Don't tell me ISU doesn't get more fired up for this game than Iowa


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[ame=""]ISU Beats Iowa 2011 - Celebration on the Field - YouTube[/ame]

Iowa would have rushed the field like this??

Also, check out ESPN's clip of Rhoads high-fiving everybody he could find after the game....would KF do this? I think not.

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Well, KF wouldn't do that, period. Just a different style/personality.

The game does mean more to ISU. It means a lot to Iowa fans, too. I think if you took an anonymous poll and got honest answers out of Hawk fans, you would be surprised how many would say that the ISU game is the most important game of the season.

That said, I think the % of Clone fans who would say the same thing would be significantly hire.

Also, I have anecdotal evidence (from working in DSM and associating with many, many different flavors of Clone fans) that a high % of Clone fans would declare 2011 a "successful" season as of yesterday afternoon.

I think when Iowa wins the game, it's more of a "whew" relief-type feeling (like making it to the bathroom when you didn't think you'd get there in time), but most of us feel like there is a lot more that needs to be accomplished to consider it a successful year.

I do want to say that sometimes I hear the stuff I mentioned above used as excuses by Iowa fan for why we lost the game in any given year. Pathetic. Iowa IS the better program by any objective's on us to sack up, line up, and punch little brother in the mouth no matter how fired up they happen to be that given year. When that doesn't happen, you just have to tip your hat the the Clones, let them enjoy it, and move on.

In the long run, I think the game is good for the Hawks. Every year we lose, all the crybabies are saying "drop the series! We gain nothing by winning!"...although I agree that taking a short term view, we gain nothing from the game from a prestige standpoint (everyone expects us to win), from a long term season view, I think it forces us to be very, very sharp early in the season...I think that pays dividends in October/November.
ISU rushed the field for the simple reason the game went to triple OT and ISU won on an option pitch. I would find it amazing if Iowa did not rush the field at home after that awesome of a game and finish.
We **may** have rushed the field, but, KF would never have acted like a teenager and highfived his way along the stadium. Ever. That speaks volumes.
Iowa players are starting to play like they are coached... uninspired, unemotional, no fire, scared, very very cautius,...just like the coaching staff. After the end of last year and the beginning of this year, Iowa fans are watching this staff take Iowa down from a potentially high level to a middle of the pack level from which it will not recover. Unless this staff begins to adapt to modern college football Iowa is going to lose more games than it wins in the coming years.
With Ferentz you get "business as usual" not emotional charge and yes this is a handicap at times ......especially on the road when you don't have the benefit of 70,000 fans charging the team's battery for you.
No Iowa's coaching staff plays the game uninspired, unemotional, and cautious...very very very very very very cautious--to the point where it is ridiculous.

It doesn't take much to play with more emotion than Iowa. Isu simply wanted to win the game and they pulled out all stops to win it....our coaching staff played scared, overly cautious, and incredibly ultraconservative.

THIS staff deserved to lose the game...the players did not. THIS staff did not allow the players to win the game, like in MOST of Iowa's losses.

I often have wondered how our offensive players must feel after time and time and time again, THIS staff has no confidence in what the players can do. This staff breaks the spirit of our players, like a cowboy breaking the spirit of a bucking bronco. Turn the players into carbon copies of the coaching staff....scared, uninspired, ultraconservative, and unemotional.

Now the coaching staff just has to break the spirit of Iowa's fans and make them carbon copies of the coaching staff. They are doing a good job...Iowa fans NO LONGER expect this staff to take a chance--we want the other team to take chances to win.

Next it the unemotional part and the staff is starting to get fans straightened out will just watch the game, if they win good, if they lose--shrug your shoulders like the staff, blame it on youth, and don't give the loss a second thought. Just think and repeat the mantra...ultraconservative is great, taking chances are bad, changing a defense to adapt is bad, trusting the offense is not good at all---we are Iowa, we play one way and one way only win or lose, we don't do sizzle, just flat overfrying...mostly losing these days.
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Iowa players are starting to play like they are coached... uninspired, unemotional, no fire, scared, very very cautius,...just like the coaching staff. After the end of last year and the beginning of this year, Iowa fans are watching this staff take Iowa down from a potentially high level to a middle of the pack level from which it will not recover. Unless this staff begins to adapt to modern college football Iowa is going to lose more games than it wins in the coming years.

