DJK: All smiles in his gangster glasses

Hey northendzone...i'm really curious what shade of sunglasses you would wear on a day like today. Does your mood dictate the darkness? I'm happy today so I'm going with me clear pair!!!! Your a f'in D Bag
It's pretty easy to see the agenda of the OP and the AP writer by even mentioning the sunglasses. Of course they're not going to spell out what they're getting at because its loaded with racial undertones.
Listen, DJK is one classy POS. Plain and simple. For those of you that want to stick up for him, as far as I'm concerned you can go screw yourselfs. Now let me explain myself.

I'm in my mid-twenties and I've been a huge Hawkeye fan my entire life. Throughout DJK's career I've had times where I was a big fan of his and other times where I really questioned his committment to the team. His senior season rolls around with me still being on the fence about him. Are the naysayers right or are they wrong about this kid? Has Ferentz been a little overbearing with a kid that just has a bright personality, or does the kid really think and act like he's bigger than the team? Then he shows up to camp, puts in the work, and most importantly keeps his mouth shut and manages to act like a team player. He puts up great numbers during a painful season in which other big name players weren't able to step-up. I finally thought he had turned the corner and Ferentz's coaching style and advice had finally started to sink in. I jumped on his bandwagon and started to think the clash between him and Ferentz was simply the differences between an old-school vs new-school personality.

Turns out the kid has learned zero lessons and has been pulling a fast one on all of us who actually tried sticking up for him all along. It's funny how the truth always tends to come out and his actions have certainly spoken louder than his words here. That's saying a lot too because DJK loves to talk. I'm willing to bet he's a spoiled rotten superathlete who has always got whatever he wanted and thought he was invincible because of who he was and what he could do on the football field. It's almost the end of the fall semester for college... I'm assuming he has been living in that drug house at least throughout the current football season. Obviously this type of crap has been going on for awhile.

If nothing else it's good to finally know the truth about DJK. He's a heck of a football player with a ton of talent who only cares about himself. In the end everyone found out what kind of person he is. I refuse to consider someone who put himself before his team for 4 straight years to be a true Hawkeye, I don't care what kind of numbers he put up on the field.
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Listen, DJK is one classy POS. Plain and simple. For those of you that want to stick up for him, as far as I'm concerned you can go screw yourselfs. Now let me explain myself.

I'm in my mid-twenties and I've been a huge Hawkeye fan my entire life. Throughout DJK's career I've had times where I was a big fan of his and other times where I really questioned his committment to the team. His senior season rolls around with me still being on the fence about him. Are the naysayers right or are they wrong about this kid? Has Ferentz been a little overbearing with a kid that just has a bright personality, or does the kid really think and act like he's bigger than the team? Then he shows up to camp, puts in the work, and most importantly keeps his mouth shut and manages to act like a team player. He puts up great numbers during a painful season in which other big name players weren't able to step-up. I finally thought he had turned the corner and Ferentz's coaching style and advice had finally started to sink in. I jumped on his bandwagon and started to think the clash between him and Ferentz was simply the differences between an old-school vs new-school personality.

Turns out the kid has learned zero lessons and has been pulling a fast one on all of us who actually tried sticking up for him all along. It's funny how the truth always tends to come out and his actions have certainly spoken louder than his words here. That's saying a lot too because DJK loves to talk. I'm willing to bet he's a spoiled rotten superathlete who has always got whatever he wanted and thought he was invincible because of who he was and what he could do on the football field. It's almost the end of the fall semester for college... I'm assuming he has been living at least during the current football season. Obviously this type of crap has been going on for awhile.

If nothing else it's good to finally know the truth about DJK. He's a heck of a football player with a ton of talent who only cares about himself. In the end everyone found out what kind of person he is. I refuse to consider someone who put himself before his team for 4 straight years to be a true Hawkeye, I don't care what kind of numbers he put up on the field.

Solid post.... It's amazing that so many people on this board continue to coddle this guy after he acted selfishly and destroyed the trust his team had in him as a senior leader. One week ago, some of the very same people who praised the academic achievers on this team now defend this jerk. The standards should be set high for this program. At the very least, we should have expectations that our student athletes act honorably on and off the field.
Apparently nothing says gangster like a well-groomed young black man wearing sunglasses on a sunny day.

Guess he should have worn acid-washed jeans and a Slayer t-shirt.
Apparently nothing says gangster like a well-groomed young black man wearing sunglasses on a sunny day.

Guess he should have worn acid-washed jeans and a Slayer t-shirt.

He should have offered a pair to his attorney. He looked like he could barely see as bright as it was out there.
Listen, even Kirk Ferentz understood image matters. In 2007 he got mad at DJK for wearing "sunglasses" to a post-game interview. In fact, it was against Kirk Ferentz's own policy. Looks like Ferentz understands that image matters. Writing about the incident, Rob Howe wrote,

"Johnson-Koulianos found himself the center of controversy after wearing a ball cap and sunglasses to a Tuesday press conference. He was expressing his style, just like a coach wearing khakis and a golf shirt. Ferentz saw it as an image of his team he didn’t want portrayed in public."

