Does AIRBHG negatively impact recruiting?

It's gotten out of hand now that I wouldn't be surprised. Wouldn't surprise me if coaches use it as negative/scare tactic recruiting against Iowa.
You wouldn't think so because a lot of times recruits view themselves as invincible. And all they see is potential early playing time.

I suppose it is possible if other coaches are saying that the injuries are connected to Doyle or our strength training. You never know what other coaches will say or what potential recruits will believe.
Not sure the coaches would want a player on the team who believes in non-existent curses/spirits and ghosts.
No. I mean honestly, would it be as gut wrenching if we didn't get guys the coaches and fans saw a lot of potential in? That's a Red Sox style curse, where you can get so close, you can almost taste it. With lesser recruits, it'd be like the Cubs, where there's no real hope at all to begin with.
I don't know, but with the constant holes in the depth chart at the position, the fact that Iowa is a traditionally run-heavy offense, and the B1G is well known all over the country as a power running league, you have to wonder why we don't land a 4* or better RB in every single class.
Not saying it hurts, but how could it possibly help?!?!? If I had to pick I'd say it hurts before it helps
It might hurt Iowa's image in the eyes of a RB recruit. Then again, it might constantly provide a talented RB the opportunity to play right away, which would be a positive.

Overall, I think the types of things that "should help a school's recruiting, or maybe hurt a school's recruiting" don't play as big of a role as the fans think they will. For example, we have a history of every RB being kicked off the team, we still sign pretty good RB recruits. USC cheated, they face sanctions/penalties, their coach is a grade A+ scumbag...yet they still get the best recruits.

There are so many examples of recruits that narrow it down to 2 schools and make a puzzling choice. And I don't think this is a biased thing to say, I'm talking about recruits across the board. Ultimately, I don't think recruits are typically that smart of people. 18 year old RB prospects from Florida are not always the most intellectual or analytical people out there, and these types of things that us fans think about, don't cross their minds that much.

I honestly think that when people say, "the new alternate uniforms like Nike Pro Combats are what attracts all the recruits"...they are right. Recruits aren't thinking about the inter workings of the programs, they are looking for shiny things to tweet about.

You're right. Maybe we should own and embrace AIRBHG, rather than dismiss her. Ehhh...probably not.

I'm sorry I stepped on your voodoo religion. I'm sure Iowa won't get a RB this year because of the comedy-driven superstition invented by BHGP to increase their viewership.:rolleyes:
I've put some thought into this over the years.

Depends on the the recruit. Depends if the recruit has even heard about the beast. Overall, I think it's a net negative. But not by a lot. However, if it continues I think it will become a more widely known phenomenon nationally and then the negative impact will become more acute.

We (the message board community) sustain the curse by giving 'it':mad: any credence. We need to stop talking about, but i'm afraid that ship has sailed.
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