their superbowl.

But time after time, ISU posters on here claim they view this game as no more important than any other win and to assume otherwise was conceitful on Iowa's part. Bunk.

Well, boys, we beat Iowa. Lets pack it in for the rest of the season, and we'll start again in the spring. Funny that some of you actually BELIEVE that. Really?!? Yes, that is the reason we beat you...:rolleyes:

And for those of you who don't like CPR celebrating after the game... "High school, college, you got a student body. And those students are out there early. Out there camping by the gates and stand the entire game. Support their fellow classmates. They share in this rivalry and share in the passion. It's important for them to go and celebrate with them. It's also important for me for to acknowledge them, in my opinion. It's also important for me to acknowledge the marching band.... And I support them and the hard work they do, too."- Rhoads. Yeah, ***** a little more about that.
Oh my god, you hawk guys are sounding like babies. Its there superbowl, we dont care as much, Cyclones stormed the field who cares who cares who cares.

I think we can argue that Iowa is the better team period on paper. Iowa gets the best recruits out of the state. Iowa has better practice facilities. Iowa has Big10 champ trophys. Iowa has better training staff. Iowa has been ranked in the top 25 the past few years and has sent several players on to the NFL. If Iowa is the better team then why didnt you win. You didnt want it more, ******** you should want every game. You arent playing for a trip to McDonalds after the game or icecream at DairyQueen. Your playing for potential Big 10 titles, a bowl bid, hopefully if the teams good enough a National Title Shot. And if your lucky after that, a invite to the next level in the NFL. Being that Iowa has much more financial backing and much more national prominence. Iowa should of won that game, but ISU was better then you. Then played harder then you, and didnt give up. Maybe its your players, maybe its your coaches, maybe its your fans. Whatever it is isnt the point.
The point is stop complaning because ISU beat you after you kicked the **** out of them for the past 2 years. Its not like they whipped you 45-10 and let you go back to Iowa City with your tail between your legs. Nebraska barely got out of ames alive last year and many nebraska fans were very humble about the win. Nothing to brag about when you only win by a few points, just be happy you got the win, shake the opponents hand and move on.
Oh, the irony of a Husker fan calling out Iowa fans for acting like babies.

If Nebraska would of lost to Fresno St last night it would of been because they wanted it more. They sure played like they did, but so what. We should want it more and a big tier A1 school should be prepaired for that. Point is, all games should be important. Im sure Iowa State goes out with as much fire agains Missouri as they do Iowa.
99.9% of the time when a team is flat and motivated it shows in the 1st quarter. we dominated the first quarter.
99.9% of the time when a team is flat and motivated it shows in the 1st quarter. we dominated the first quarter.

Maybe its because ISU always has there back up against the wall. There always the underdog so instead of coming out like a kitten they roar out like a lion. At least under this coach. Most of the time if you dominate the 1st like last year you take the wind out of there sails and there is no going back. Teams like underdogs go out fighting but if you kick them down a peg they usually take there licks and go home because they accept thats what there place is.
I never stated (in fact quite the opposite) that ISU didn't deserve to win the game. They did....fair and square.

I was pointing out the theatric antics from the crowd and especially the coach after winning a "big game" as others have put it, which, truly, supports the fact the game is always ISU's superbowl.

Rhoads went crazy after beating Texas and Nebraska? Gosh, his actions yesterday puts lil ol "just another game" Iowa on some pretty high ground.
Rhoads & isu treat their games against Iowa just like teh zooker and illannoy do.
In fact, rhoads = zook. Overly emotional meathead who "identifies well" with 18-21 year old men.
I never stated (in fact quite the opposite) that ISU didn't deserve to win the game. They did....fair and square.

I was pointing out the theatric antics from the crowd and especially the coach after winning a "big game" as others have put it, which, truly, supports the fact the game is always ISU's superbowl.

Rhoads went crazy after beating Texas and Nebraska? Gosh, his actions yesterday puts lil ol "just another game" Iowa on some pretty high ground.

You've got to be f*cking kidding. Is Wisconsin our Super Bowl? Is Penn State? How about Michigan? We stormed the field after beating those teams in 2008/2009. That doesn't make it our Super Bowl.

It was a rivalry game. NOT their Super Bowl. This is such a tired and f*cking childish rationalization, and I'm sick of fans throwing it around. They won because they were the better team, not because they were just playing way beyond their means to beat the Hawks. They're better than we are right now.

Rhoads was plenty animated after beating Nebraska two years ago, high-fiving fans all over the place. That's just his personality. Ferentz doesn't do any of that. That's HIS personality.
You've got to be f*cking kidding. Is Wisconsin our Super Bowl? Is Penn State? How about Michigan? We stormed the field after beating those teams in 2008/2009. That doesn't make it our Super Bowl.

It was a rivalry game. NOT their Super Bowl. This is such a tired and f*cking childish rationalization, and I'm sick of fans throwing it around. They won because they were the better team, not because they were just playing way beyond their means to beat the Hawks. They're better than we are right now.

Rhoads was plenty animated after beating Nebraska two years ago, high-fiving fans all over the place. That's just his personality. Ferentz doesn't do any of that. That's HIS personality.

TM, how many games do you think ISU will win this year?
IMO, and I'm sure you'll let me know if I'm wrong, some posters are "back-door" acknowledging Iowa isn't great. Paraphrasing here: because the players and the coaches weren't jacked up, the team played poorly. If only they had been jacked up. if only they had tried harder...... they would have won the game.

IMO, Iowa State's offense was similar to Northwestern's offense... With a QB the size of C. Newton.
Lots of passes(not in definite passing downs). Athletes (in ISU's case an athletic QB) scooting around the unathletic Iowa defense.

We've seen this over and over and over and over and over (seen too many Scrubs episodes).
Iowa's defense can't stop this kind of offense. So IMO, Iowa could have been hypnotized to play as hard as they could and they still would've had a difficult time with ISU.

Then it would be up to Ferentz's grind it out ball control offense to win the game.

You're saying Ferentz should've allowed Iowa's offense to take more chances - and you're also implying Iowa's defense sucked.

Side note, how successful would Ferentz be if he stuck to his grind-it-out ball control offense and this quality of defense? I'm guessing not very successful.
So the question remains: what is Ferentz doing? Changing his coaching philosophy or not being a good coach - not making some hard decisions?
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TM, how many games do you think ISU will win this year?

I think 6-7, with 8 wins being an outside possibility. UCONN is not good at all, so if ISU avoids a letdown, I don't see them losing that one. Kansas, K-State, and Texas Tech are all games that I expect ISU to win at this point (no injuries). I'm not sold on Texas at all, and they come to Jack Trice. Mizzou is a game I can see them stealing on the road. Not sold on Baylor, either (their defense is terrible), but that one's in Waco.

Honestly, the only games on their schedule where I would give them no chance to win at all are OU and OSU. But you rarely win all the games that are winnable, so 10-2 isn't likely at all.
TM, how many games do you think ISU will win this year?

What does THAT matter? Wont change the outcome. I know you think we sprinkle magic dust over the players before we play the Hawks, but that's not the case. Even if we don't do well the rest of the season doesn't change we beat you. Just means we play harder teams than what Iowa is (Oklahoma, Oklahoma St, Texas, aTm, Baylor, Missouri).

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