Absolutely correct. I wonder what Iowa's coaching staff will think when they put the tape in of the Michigan vs Notre Dame game and watch three "winning" scores in the final two minutes. Getting the ball to win the game with 1:17 to go and folding up tent like that is an embarrassment to everybody in the program. The staff treats these kids like they've never been on a football field before. Geez Kirk, you play to win, and it's supposed to be fun. Watching Iowa play yesterday was liking watching 60 college kids go in for a root canal.
We **may** have rushed the field, but, KF would never have acted like a teenager and highfived his way along the stadium. Ever. That speaks volumes.

He did the exact same thing after Texas last year, and Nebraska the year before. You can stop flattering yourself. Rhoads goes bonkers after big wins. I didn't know it wasn't allowed to get pumped after winning a triple overtime game against a team that absolutely whipped your *** the last two years. Ferentz pulverizes gum, Rhoads goes bananas. Totally different coaches with very different styles.
No Iowa's coaching staff plays the game uninspired, unemotional, and cautious...very very very very very very cautious--to the point where it is ridiculous.

It doesn't take much to play with more emotion than Iowa. Isu simply wanted to win the game and they pulled out all stops to win it....our coaching staff played scared, overly cautious, and incredibly ultraconservative.

THIS staff deserved to lose the game...the players did not. THIS staff did not allow the players to win the game, like in MOST of Iowa's losses.

I often have wondered how our offensive players must feel after time and time and time again, THIS staff has no confidence in what the players can do. This staff breaks the spirit of our players, like a cowboy breaking the spirit of a bucking bronco. Turn the players into carbon copies of the coaching staff....scared, uninspired, ultraconservative, and unemotional.

Now the coaching staff just has to break the spirit of Iowa's fans and make them carbon copies of the coaching staff. They are doing a good job...Iowa fans NO LONGER expect this staff to take a chance--we want the other team to take chances to win.

Next it the unemotional part and the staff is starting to get fans straightened out will just watch the game, if they win good, if they lose--shrug your shoulders like the staff, blame it on youth, and don't give the loss a second thought. Just think and repeat the mantra...ultraconservative is great, taking chances are bad, changing a defense to adapt is bad, trusting the offense is not good at all---we are Iowa, we play one way and one way only win or lose, we don't do sizzle, just flat overfrying...mostly losing these days.

This staff didn't arm-tackle, allow the ISU QB to run around forever until a receiver got open or the QB made a play with his legs, and they definitely didn't drop an easy pass in the 3rd OT.

Relax. This is a 7-5/8-4 team. We pretty much knew that. The team will get better as the season wears on, and 2012 will see better on-field performance.
We **may** have rushed the field, but, KF would never have acted like a teenager and highfived his way along the stadium. Ever. That speaks volumes.

Wow. Right, because if he did, then maybe some of his passion would rub off onto the players and that would be terrible. Please. Get over yourself and get over the fact that Paul Rhoads is a different style of coach: A damn good one.
I personally love that PR is so fiery and emotional. Also love the interaction with the fans. Some may think it's inappropiate, but I think it's cool.
If Iowa doesn't get up for a game as much as it's opponent it's an Iowa problem. Not the opponent's problem.

You don't think teams get up for Duke every time they lace it up? Relish the fact, don't use it as an excuse.

From what I understand Iowa players, especially the Iowans, get pretty fired up for the game. Maybe Kirk should reward the passion with a pair of balls.

Rhoads' passion is 100% genuine. If he didn't let it out he would explode. It's not a right or wrong thing.
The team we saw yesterday reminded me a lot of the 2006 and 2007 Iowa teams. Emotionless bodies out there just goin thru the motions.
Teams are usually a reflection of their coaches and unfortunately for Iowa fans, we saw that on both sides of the ball today.
The way their players try to pump up the crowd before every play like it's a pro wrestling match shows it means way more. Maybe if our players and coaches cared a little more we wouldn't have lost. I don't want the display their players usually have but I would like some emotion. This game was eerily similar to the mn game last year Iowa was a bunch of zombies.
Ferentz thinks he's Bill Belichick. He's so not.

Rhoads thinks he's Pete Carroll. He's so not.
The way their players try to pump up the crowd before every play like it's a pro wrestling match shows it means way more. Maybe if our players and coaches cared a little more we wouldn't have lost. I don't want the display their players usually have but I would like some emotion. This game was eerily similar to the mn game last year Iowa was a bunch of zombies.

find me a game as competitive as yesterday where the home team doesn't try to get its crowd into it as much as possible. you won't.

you did not lose because your players/coaches didnt care as much as ISU's. you lost because on Saturday, ISU was the better team.
Wrong I have not seen many teams that try to get a crowd into it on every play like that. Isu played better they are not the better team.

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