DJK to the Eagles?

I think it was unfair more so in that it painted with a broad brush..not perhaps germane to Reid, but rather regular joes and janes that have to make do and do what they can.
Please answer this. Is it too much to ask people to procreate when they have some stability in their lives? Because in the 1960's modern science made it possible to easily control one's ability to reproduce, yet we've become much more irresponsible with procreation with each scientific advance in the field of fertility control.
Please answer this. Is it too much to ask people to procreate when they have some stability in their lives? Because in the 1960's modern science made it possible to easily control one's ability to reproduce, yet we've become much more irresponsible with procreation with each scientific advance in the field of fertility control.

You seen Jerry Springer lately? There-in lies the reason you are looking for. We have a lot of morons in the world.
i cant imagine that having dad at home really determines any kids chances one way or another.

It can have a huge impact.

The statistics on unwed teen mothers are striking as it relates to which of them did and did not have a father at home. Kids whose dads are seldom at home or not around are also far more likely to exhibit bullying behaviors at younger ages. There are so many studies along these lines, books, etc.

My wife has spent a lot of time working with at risk teen girls. It's to the point where she can observe a group of girls and eerily pick out which girls have fathers in their lives, and which ones don't.

Kids need attention, they need boundaries and they need discipline. When they don't have it, they find attention and acceptance wherever they can, and far too often that is in bad places and behaviors.

Fatherless children are at a dramatically greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, suicide, poor educational performance, teen pregnancy, and criminality.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Survey on Child Health, Washington, DC.

"...the absence of the father in the home affects significantly the behavior of adolescents and results in the greater use of alcohol and marijuana."
Source: Deane Scott Berman, "Risk Factors Leading to Adolescent Substance Abuse," Adolescence 30 (1995)

Fatherless children are at dramatically greater risk of suicide.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Survey on Child Health, Washington, DC.

In 1988, a study of preschool children admitted to New Orleans hospitals as psychiatric patients over a 34-month period found that nearly 80 percent came from fatherless homes.
Source: Jack Block, et al. "Parental Functioning and the Home Environment in Families of Divorce," Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27 (1988)

In a longitudinal study of 1,197 fourth-grade students, researchers observed "greater levels of aggression in boys from mother-only households than from boys in mother-father households."
Source: N. Vaden-Kierman, N. Ialongo, J. Pearson, and S. Kellam, "Household Family Structure and Children's Aggressive Behavior: A Longitudinal Study of Urban Elementary School Children," Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 23, no. 5
you just referenced a bunch of studies regarding kids without fathers in their life whatsoever...i thought we were talking about whether dad spend too much time at work? which is it?
you just referenced a bunch of studies regarding kids without fathers in their life whatsoever...i thought we were talking about whether dad spend too much time at work? which is it?

I have already posted that my comments along this line were unfair.

The post you are referring to is in response to this post:

Originally Posted by 9YRPLAN
i cant imagine that having dad at home really determines any kids chances one way or another.

That will be my last post on this in this thread...sorry for my part in hijacking it.
you just referenced a bunch of studies regarding kids without fathers in their life whatsoever...i thought we were talking about whether dad spend too much time at work? which is it?

Exactly. And who's to say how much time is enough? A dad that works until 7 could spend more QUALITY time with their son than a dad that works until 4.
Please answer this. Is it too much to ask people to procreate when they have some stability in their lives? Because in the 1960's modern science made it possible to easily control one's ability to reproduce, yet we've become much more irresponsible with procreation with each scientific advance in the field of fertility control.

Some people were raised by NFL football coaches who were never around to teach them this. If everyone would just start football websites with 10 banner ads per page instead of coaching football, this problem along with drug abuse would not exist.
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well, my dad worked 2nd shift...and i was not signed by an NFL i guess Jon is right. daddy failed.
you just referenced a bunch of studies regarding kids without fathers in their life whatsoever...i thought we were talking about whether dad spend too much time at work? which is it?

The reality is that much of a child's behavior is genetic and determined before they are born. If they have intelligent and successful parents, more likely than not, they will develop into intelligent and successful people. It doesn't matter if their father is in their life or not, because in most cases when the father isn't in their life, it is because the father is a loser and a relationship with them will not benefit the child.

