Does Brian F. get promoted to OC after the Rose Bowl???

Brain Ferentz might become a great OC or HC some day. He ain't great now. You want to take chances on another name hire? Or is there some other reason why you're pushing Brian so hard (and GD out)?
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With CJ back, Davis stays one more year. We're looking at another 10 win season even with a little tougher schedule.
It's up to Davis... I could see him retiring or coming back. He had to have had a lot of fun this year (for the first time being here I bet) So he could maybe want to go out on that note or when he looks at what's coming back he'll have CJ as a senior and a heck of a good group to work with. I bet CJ would like Davis back instead of having a change... Just a hunch. I would think after next year once CJ graduates it'd be a better time to make a change like that for all involved... But again it's up to Davis. KF isn't going to ask him to step down.
I'd like to see him switch to WR coach or QBs coach of some kind to see if he can hone in on the passing game. I think its clear he has a grasp on the running game and Oline. Assuming everything goes well for him, I could see him being an OC in a couple years
Now is not the time to make a major coordinator change. Let Brian continue to work with the offensive line and the overall run game coordination and let Greg have one more year with CJ in his last year. If you want to make a change after next year, I'd be good with that.

One thing to keep in mind as well is that Greg is not only the OC but is also the QB was KOK before him. We've never had a dedicated QB coach on staff since KF has been here and Brian doesn't strike me as a guy that would be someone we'd want to depend on for QB development. If Brian is promoted after next year, it might be wise to find a QB coach as well....
Yeah, cause that is what you do with talented players/coaches. :rolleyes:

That is the same thought process that would have kept CJ on the bench.....I mean why in the world promote the more talented individual, they have proven nothing.....DERP!

The CJ decision was pretty obvious from my perspective. This decision might be obvious but I can't really tell from outside. If Brian is named OC I really think we need to get a dedicated QB coach who has played QB in the NFL or college.
I don't have to wonder how little you know about football, you make it abundantly clear every time you post. You never, ever let your talented coaches go, especially for a guy who is a year or two from hanging it up anyway.

Life is tough, and as the head man, KF has to make tough decisions. He made the correct one last year promoting the most talented QB to the starting spot, and he need to promote his most talented coach to the OC position.

LOL thinking an OC has to coach "every position" including being a DC......In your world all OC's would be 50 year olds who have spent 20-25 years as an assistant....LOLOL

No disagreement that tough decisions have to be made. They have to be made every year. But I'm curious as to how any of us can evaluate whether or not BF is the "most talented" assistant coach? That is something that really only the head guy can evaluate. He sees all of the staff every day and every aspect of how they do things. Most of us fans thought he needed to give Davis the boot last year. Turns out the offense runs much better when the QB is better and when you have actual running backs at running back, not a fullback.

I'm all for BF being the OC if it's the right thing to do. But if the only reason it's being done is because BF might take another job, that's the wrong reason.
It's weird to just assume Ferentz jr would be a great offensive coordinator. I'd be intrigued just based off the patriots connection but i don't really want to throw him out there ( unless it's known by Kirk or whoever that he can do it) in a season where expectations and potential will be really high.
Next year we have a chance at another run. Not a good time to take a chance at a coaching change in my opinion.

I agree with this and I think Brian returned to Iowa City to raise a family in a safer, more secure area. I also believe he came back to eventually take over and create a smoother transition when the time comes.
You are wrong in that Ferentz left a good job at Iowa to be head coach at Maine which is not a great head coaching job the but needed job on the resume to say I can be the head guy. After Maine he worked under some great coaches in the NFL.

KF wanted to be a head coach, he took the leap to Maine. I do not see anything wrong with Brian leaving to be an OC for a few years somewhere else. It might hurt Iowa, maybe not.

What makes you think I did not know that? I l know all that. My point was Kirk Ferentz was never an OC. He went from OL coach at Iowa to head coach at Maine, to NFL OL coach to Iowa head coach. Never an OC

So my main point was that if Brian follows in his father's footsteps, he does not need to be an OC to eventually become a head coach.
What we might eventually see is Brian become Co-OC. My guess that would be the last season for GD. I don't see this change this year, maybe next year.
My guess is that he would still be the position coach for the o-line and they would bring in a QB coach who would also spend time with the WRs along side Kennedy.
Just not sure. CJ made that offensive schemes look a lot better. He made a large number of checks at the line that were spot on and picked up a number of Very critical 3rd downs with he legs and arm. That, along with 3 pretty dang good backs helped a Lot. The OLINE was pretty solid given 3 very young players.

Players can make coaches look very good.

That said, the running and blocking schemes seemed better this year, maybe it was coaching, maybe it was the players, my guess is it was both. Noone on this board really knows.

I do know that CJ was/is special. Hopefully one of the kids behind him is similar.
Not a Slam against Greg but is next season a good time to let Brian take the helm? New Energy for a new Era??? Stepping stone to Head Coach when Dad retires in a few years???

Great question and I'm going to say yes. Kurt forces Greg out (he may want to retire at this point anyways) and Brian becomes OC, the next step to becoming HC in 3-4 years.
Frankly, it ain't broke right now. So leave as-is. Does/do GD/PP/KF/et al make maddening calls some times? Of course.

This year's success is due, in large part, to overall better communication between ALL staff and players. It no longer seems like position coaches or coordinators just reporting to the HC, but coaches communicating up and down the line.

If Greg Davis WANTS to retire, obviously, that's different. But for now, I think things are just fine where they are.
I don't have to wonder how little you know about football, you make it abundantly clear every time you post. You never, ever let your talented coaches go, especially for a guy who is a year or two from hanging it up anyway.

Life is tough, and as the head man, KF has to make tough decisions. He made the correct one last year promoting the most talented QB to the starting spot, and he need to promote his most talented coach to the OC position.

LOL thinking an OC has to coach "every position" including being a DC......In your world all OC's would be 50 year olds who have spent 20-25 years as an assistant....LOLOL

Dean, since Champless obviously hasn't gotten through to you, let me tell ya about what the staff did to Wegher back in 2009...
They made him have unprotected sex with his girlfriend?

Sorry, sort of an inside/saracastic thing. Champless--a mere six years later--is still obsessed with the idea that the staff sat Wegher and gave a n-questions-asked order for him to move to slot receiver.
Great question and I'm going to say yes. Kurt forces Greg out (he may want to retire at this point anyways) and Brian becomes OC, the next step to becoming HC in 3-4 years.

Agree totally, but I think it will happen after two years...I think it is closer than we think