DJK's Twitter is Officially back.

It's going to be really funny if his twitter posts consist primarily of mundane stuff such as "eating at Airliner" and "damn mustard stain didn't come out of my shirt"
Seriously...who cares...if he rips Iowa football I will puke all over the computer. I seriously don't care about him at all...he made his bed.
Seriously...who cares...if he rips Iowa football I will puke all over the computer. I seriously don't care about him at all...he made his bed.

I dont think hes gonna rip on it. He has been pretty apologetic on his facebook. He says hes wants to earn the fans respect back.
Really think that we need to wait and see what happens in this case. DJK did make his bed and he will have to lie in it no matter what the out come is. He hurt himself, he didn't hurt anyone else that I know of.
I dont think hes gonna rip on it. He has been pretty apologetic on his facebook. He says hes wants to earn the fans respect back.

Too late. I'm all about 2nd chances, but...DJK: see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
Kid worked the edge his entire time in IC and the high-wire act finally tumbled down.
Fool me once...:mad:
Too late. I'm all about 2nd chances, but...DJK: see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
Kid worked the edge his entire time in IC and the high-wire act finally tumbled down.
Fool me once...:mad:

What do you mean he was working the edge his entire time in IC? I wasn't aware of this.
Too late. I'm all about 2nd chances, but...DJK: see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
Kid worked the edge his entire time in IC and the high-wire act finally tumbled down.
Fool me once...:mad:

I'm not sure I agree. Except for all the "doghouse" rumors DJK was never really in any trouble. Unless DJK comes out and says why he was supposedly in the doghouse we will never know the full story. In that case I have no reason to believe DJK was in any more trouble during his career than the arrest last month. And in that case he does deserve a second chance, not with the team, but to prove that he truly was a Hawkeye and believed in everything being a Hawkeye stands for.
He screwed up, it's time to move on. I have no problem with DJK. He is IMO the best WR in Iowa History. Some of you act as if he personally hurt you. All he did for you fans is bust his a$$ on Saturdays for the past 4 seasons.

There is to much positive that DJK did the past 4 seasons for me to strike him from my Hawkeye memory..

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What do you mean he was working the edge his entire time in IC? I wasn't aware of this.

OK, perhaps that's hyperbole, you think DJK's involvement/friendship with the drug-dealing roommate just started recently, like within weeks/months of his arrest?
Is it not safe to presume that he brought his 'rebel' attitude (leading to FB-related discipline issues) with him when he arrived on campus four years ago?
I honestly don't think DJK is a wet-behind-the-ears kid who made a mistake one night. I also don't think he's a hardened thug.
I think he's somewhere in between, and I think he's been this way for a while.
He screwed up, it's time to move on. I have no problem with DJK. He is IMO the best WR in Iowa History. Some of you act as if he personally hurt you. All he did for you fans is bust his a$$ on Saturdays for the past 4 seasons.

There is to much positive that DJK did the past 4 seasons for me to strike him from my Hawkeye memory..


Geez. OK! Don't hit me, pal. :D
He screwed up, it's time to move on. I have no problem with DJK. He is IMO the best WR in Iowa History. Some of you act as if he personally hurt you. All he did for you fans is bust his a$$ on Saturdays for the past 4 seasons.

There is to much positive that DJK did the past 4 seasons for me to strike him from my Hawkeye memory..


You're far too forgiving, seems to me. Yes, he caught a lot of footballs, ran for a lot of yards, took the hits, scored touchdowns. But by several accounts, he was something of a disruptive influence much of his career, at times seemed on his own page, not the team's, essentially bailed on his final collegiate bowl game and then got into legal trouble that put the program in a poor light. We will be lucky if there is no collateral damage from the investigation into activities at Derrell's hot house.

I used to be in DJK's corner and wanted to see more balls thrown his way. No longer. He's proven himself to be a selfish loser. I could not care less about anything he has to say from here on out. If he ends up playing at the next level, I will have none of the desire to watch him play as I do other Hawks (Shonn Greene, Nate Kaeding, Tony Moeaki, Dallas Clark, etc.)
You're far too forgiving, seems to me. Yes, he caught a lot of footballs, ran for a lot of yards, took the hits, scored touchdowns. But by several accounts, he was something of a disruptive influence much of his career, at times seemed on his own page, not the team's, essentially bailed on his final collegiate bowl game and then got into legal trouble that put the program in a poor light. We will be lucky if there is no collateral damage from the investigation into activities at Derrell's hot house.

I used to be in DJK's corner and wanted to see more balls thrown his way. No longer. He's proven himself to be a selfish loser. I could not care less about anything he has to say from here on out. If he ends up playing at the next level, I will have none of the desire to watch him play as I do other Hawks (Shonn Greene, Nate Kaeding, Tony Moeaki, Dallas Clark, etc.)

VERY well stated, Tweet. Totally concur.
(Happy New Year, btw :) )
[ame=]YouTube - Godfather II: You broke my heart Fredo[/ame]
I met his family and little brothers in Miami. I am sure they are beyond disappointed and it pains me to know what those kids have to go through after this. They were his biggest fans and he let them down more than any one of us, and it isn't close. I would hope that his actions from here on out are much more responsible for not only himself, but for those around him.

I don't think I have to forgive DJK for anything, because he did nothing to me personally. Hopefully he can get a 2nd chance and use it to make his legacy what it should have been: one of (if not THE) best WRs in Hawkeye history.
Well, here is his first interesting tweet: Looking forward to doin presser in Iowa city soon.If u were expecting me to throw the program under the bus,nope.I have 0 reason to,Go hawks
if that was his first tweet he gained back some respect from me. everyone makes mistakes hopefully he learns from his and has a great pro career and i can say he was a good hawk on the field. at least his crime wasn't rape or murder or anything like that.

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