Does anyone think Vandenberg will be /or is now a better quarterback than Stanzi?

but sometimes I lose confidence in Stanzi a little.

Please explain this. In what situations do you loose confidince in Ricky Stanzi, and why would your alleged loss of confidence make any difference in who would be a better QB?

i don't know if Hawkeye is right and you're stirring stuff up, but i'll bite.

1. If you've seen Stanzi with the guys, you'll know that he is the de facto leader of the team
2. It takes more than arm strength and mechanics to be a good QB
3. As some stated, there will be a dropoff when he leaves
4. As for the game, Jon's right, he had a great game.

As for the O-Line, they will be fine. They had one series, granted it was the pivotal one, where they got burned. Give the Arizona front four credit, they were pumped. Our O-Line got gassed doing pass-pro against blitzes for 3 1/2 quarters getting us back into the game.
This is a good question. I think they may be closer than many think which is good for Iowa. I think Vandenburg throws a tighter ball with more velocity. Sometimes maybe too much at times & he needs to learn when not to fire it in. But, I think he throws a great ball.

But, Stanzi has an understanding of the O & you can't argue with Stanzi's grit or how the team responds to Stanzi. There are some immeasureables (sp). You definitely cannot go against his record.

I think Vandenburg may actually make a better NFL prospect when he gets experience. The NFL likes QB's who make sharp passes with velocity. A QB lofting a pass in the NFL will just get it picked off by the speedy corners/safeties. The passes have to be tight & on a line & in stride with the receivers.

And lastly, to be honest with you, I haven't seen a camera shot of Stanzi's mother yet!!!
1. Stanzi played pretty good @ Arizona. The pick 6 should have been caught by McNutt.

2. Vandenberg has played three games. He had 1 decent performance, and 2 terrible performances. Why is he better than Stanzi?
That's actually not the right record. He didn't finish the ISU game in 2008, which we won. So he's 19-4 (he's got 4 losses: Arizona, Illinois 2008, Michigan State 2008, and Northwestern 2008).

Whatever... go re watch the Minnesota game last year and tell me Vandy is better...
If your trying to troll or kick up some sort of QB controversy, STOP! Vandenberg may eventually get there but for now Stanzi is the man.

Stanzi IS this team's leader and starter. JBV's time will come but there should be no debate that this is Stanzi's team. With the rest of the season ahead of us, I'll take Stanzi's experience and leadership over whatever JVB brings. 20-3 trumps "perceived" talent advantage.

OP should be kicked in the shin for even posing the question! ;)
Not even going to bother reading the 4 pages of this the OP - no. Maybe down the road he will be but not at this point nor any point this season will he be in IMO
I would only play Vandenberg if Stanzi can't go because of injury.

I thought Vandenberg was ok last year against Ohio State (threw several balls that should have been intercepted) and I thought he was absolutely awful against a very poor Minnesota team. In the Minnesota game, he couldn't even pick up simple blitzes involving one cornerback.

There is no comparison between the QBs right now.

I believe Vandenberg right now is about where Stanzi was at the beginning of Stanzi's sophomore year. No better than that ---

I have to confess, I think you are overreacting to one loss. Stanzi is not the problem (but the offensive line might be!).
This is a good question. I think they may be closer than many think which is good for Iowa. I think Vandenburg throws a tighter ball with more velocity. Sometimes maybe too much at times & he needs to learn when not to fire it in. But, I think he throws a great ball.

But, Stanzi has an understanding of the O & you can't argue with Stanzi's grit or how the team responds to Stanzi. There are some immeasureables (sp). You definitely cannot go against his record.

I think Vandenburg may actually make a better NFL prospect when he gets experience. The NFL likes QB's who make sharp passes with velocity. A QB lofting a pass in the NFL will just get it picked off by the speedy corners/safeties. The passes have to be tight & on a line & in stride with the receivers.

And lastly, to be honest with you, I haven't seen a camera shot of Stanzi's mother yet!!!

LOL, very well said Melrose
Duff, maybe it's his gambling far this year he has taken care of the ball against two mediocre teams and one good team. His career record is incredible. I still have fears that he might start throwing picks again, and that is always in the back of my mind...our schedule still looks very tough to me and I don't want to see this team a change at QB the answer? I don't think so either...just wanted to discuss the future prospects mainly
Duff, maybe it's his gambling far this year he has taken care of the ball against two mediocre teams and one good team. His career record is incredible. I still have fears that he might start throwing picks again, and that is always in the back of my mind...our schedule still looks very tough to me and I don't want to see this team a change at QB the answer? I don't think so either...just wanted to discuss the future prospects mainly

You can't get afraid that he is going to throw picks. My wife has a problem planning for the unknown & I can't stand it. Ya just have to go with the flow. If he throws a pick he throws a pick.

A couple yrs ago Iowa had a QB in JC that didn't throw too many picks. He also shyed away at taking chances down field & ate the ball a lot. Stanzi just can't throw the obvious dangerous picks where the risk > reward.

Anybody else's wife plans for the unkn?
In Kirk We Trust! If Vandenburg gave us a better chance of winning, The Ferentz would put him in there. When JC sucked, He put in Stanzi. Since then, we have had a great run. There's no reason to think Vandenburg is better right now, but in the future he very well could be (and I hope he is).
The reason people are arguing and overreacting to you is because of your perceived bias. You don't come off as trying to have a rational discussion, you come off as trying to convince people that JVB should be starting over Slingin' Dick. So far the only people you've complimented or given props to are those that agree with you (see below). That's not helping your cause

LOL, very well said Melrose

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