Does the lack of fans @ Carver annoy Fran?

1. The design is flawed with the wide aisles up and down the stadium breaking up the seats. Any would be section is broken up by to many and too wide aisles.
2. Location is inconvenient for students to get to.
3. No tradition of winning. Team went forever with so much as an NCAA birth with teams like WIsky getting them every year. time if they keep making making tournament and a Sweet 16's happen pretty often, the crowd may come.

Brozley, i have to disagree with you on point#3. iowa historically has a pretty good tradition of winning, outside of the lickliter years. you're forgetting the long years of ncaa tournament berths, top third finishes in the conference. not elite, but have usually been an above average to good program overall.
i'll be curious to see what the attendance/atmosphere will be like for the weekend games. michigan state sounded like a pretty solid crowd, especially for an 8 pm game and so many on their way to pasadena that week. not surprised for the nebraska game, especially with the slow start by the hawks.

i'm coming to the northwestern game, but i can't fault fans from central/western iowa not making the trip on a regular basis, especially in the winter and its freezing cold out there.
I didn't read every post, so maybe this has been pointed out, but there have been some mentions of 8 pm games being difficult for some to attend in the middle of the week, which I agree. Looking at the schedule, though, there are two home games left at 8 pm, Feb 24 and March 1 against Wisky and Indiana. I'll make the late drive home if it means getting to see the Hawks beat those two teams.
i'll be curious to see what the attendance/atmosphere will be like for the weekend games. michigan state sounded like a pretty solid crowd, especially for an 8 pm game and so many on their way to pasadena that week. not surprised for the nebraska game, especially with the slow start by the hawks.

i'm coming to the northwestern game, but i can't fault fans from central/western iowa not making the trip on a regular basis, especially in the winter and its freezing cold out there.

The freezing cold walk from the horrible parking lots is an issue, especially for older people and young children. I think setting up some shuttles of some sort you can hop on after parking and stay warm that drop you off at the door would be a good idea for the U of I.

I've had the fortune of seeing games at KU and ISU, both arenas are set up better for sound and student sections. Carver needs a little work IMO, but the students also have to show up and prove that if we gave them primo seats they would consistently fill them.

Yes the 8pm games suck. Takes me over 2 hours to get there, just too hard to swing most weekday nights. No Saturday games this year sucks too.
On TV, I thought the MSU crowd was quiet and lame. Really surprised me how often do you get a chance to knock off #1?

I'll be there Sunday vs. Michigan for my first game this year and will do my part to cheer on the Hawks!
I hate getting out of parking lot by the stadium, it took at least 2 hours getting out of parking onto the street. Last time I went to Iowa-Wisconsic game. My dad nearly had heart attack from waiting in the car for two hours. Is it worth it? No,absolutely not! ( we didn't see any traffic cops directing the traffic.)
I havent seen too many games at Carver since moving from Iowa City to Des Moines in 1985. Maybe an avg of 1 game every 2 years except a few more when my kids went to Iowa.

But i took my kids to that NIT game at Carver against Geordia Tech and Chris Bosh in early 2000's and it was loud , very loud in Carver. but we sat down low also, If you are toward the top the sound can evaporate.

But spend a few bucks to put up some plexiglass enclosing in the top ring to keep in more sound. And move some of the old fogies away from the court and put the students down there at cheaper prices.

Heck I am older but I yell a lot at the games even at the refs.
I havent seen too many games at Carver since moving from Iowa City to Des Moines in 1985. Maybe an avg of 1 game every 2 years except a few more when my kids went to Iowa.

But i took my kids to that NIT game at Carver against Geordia Tech and Chris Bosh in early 2000's and it was loud , very loud in Carver. but we sat down low also, If you are toward the top the sound can evaporate.

But spend a few bucks to put up some plexiglass enclosing in the top ring to keep in more sound. And move some of the old fogies away from the court and put the students down there at cheaper prices.

Heck I am older but I yell a lot at the games even at the refs.[/QUOT

You might be on to something with the plexiglass but that would ruin any SRO seats views etc. I think a lot of the noise just goes in to the ceiling. part of what makes KU and ISU so loud is their ceilings are literally almost within reach of the top row of the bleachers
Every program since the beginning of recorded history has experienced an attendance drop during winter break unless said program is located next to or in a major market dropping the commute time significantly for fans.

The students are gone, the roads (at least in the Midwest) are usually icy and dangerous, it's utterly freezing outside, and fans are usually on bowl trips.

Don't worry when Carver seems emptier during a home game against Nebraska during winter break. Worry when Carver seems empty during a home game against Michigan State on a weekend during the middle of February.
Carver is just not a good basketball arena. It is too far from campus to make going to games for students a priority on a weeknight in the middle of winter, fans are too far from the court, the student section is pushed off in the corner while the big money donors sit on their hands on the sidelines, probably yelling at anyone who dare stand and make noise. What little sound that is created inside that dark dungeon escapes to the top concourse. As you have probably figured out, I can't stand Carver as a venue. Really its only redeeming quality is the parquet floor and the new addition.

"Prole" seats are very uncomfortable. Not much reason to hope here...gotta cram em close to get 15K total capacity.
The video boards are awful...analog from the 80s. How about an upgrade to digital?

I was a student during the final-four days....BB tix were much much more difficult to get than FB tix. The Fieldhouse was crammed to capacity no matter the day of the week or weather. And talk about loud. Nothing compares.
Besides, as a disgruntled infamous ex-Hawkeye BB coach once said...."Iowa's a football school."
Saturday is a "white out". I'll admit, I'm not sure if I have any White Hawkeye gear why they heck do they do this? How bout another gold game, looks good plus our gold unis are sweet.
Does Carver really need to hold 15,000 fans? Drop the capacity. Put in fancy sky boxes in to replace that seating and the Athletic dept could charge a premium for those seats. I would find a way to close the arena at the top concourse so you can no longer view the court from there. This would put a stop to people leaving 10 minutes early.
I suspect many of those that leave early have a long drive and need to work the next day. I begrudgingly leave early with 3-5 minutes to go at 8pm weeknight games. The alternative is to not go and leave my seat vacant. When you need to be at work at 0630 and have a 1:45 drive back to DSM, that is the cost. It is just another way the TV schedules have affected the game experience.

I never leave a FB game early and stay until the end of the weekend and 6pm basketball games.

I made an exception to see the end of the MSU game!
I hear ya... That's rough. But what's another 15 to 20 mins? At the games I notice it the most anyway are from the more elder generation. I think it's either past their bed times or just beating traffic. It's been going on long before the 6 and 8 pm start times. For a guy in your shoes I do get it though that's tough
Nebraska? Florida State? Those opponents arent drawing big crowds on week nights at 8pm to Iowa City. Ill be concerned if Michigan State is only getting 6k when they visit Carver. Also everyone was in football mode until 2 weeks ago.
There's one person who can fix this... Our AD has got to start investing in ways to get donors prime seats and get students on the floor. Raise student ticket prices slightly and if donors complain then they don't understand the "it" factor.
Saturday is a "white out". I'll admit, I'm not sure if I have any White Hawkeye gear why they heck do they do this? How bout another gold game, looks good plus our gold unis are sweet.

Will the "Black Lives Matter" protesters be staking out this game?

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