Ditching a Playoff to Save the Rose Bowl

The B10 tried for home semis and tried for neutral games in the Midwest, and they weren't going to fly. Now they are protecting their other asset. They are playing politics with the hand they were delt.

Do you have a link that supports that theory? Why would everyone be in such disfavor over something that makes perfect sense?
A link that supports what theory? That Delaney was unable to sell the idea of home semis or bidded Midwestern semis? Google will help you find it, its all over the place.

The SEC is a loud voice and they push for the status quo because it helps them. Semis in the bowl system helps them. B12 also gets helped by bowl semis.

P12 was more strongly in favor of home semis than B10 was.
Do you have a link that supports that theory? Why would everyone be in such disfavor over something that makes perfect sense?

"Everyone" includes about four very important people: the commissioners of the SEC, ACC, Big XII, and Pac12. None of them are going to want their teams to play in Columbus, Ann Arbor, Madison, or wherever in January.
Big Ten surrenders fight to bring college football playoff to the Midwest, just to help the Rose Bowl - Yahoo! Sports

If the devotion to the Rose Bowl is as accurate as that article makes it sound, the Big Ten ADs are absolutely crazy. They are willing to ditch campus AND bidded out semi-final games to save the Rose Bowl!!!?? They say they polled to players and they (players) like the bowl experience, yea, of course they do, its at no cost to them and full of free swag! However, they're gonna be gone in 4 years and there the fans will be choosing which game to travel to, the Big Ten Championship, Semi-final Bowl Game or National Championship game. Just crazy that they can't see past the Rose Bowl.

They'll love the bowl experience until they play USC in the Rose Bowl, or LSU in the Sugar, ect. The playoffs should be played at campus of the higher ranked team, then the NC should be bid out. I would like to see an 8 team playoff though.
They'll love the bowl experience until they play USC in the Rose Bowl, or LSU in the Sugar, ect. The playoffs should be played at campus of the higher ranked team, then the NC should be bid out. I would like to see an 8 team playoff though.

"SHOULD" is not a word that the men who'll be ironing out the details will be using.
For every time they play in Ann Arbor or Columbus, they would also be playing in Austin and Gainesville. I don't think anyone would have an advantage in this scenario.
For every time they play in Ann Arbor or Columbus, they would also be playing in Austin and Gainesville. I don't think anyone would have an advantage in this scenario.

But with a bowl scenaio, while they'll not be playing in Austin or Gainsville, they will be playing in Orlando or Tampa or Houston or Dallas.
So Oklahhoma would rather play UConn in the Fiesta Bowl than in Norman?
USC would rather play Iowa in Miami than in a domed neutral site in the Midwest?
Interest in bowl games continues to decline. Even BCS games rarely sell out anymore. I don't understand holding on to the past just because it's the past.
The B1G screwed up in giving up the fight to have on campus semis...not happy about this one.

I agree with that, their 1st step should have been requiring the stadium to be a certain size or larger say, 65k+ or 70k+. and then when little stadiums complain, add in if the stadium doesn't seat that many, have it at an NFL stadium with X number of miles of that schools stadium.
So Oklahhoma would rather play UConn in the Fiesta Bowl than in Norman?
USC would rather play Iowa in Miami than in a domed neutral site in the Midwest?
Interest in bowl games continues to decline. Even BCS games rarely sell out anymore. I don't understand holding on to the past just because it's the past.

You're all over the map here. No one mentioned neutral midwestern domes. Other conferences would obviously prefer to play at home, but would rather play at a bowl site every year than risk playing at an opponent's cold-weather home stadium half the time. It's pretty simple.
This is the problem with any type of playoff. You cannot split this baby.
Either you have a full-fledged playoff and completely junk the bowl system or you reject the playoff crap and continue with the current setup or go back to traditional matchups.

They are trying to split the baby,and the playoff proponents are not satisfied. They want NFL style playoffs ,they want the college game to simply become a minor league NFL.

The college football traditionalists love the unique character of college football,and want to preserve the regular season and bowls that made this game so great in the first place. Playoff fans want to to trash tradition,and make it nothing but a business,with the whole tradition deal discarded.

This is why I am in favor of just stepping back from the BCS..and making the Rose Bowl vs the Pac 12 our national title game....the BCS will come to us very quickly and we end up with the Rose Bowl winner vs the winner of their big game...SEC vs either Big 12 or ACC ...to crown a titleholder. The whole on campus deal was never going to fly. They do not play the NCAA basketball tourny at home campus' either,and that is what playoff proponents seem to lust after....a fb version of the March Madness...yikes.
The whole on campus deal was never going to fly. They do not play the NCAA basketball tourny at home campus' either,and that is what playoff proponents seem to lust after....a fb version of the March Madness...yikes.

True, but they do use regions for the tourny. campus deal was a pipe dream, regions should be reality.
True, but they do use regions for the tourny. campus deal was a pipe dream, regions should be reality.

You also have 64 teams to deal with in basketball all playing games within four days of the brackets being announced. It's apples and oranges.
For every time they play in Ann Arbor or Columbus, they would also be playing in Austin and Gainesville. I don't think anyone would have an advantage in this scenario.

A bowl-hosted semis allows SEC and B12 teams to play half the time in neutral settings and half the time in home-ish settings. The SEC/B12 would prefer this to half home games and half road games.

And the B10 will continue to play half neutral games and half road-ish games. IE, screwed.
Why? Why would you ever eliminate the chance to host a semi-final game, even it meant one year you may have to travel north?
And try and keep up, the domed midwest site or regional option, is the next best thing to having them on campus.
The minute you have these semi-final games at anywhere outside of the BCS bowls, the bowl system dies a quick death. You might as well just dispense with the pretense,and go immediately to a 16 team playoff system,leaving the other 108 Div 1 football programs at home after thanksgiving weekend to start watching their bb teams.
So you end up with pretty much the same revolving group of maybe 12-14 teams in the playoffs every year,which will simply cement their top echlon status even more.
Iowa will not be in that group. No bowl games, just cannon fodder for the legacy programs in the Big Ten,such as OSU and Michigan,maybe PSU and Neb..with occasional visits by Wis and MSU...and then Iowa maybe once a decade,playing in the postseason...oh joy. All the advantages of making postseason currently...recruiting,extra practice time ect...will accrue to the same 3-4 teams in each league every year,just making them even harder to beat. At least in the NFL,the revenue is shared and the draft parcels out talent in an equitable manner to give lower teams a chance,but not in the new College-NFL-lite system. Bama will love it tho, as will LSU...so by all means lets make Saban happy.
Why? Why would you ever eliminate the chance to host a semi-final game, even it meant one year you may have to travel north?
And try and keep up, the domed midwest site or regional option, is the next best thing to having them on campus.

I don't know. Call Mike Slive and ask him.
I disagree with the premise that as soon as you have a playoff, the entire bowl system dies. The bowls are meaningless exhibitions right now. If the top 4 teams start playing in a playoff, will the random Iowa Insight Bowl game be any less meaningful?

The bowls exist as stand alone financial entities, so they'll attempt to keep going. They'll extend bids with payouts to schools. Are schools going to turn down these invites?

I can see a small playoff and bowls existing side by side. Maybe a 16 team playoff would kill the bowls, but 4 won't.
I'll take a shot at being in a 16 team playoff every couple years over making sure every team over .500 goes to a bowl game like the Insight or Kraft hunger bowl.

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