DMR -"Lawyer: University should have acted sooner on Marcus Coker"

defendants were not found 'not guilty'. it never went to trial. that doesn't mean nothing illegal or unseemly happened that the U is privileged to know about. just means the alleged didn't want to go thru a circus for no gain.

conlin mentioned the mishandling of past events, but cedric everson was found not guilty of sexual assault.
conlin mentioned the mishandling of past events, but cedric everson was found not guilty of sexual assault.

I don't want to defend Conlin here because...well, it's Conlin. But, in fairness, regardless of his verdict that whole fiasco was mishandled by the University. That's not an invalid criticism. Trying to insinuate that this incident remotely reflects that one is a ridiculous assertion though. Even if the University botched this it can't be as poorly handled as that incident was.
From a purely strategic viewpoint, the University should have been consistent. Either: (A) suspend him immediately, including for all regular season games after the event; or (B) do not suspend him from the bowl game.

Letting him play the regular season games and suspending him from the bowl game raises a lot of issues. It was the worst choice they could have made (again, from a strategy standpoint).
From a purely strategic viewpoint, the University should have been consistent. Either: (A) suspend him immediately, including for all regular season games after the event; or (B) do not suspend him from the bowl game.

Letting him play the regular season games and suspending him from the bowl game raises a lot of issues. It was the worst choice they could have made (again, from a strategy standpoint).

From a purely strategic viewpoint, the University should have been consistent. Either: (A) suspend him immediately, including for all regular season games after the event; or (B) do not suspend him from the bowl game.

Letting him play the regular season games and suspending him from the bowl game raises a lot of issues. It was the worst choice they could have made (again, from a strategy standpoint).

Agree 100%.

Hard to believe the University is considered a place of higher learning. They are absolutely clueless.
From a purely strategic viewpoint, the University should have been consistent. Either: (A) suspend him immediately, including for all regular season games after the event; or (B) do not suspend him from the bowl game. Letting him play the regular season games and suspending him from the bowl game raises a lot of issues. It was the worst choice they could have made (again, from a strategy standpoint).

I love when people have very little info and absolutely no insight on discussions between all parties and reasons why decisions were made but yet somehow know how things should have been handled better.
I love when people have very little info and absolutely no insight on discussions between all parties and reasons why decisions were made but yet somehow know how things should have been handled better.

I love when people cannot see a PR nightmare when it hits them in the face and fail to recognize that only consistent positions are defensible in the media.
They're in survival mode.

No, they're not. They're the primary paper in Iowa. This isn't like papers in Denver that go down. Cities like that have more than one paper.

And on top of that, newspapers as a whole are on the decline, but everything is moving online. The Register won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Roxanne Conlin is a thief of tax payer dollars and a glorified slum lord. The red star should investigate how much money she has stolen from the government and her opinion of this is less relevant than any hn poster.
No, they're not. They're the primary paper in Iowa. This isn't like papers in Denver that go down. Cities like that have more than one paper.

And on top of that, newspapers as a whole are on the decline, but everything is moving online. The Register won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Dude, Chicago had two newspapers. Both of them went bankrupt. The Rag is absolutely in survival mode and will follow the big corp. owned papers down the path of buying substantially all of its content from a service like AP and generating a dwindling amount of its own local content that becomes progressively crappier as its margins become thinner and thinner. I read it at my mom's place over Christmas and the thing looks like a USA Today with maybe 20% lame local interest crap, most of which looked like it was written by 10th graders.
The university must know something the public doesn't otherewise there is no reason to suspend Coker. It appears their stance is going to be that he violated student code of conduct but in the end was not charged with a crime. This is just my assumption but I don't see any other explanation for the suspension; especially months after the alleged incident occurred. If my assumption is correct, they should have suspended him immediately upon finding out about the violation of student code. His actions either did or did not violate code of conduct; it shouldn't take 2 months to figure that out.

The University really knows how to turn these cases into a $hitstorm though don't they
Roxanne Conlin has nothing to lose here from her perspective. She gets free advertising for her services. We are reminded she is an advocate for women and their rights. And maybe, just maybe, this is a play for her to reach out to the alleged victim (name not public) and "offer" her services and get a sitdown with her.

She should try politics. Politicians always talk about stuff before the facts are known for personal benefit.
maybe the two aren't related. strike one. no penalty unless pursued. strike two. one game suspension.

DMR has no full knowledge above anyone else.

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