For instance, look at president Obama. He had no relationship with his father, was pretty much raised by his grandparents, however, his mother had a Ph.D in anthropology, and his father had a Masters in economics from Harvard.

While it is true that a father can provide stability in a child's life, the reality is that any adult can provide that, and it doesn't have to be a parent. That is why studies have conclusively proven that children of low-achievers adopted by high-achieving parents wind up as low achievers, and vice-versa.
Jon made a joke. Stop being dickholes about it. Lecture on a family values site. I don't want to read your fun hating bs, only how the hawks kick ***
Vick has hinted that Desean Jackson could hold out this year. If that happens DJK could see significant time.
on. It doesn't matter if their father is in their life or not, because in most cases when the father isn't in their life, it is because the father is a loser and a relationship with them will not benefit the child.

For instance, look at president Obama. He had no relationship with his father, was pretty much raised by his grandparents, however, his mother had a Ph.D in anthropology, and his father had a Masters in economics from Harvard.

While it is true that a father can provide stability in a child's life, the reality is that any adult can provide that, and it doesn't have to be a parent. That is why studies have conclusively proven that children of low-achievers adopted by high-achieving parents wind up as low achievers, and vice-versa.

Irrevocably and undeniably false…..I have purposely stayed out of this thread as it is a very touchy subject. Jon, albeit unintentional I think, showed a lack of tact with his initial response although it was true nonetheless.

I’ll use myself as an example……I work a lot, too much, but I have learned to try hard to make the most of my time available. I didn’t use to and I'm not alone for sure. The amount of time a loving, caring “involved” mom and dad shows interest in their children is absolutely paramount in how they grow and in turn raise their own kids. It is astronomical and you can find about a bazzillion studies on the subject.

I myself have failed and maybe still do at times, but the reason people pooh-pooh it is they don’t want it to be true. No one wants to be accountable anymore, from the 2 years olds on up to 90. What we DO does make a difference in the lives of ALL people and ultimately the world.

I have been involved in a number of bible groups that studied this very matter and the stats are mind numbing.

Drug addiction…..


Unwed pregnancy…..


Gender and sexual indenity issues…

Domestic issues, Crime, Alcoholism, etc, etc, etc……is waaaaayyyyy higher with only one involved parent and sadly the father appears to be the main culprit, though I’d guess that is because he is the one most likely to be an absentee….

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Vick has hinted that Desean Jackson could hold out this year. If that happens DJK could see significant time.

This right here. Although it seems the website referenced was a little premature, I could see him going to a team with a possible need at PR/KR. I'm sure Desean will end up reporting, but it never hurts to have somebody just in case things turn bad. Nonetheless somebody you can give a Hubbard deal to.
The reality is that much of a child's behavior is genetic and determined before they are born. If they have intelligent and successful parents, more likely than not, they will develop into intelligent and successful people. It doesn't matter if their father is in their life or not, because in most cases when the father isn't in their life, it is because the father is a loser and a relationship with them will not benefit the child.

For instance, look at president Obama. He had no relationship with his father, was pretty much raised by his grandparents, however, his mother had a Ph.D in anthropology, and his father had a Masters in economics from Harvard.

While it is true that a father can provide stability in a child's life, the reality is that any adult can provide that, and it doesn't have to be a parent. That is why studies have conclusively proven that children of low-achievers adopted by high-achieving parents wind up as low achievers, and vice-versa.

Behavior is largely unrelated to genetics unless the supposition that a parent passes down a trait relating to addiction. In this case, I don't know of any addiction that runs in Andy or Tammy Reid's family. But we're talking about heroin here. One typically does not go from beer/hawkeye vodka straight to heroin. It is, in my educated guess, that parents were either in denial about the first red flags of both boys, or completely oblivious for a LONG time. It could be both, which is possible with a father who spends most of his time away.

It's a known fact that Andy was out of touch with his kids( he admitted this inan interview in2007) and at least one of them was living in his car in AZ before they finally lent a helping hand.

I have two young kids, and I can't fathom how hard it is to raise teens yet, but much of the fault is on the parents.