So is Ferentz now a racist too? Image matters.
Listen, even Kirk Ferentz understood image matters. In 2007 he got mad at DJK for wearing "sunglasses" to a post-game interview. In fact, it was against Kirk Ferentz's own policy. Looks like Ferentz understands that image matters. Writing about the incident, Rob Howe wrote,

"Johnson-Koulianos found himself the center of controversy after wearing a ball cap and sunglasses to a Tuesday press conference. He was expressing his style, just like a coach wearing khakis and a golf shirt. Ferentz saw it as an image of his team he didn’t want portrayed in public."

So is Ferentz now a racist too? Image matters.

Got it Andre Agassi. I'm taking a picture of your post with my EOS Rebel as we speak.
Listen, even Kirk Ferentz understood image matters. In 2007 he got mad at DJK for wearing "sunglasses" to a post-game interview. In fact, it was against Kirk Ferentz's own policy. Looks like Ferentz understands that image matters. Writing about the incident, Rob Howe wrote,

"Johnson-Koulianos found himself the center of controversy after wearing a ball cap and sunglasses to a Tuesday press conference. He was expressing his style, just like a coach wearing khakis and a golf shirt. Ferentz saw it as an image of his team he didn’t want portrayed in public."

So is Ferentz now a racist too? Image matters.

Post-game interviews are typically done indoors, right? If wearing dark sunglasses outside on a sunny day sends a poor image, then I guess I'm f*cked, seeing as I have sensitive eyes.
I agree image matters. I saw nothing wrong with the image DJK portrayed at his court appearance (and no, he didn't wear the sunglasses indoors). If this had been Tim Dwight wearing the identical clothing and shades, you wouldn't have said boo about his appearance - you know it's true.
Post-game interviews are typically done indoors, right? If wearing dark sunglasses outside on a sunny day sends a poor image, then I guess I'm f*cked, seeing as I have sensitive eyes.

The funny thing about all this is here we have a guy brought to court for seven drug-related charges after being kicked off the football team and we are arguing about glasses.
I agree image matters. I saw nothing wrong with the image DJK portrayed at his court appearance (and no, he didn't wear the sunglasses indoors). If this had been Tim Dwight wearing the identical clothing and shades, you wouldn't have said boo about his appearance - you know it's true.

If Tim Dwight had a history of wearing shades during indoor press conferences he probably would have. It was rather obvious he did it then as an image statement, so it wouldn't surprise me if he did it now for the same reason. In this case we don't know if that was his reasoning or if he did just because of the weather. Either way it's not worth arguing over.
The funny thing about all this is here we have a guy brought to court for seven drug-related charges after being kicked off the football team and we are arguing about glasses.

That actually plays somewhat into my point. Nobody is downplaying what he's done, or defending his actions. Merely defending him from insinuations that are not relevant to anything. If endzone wants to berate DJK for the drugs, I'm fine with that. He's earned that. But just because he's (all but certainly) guilty of that doesn't mean people can pick on anything and everything, no matter how irrelevant it is (not calling you out, just saying).
I agree image matters. I saw nothing wrong with the image DJK portrayed at his court appearance (and no, he didn't wear the sunglasses indoors). If this had been Tim Dwight wearing the identical clothing and shades, you wouldn't have said boo about his appearance - you know it's true.

Also, weren't you just critical of posters for making assumptions about DJK in other posts? Kind of hypocritical that you would make such assumptions about the character or intentions of this poster.
I think the whole court appearance apparel debate is more about the way he chose to present himself than it is about the color of his skin (per the Tim Dwight comparison). Whether he's black or white DJK has a certain cockiness to him and the way he chose to present himself to the court just screamed "I'm a cocky egomaniac athlete and I'm better than all of you". His dress combined with his "swagger" is just very distasteful IMO considering he's arriving to a court date that could very well determine the outcome of at least the next several years of his life. Maybe he could put his ego on the backburner for a second and try eating a slice of humble pie.
This is probably just cougar talk but here's what I have to say....mmmm...mmmmm....mmmmmm! He looks GOOD in 'dem glasses, turtle neck, and jacket! I thought gangsta's wore sideways baseball caps and lots of bling.

What do you want him to look like? This?
This is probably just cougar talk but here's what I have to say....mmmm...mmmmm....mmmmmm! He looks GOOD in 'dem glasses, turtle neck, and jacket! I thought gangsta's wore sideways baseball caps and lots of bling.

What do you want him to look like? This?

He looked more like this:
This is probably just cougar talk but here's what I have to say....mmmm...mmmmm....mmmmmm! He looks GOOD in 'dem glasses, turtle neck, and jacket! I thought gangsta's wore sideways baseball caps and lots of bling.

What do you want him to look like? This?

Clearly, you don't understand the facts.

1.) He is black.

2.) The charges are drug related.

Therefore, he's gangsta! This is elementary stuff.

Not to mention it's quite sunny today. I wore my shades today. Guess I'm a gangster too.

Fo' shizzle.

Did he wear them 'cause his future's so....ah, nevermind. I'm still too disappointed to even make the joke. :(
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