Does Brian F. get promoted to OC after the Rose Bowl???


Well-Known Member
Not a Slam against Greg but is next season a good time to let Brian take the helm? New Energy for a new Era??? Stepping stone to Head Coach when Dad retires in a few years???
BF has done a great job with the OL. If he moves up, hopefully he doesn't move on, he needs to hire his replacement personally.
He needs to move up. Greg Davis had a great year, and can go out knowing he left the program and offense in good shape. Brian is in line for an OC job somewhere, hopefully it is here. We really need to get our passing schemes more NFL like than they are under Greg.
Five years as an OC for Iowa could look very good on resume' for next Iowa head coach. Would also be nice to think that the OC for the next 5 years has a vested interest in making our offense a powerhouse in the BIG.
Next year we have a chance at another run. Not a good time to take a chance at a coaching change in my opinion.
I've been toying with the idea of starting a BF thread for a few days... glad to see someone did. I think BF not only is ready to move up to OC I think he gets a lot of credit for this year's record along with Kirk. Not only for his work as a position coach but for the attitude and enthusiasm he brought to the cause.
The problem with our offense is lack of talent at receiver, and that comes down to recruiting.
Next year we have a chance at another run. Not a good time to take a chance at a coaching change in my opinion.

KF needs to make another tough/good offseason decision this year. Last year he made the tough call of sitting a QB that he loved as a person and a competitor, because there was more talent sitting on the bench behind him. He needs to make that same decision for the same reason for the OC position in '16. It is nearly the same situation as last year, hopefully KF can make the smart and tough decision again this year.
If the Michigan State game is any indication of Brian being a top flight OLine coach, I'd say he still has some learning to do. Not every Iowa offensive lineman is going to be a high draft pick in the NFL if they were to graduate today. Brian needs to learn how to compensate for linemen that may be deficient due to injury, ability, 'rookiness', whatever in game day situations.

This is how Brian becomes a top flight OC or head coach: By mastering all the position(s). After he's mastered the OLine position, make him the running backs coordinator. Then the QBs coordinator, etc. When he's mastered all the coaching positions of the offense, he'll be ready to be an OC. Then make him DLine coordinator. LBs coordinator, etc. When he's mastered all the coaching positions of the defense, he'll be ready to be DC. When he's mastered both OC and DC, he'll be ready for a head coaching job. Notice I've left out the mastery of special teams. Maybe he'll need to dabble, there, too.

Being master of every position doesn't mean the head coach contributes to every position or even attains veto power for every position. At least when there is some sort of impasse on the team you, as masterful HC, can provide leadership with lots of clues for the situation.

Besides, I know this thread has turned out to be a backhanded critique of Greg Davis' ability and not so much a herald of Brian Ferentz's ability.
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There is more than one way to become a head coach. Papa Ferentz never was a OC or DC. He was always a OL coach as assistant. Nothing else.
If the Michigan State game is any indication of Brian being a top flight OLine coach, I'd say he still has some learning to do. Not every Iowa offensive lineman is going to be a high draft pick in the NFL if they were to graduate today. Brian needs to learn how to compensate for linemen that may be deficient due to injury, ability, 'rookiness', whatever in game day situations (maybe dad can take some notes).This is how Brian becomes a top flight OC or head coach: By mastering all the position(s). After he's mastered the OLine position, when he's mastered the OLine position, make him the running backs coordinator. Then the QBs coordinator, etc. When he's mastered all the coaching positions of the offense, he'll be ready to be an OC. Then make him DLine coordinator. LBs coordinator, etc. When he's mastered all the coaching positions of the defense, he'll be ready to be DC. When he's mastered both OC and DC, he'll be ready for a head coaching job. Notice I've left out the mastery of special teams. Maybe he'll need to dabble there, too. Besides, I know this thread has turned out to be a backhanded critique of Greg Davis' ability.
What are you talking about?? Tom Herman coached WR and OL. Scott Frost coached LB, WR before becoming an OC. The top OC's out there don't become OC's because they spend 20 freaking years coaching every position group out there. Head Coaches spot talent and hire talent. Brian has coached TE, and OL and is more than qualified to be an OC. If he put his name out in the open market, with as many jobs that are open, he would have an OC gig in 2.2 seconds.
IF Brian wants to be OC, now, let him go. Let him make mistakes somewhere else.

At the least, we'll be able to see from afar how he reacts to his mistakes. Does he stubbornly stick to his unproven philosophy for 15+ years or does he adapt? Can that be genetic?
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IF Brian wants to be OC, now, let him go. Let him make mistakes somewhere else.

Yeah, cause that is what you do with talented players/coaches. :rolleyes:

That is the same thought process that would have kept CJ on the bench.....I mean why in the world promote the more talented individual, they have proven nothing.....DERP!
Beginning to wonder how much football you actually know, Dean. No way can you call Brian Ferentz a talented coach. Maybe a potentially talented coach is what you meant?
Beginning to wonder how much football you actually know, Dean.

I don't have to wonder how little you know about football, you make it abundantly clear every time you post. You never, ever let your talented coaches go, especially for a guy who is a year or two from hanging it up anyway.

Life is tough, and as the head man, KF has to make tough decisions. He made the correct one last year promoting the most talented QB to the starting spot, and he need to promote his most talented coach to the OC position.

LOL thinking an OC has to coach "every position" including being a DC......In your world all OC's would be 50 year olds who have spent 20-25 years as an assistant....LOLOL
There is more than one way to become a head coach. Papa Ferentz never was a OC or DC. He was always a OL coach as assistant. Nothing else.

You are wrong in that Ferentz left a good job at Iowa to be head coach at Maine which is not a great head coaching job the but needed job on the resume to say I can be the head guy. After Maine he worked under some great coaches in the NFL.

KF wanted to be a head coach, he took the leap to Maine. I do not see anything wrong with Brian leaving to be an OC for a few years somewhere else. It might hurt Iowa, maybe not.
I don't think Kirk will push Greg out. I don't anticipate Greg walking away after this year when he has a returning starting QB that just lead them to the Rose Bowl.

With that said, I'm sure they have had some internal conversations and Brian has a good idea on how many more years Greg thinks he has left. Brian will just have to decide if he feels waiting it out and coaching with his father is more important to him than getting an opportunity sooner.

The other unknown is what kind of opportunities are really coming his way to become an OC. If we aren't talking Power 5 conference jobs at schools with a winning tradition, maybe wait a couple years where he is probably better set up for success at a school like Iowa instead of taking a chance at perhaps a school that it may be perceived more difficult to win at.
Why in the world should Brian take over for Kirk as head coach in a few years? He should not get the job just because of his last name.
Why in the world should Brian take over for Kirk as head coach in a few years? He should not get the job just because of his last name.
It would be like hiring Steve Alfraud all over again. Big name. Little substance (at the time of hiring or during Iowa career).

See how Alford has gotten better at New Mexico and UCLA? Maybe Brian never leaves Iowa but allow him to be a better OC or HC at Iowa.
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