DJK: All smiles in his gangster glasses

He sure doesn't present the image of being too remorseful. I know I wouldn't be smiling to the press if I commited such acts. I'd be walking around a little embarrassed of myself. Then again, I was raised with higher standards.

Per AP:
Decked out in big glasses and sports jacket over a turtleneck, Johnson-Koulianos smiled for photographers as he entered the Johnson County courtroom. He stood with his hands behind his back as Judge Stephen Gerard read the seven charges against him and the potential jail time -- up to 7½ years -- and fines he faces. He waived his right to a preliminary hearing and an arraignment date was not immediately scheduled.

Give me a break. What do you know about this man's family or his upbringing? Grow up.
Give me a break. What do you know about this man's family or his upbringing? Grow up.

Let's see here, I know he's facing seven charges of criminal misconduct, up to 7.5 years in jail and tested positive for cocaine and marijauna. What else do I need to know? If you defend a loser like that maybe you need to heed your own advice regarding growing up.

And it's a fact that I was brought up with higher standards. This cannot be refuted. I wouldn't stoop to the level DJK did and I sure hope you wouldn't either.
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Whatever, dude. I'm not defending his choices, but for you to suggest that his parents would find his behavior acceptable is a joke.
Whatever, dude. I'm not defending his choices, but for you to suggest that his parents would find his behavior acceptable is a joke.

I never said his parents found this acceptable, you are putting words in my mouth. Either one thing has to be true in this scenario: a) I was raised better to know this is unacceptable behavior, or b) I developed better morals and personal responsibility on my own than he did. There's no joke about it. Typically criminal behavior can be traced back to child development. For me personally, I was a product of how I was raised. If I grew up in a bad situation I may have fallen in the gutter too. I think that's true of most people.
You specifically said you were raised with higher standards. That's not a slight against DJK. That's a slight against the Koulianos'. Just because he obviously didn't absorb what they were teaching him doesn't mean they didn't try.
You specifically said you were raised with higher standards. That's not a slight against DJK. That's a slight against the Koulianos'. Just because he obviously didn't absorb what they were teaching him doesn't mean they didn't try.

I think you're taking me out of context. Parenting isn't either black or white. You're not either a great parent or a horrible one. I have plenty of friends who had decent parents and found themselves in trouble with the law. I think more than anything, it was praise of my parents. They obviously did something right to keep me on the straight and narrow. My parents were very strict. I hated it at the time but appreciate it now that I'm older. DJK's parents might not have been bad people, but something went wrong either in how he was brought up or developed personally that led him to make these decisions.
I never said his parents found this acceptable, you are putting words in my mouth. Either one thing has to be true in this scenario: a) I was raised better to know this is unacceptable behavior, or b) I developed better morals and personal responsibility on my own than he did. There's no joke about it. Typically criminal behavior can be traced back to child development. For me personally, I was a product of how I was raised. If I grew up in a bad situation I may have fallen in the gutter too. I think that's true of most people.

As long as we're making judgements on character and upbringing, Smoot - You're a ****** whose parents didn't raise you to comment with better discretion. Seriously, what is the point of writing this sh*t?
I think you're taking me out of context. Parenting isn't either black or white. You're not either a great parent or a horrible one. I have plenty of friends who had decent parents and found themselves in trouble with the law. I think more than anything, it was praise of my parents. They obviously did something right to keep me on the straight and narrow. My parents were very strict. I hated it at the time but appreciate it now that I'm older. DJK's parents might not have been bad people, but something went wrong either in how he was brought up or developed personally that led him to make these decisions.

And here you are on an internet message board posting with all of us low lifes that weren't blessed with your royal upbringing bragging about your UPBRINGING. Not everyone thinks the straight and narrow is super cool awesomeness. I'm happy for you but don't brag about it. You've got what? 4 posts now in this thread extolling your virtues?

Your upbringing must not have included humbleness.
As long as we're making judgements on character and upbringing, Smoot - You're a ****** whose parents didn't raise you to comment with better discretion. Seriously, what is the point of writing this sh*t?

You're entitled to your opinion as I'm entitled to mine. I tend to not be so defensive of people who blatantly violate the law.
And here you are on an internet message board posting with all of us low lifes that weren't blessed with your royal upbringing bragging about your UPBRINGING. Not everyone thinks the straight and narrow is super cool awesomeness. I'm happy for you but don't brag about it. You've got what? 4 posts now in this thread extolling your virtues?

Your upbringing must not have included humbleness.

Hey, I'm in no way bragging about myself personally. I even said if I didn't have good parents I probably would have done wrong too. The only reason I've posted 4 times, now 5, is because I was responding to posts directed at me.
You're entitled to your opinion as I'm entitled to mine. I tend to not be so defensive of people who blatantly violate the law.

If DJK had flashed gang signs, or made some kind of drug-related gesture, then by all means, carry on. Wearing sunglasses on a sunny day? No. That's kicking a guy when he's down for nothing. It's one thing if what you're picking on is something worth picking. His sunglasses aren't.
All I'm saying is the day after your arrest you can choose to have a certain image. You can appear remorseful, or you can parade around smiling with dark sunglasses on - like its a day at the park. He may look like Mr. Cool but its not a good image for the situation he is in. Any image consultant would echo the same thing. Does the guy care? Or does he think this is all a big joke?
If DJK had flashed gang signs, or made some kind of drug-related gesture, then by all means, carry on. Wearing sunglasses on a sunny day? No. That's kicking a guy when he's down for nothing. It's one thing if what you're picking on is something worth picking. His sunglasses aren't.

I agree with you on that. I wasn't ripping the guy for wearing sunglasses like the original poster. I do however believe he acted pretty smug during his court appearance and smiling at the cameras on his way from the courthouse was a little immature considering the circumstances.
All I'm saying is the day after your arrest you can choose to have a certain image. You can appear remorseful, or you can parade around smiling with dark sunglasses on - like its a day at the park. He may look like Mr. Cool but its not a good image for the situation he is in. Any image consultant would echo the same thing. Does the guy care? Or does he think this is all a big joke?

The sunglasses are COMPLETELY irrelevant. He wore dark shades. Guess what? IT WAS SUNNY! I suppose it IS more likely that he wore them to look cool, rather than that the weather might have called for it.

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