Disney Boycott (long rant)


Well-Known Member
Okay, let's just say that OSU beats PSU and we lose at Columbus, and lock up a 7-1/11-1 season. Because of all the "love" ESPN has been giving us, I suspect we will drop like a lead balloon in the polls and end up in the Cap One bowl (because we will likely fall outside of the BCS berth range with a late loss), where we will systematically make some poor SEC team look like the little sisters of the blind, despite being 41 point underdogs. Some unlucky BCS host town will get to see 3,000 TCU fans roll in and another town will see 5,000 Boise State fans roll in, while the Hawks send 25,000+ down to Orlando, right into Disney World's backyard.

If we go down there, we need an organized and systematic boycott of Disney World. Why? Because Disney's subsidiary, ESPN, thinks the way to get viewers, page views, etc. and to bolster its bottom line is to trash Iowa. Their "experts" are idiots who know very little about the team, but it is clear that an edict has come from the top to ensure that the SEC, a conference that ESPN has teamed up with to develop a competitor to the BTN, has to be hyped at all costs. ESPN sees the writing on the wall, to the extent the BTN continues to get market share and creates an alternative to the ABC/ESPN near monopoly in college football broadcasting, ESPN's livelihood is threatened. Cable companies are getting absolutely gouged by ESPN, but that gouging can only continue if ESPN has access to top quality content, which they are losing or are about to lose with the advent of the BTN, the NFL Network, the MLB Network, etc. The content producers understand the value of the games and are cutting out the middleman, ESPN.

ESPN has ensured some premium content with the recent SEC deal, but some of the best Big Ten games are now on BTN, the NFL Network is keeping some of the NFL's best games that would have been on ESPN 5 years ago, and ESPN's stranglehold on content distribution is threatened. And, to top it off, BTN is developing ways to stream games so people without cable or BTN can watch Big Ten games anywhere in the country over the internets. This business model, if adopted widely in the next decade, will completely destroy ESPN's pricing power with respect to cable companies.

Of course, ESPN/Disney's only way to fight back is to trash the institution that is refusing to play by its monopolistic rules. There is also likely some sort of feedback loop, where if ESPN trashes some schools and hypes others enough, the trashed schools suffer in recruiting and the beloved schools improve recruiting, not to mention what it does to the voters who can determine a school's BCS fate. Iowa is going to be really good next year, too, since most of our starters are juniors right now. Of course, we'll still hear about how bad Iowa is, and how bad the Big Ten is, and how Ohio State lost a game once in 2006 and that the loss demonstrates the awful nature of the Big Ten.

Here is the list of Disney's subsidiaries. http://sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1001039/000119312508240242/dex21.htm If Disney had any journalistic integrity, I would gladly do business with them. Of course, I'll still watch ESPN/ABC when I have to see the Hawks, but that's it. If we go to Orlando, stay out of the Disney parks, let them hype Boise and TCU and let their fans be the suckers who pay hundreds of dollars to the company that has decided it doesn't need Iowans' money. I'm not saying they need to put us in the top 2 or 3, but the crap they are talking about a 9-0 team that has won at Happy Valley, Camp Randall and Spartan Stadium is an absolute joke and demonstrates that they have enough customers such that they don't need our money. Don't give them your money.

well said. i fell bad now that I forked out my hard earned money to watch espn and abc games on ESPN360.com...but I have no other choice since I live in Europe.
well said. i fell bad now that I forked out my hard earned money to watch espn and abc games on ESPN360.com...but I have no other choice since I live in Europe.

You do what you have to do - with the bandwidth that is available and the improvements in technology, ESPN's days as a content distributor are numbered, but if you have to pay them now, no big deal. Let's just hope I'm wrong and we end up in a BCS game so we don't have to go to Orlando anyway. I doubt anyone would go to Disney Land if we play in the Rose Bowl because there is actually stuff to do in LA.
good grief....just get a hobby if you have this much free time on your hands

I have a lot of hobbies - one of them is watching the Hawks and BSing with people about them. Maybe I should take up building ships in bottles or something. Do you have any suggestions?
Nice okeefe...way get active and go deep into this...I think I hate espn more than anyone (bc of what sportscenter has become and the "human interest" crap they spew all of the time) and you are dead on with this post...I hate Disney now too
well said. i fell bad now that I forked out my hard earned money to watch espn and abc games on ESPN360.com...but I have no other choice since I live in Europe.

I am wondering if you are the guy who flew from Frankfurt to Des Moines with me and my mom?

Did you come back for the Mich game?
Nice okeefe...way get active and go deep into this...I think I hate espn more than anyone (bc of what sportscenter has become and the "human interest" crap they spew all of the time) and you are dead on with this post...I hate Disney now too

I'm glad to hear it. I remember when MTV used to play music videos. Then, the record companies realized what a goldmine the videos were and started demanding better terms for their videos. Bam. MTV, turned into a 24 hour wealth aspiration/reality TV network really quickly so that no one could hold it hostage for content. ESPN sees the writing on the wall and is doing the same thing with all the human interest crap. If they could somehow stretch a day out 26 hours, I'm sure they would be happy because it would give them an extra 2 hours a day to talk about Brett Favre. Given the new found vested interest ESPN has in the SEC, it's going to get worse.
If we go 12-0 and don't make the NCG, should we boycott Disney Land and Disney California Adventure when we are on going to the Rose Bowl?
If we go 12-0 and don't make the NCG, should we boycott Disney Land and Disney California Adventure when we are on going to the Rose Bowl?

Does any American go to those anyway? I thought they were mostly for tourists from Asia. I assumed Iowans would find something better to do in LA than go to some plastic Disney park. I mean, it's LA, not Orlando.

If we go 12-0 and get left out for undefeated Texas and Alabama/Florida, then whatevs, it wasn't meant to be. But if we go 12-0 and get left out for a 1 loss team or Boise State or some other ESPN-hyped team that plays a cupcake schedule, abso-freaking-lutely. My bigger concern is a loss that then drops us into the Capital One Bowl after a 12 minute rant on ESPN about how everyone knew Iowa was way overated, blah blah blah.
If we go 12-0 and don't make the NCG, should we boycott Disney Land and Disney California Adventure when we are on going to the Rose Bowl?

Ya don't waste your time boycotting you should be smart enough to not want to go to those anyway...its not like its "Wallyworld"...I would recommend Six Flags and any of the number of insane water parks they have in SoCal...
Does any American go to those anyway? I thought they were mostly for tourists from Asia. I assumed Iowans would find something better to do in LA than go to some plastic Disney park. I mean, it's LA, not Orlando.

If we go 12-0 and get left out for undefeated Texas and Alabama/Florida, then whatevs, it wasn't meant to be. But if we go 12-0 and get left out for a 1 loss team or Boise State or some other ESPN-hyped team that plays a cupcake schedule, abso-freaking-lutely. My bigger concern is a loss that then drops us into the Capital One Bowl after a 12 minute rant on ESPN about how everyone knew Iowa was way overated, blah blah blah.

....and that Big Time rant on ESPN would come from Shimple Lou Holtsh. You make some great points. Good to note that you're on the board.

I'm just hoping that Iowa gets past the mildkitties next week. We could know a lot by next Saturday night. IF Iowa and PSU win next week, it would be fun to control our own destiny, and not get "mickey moused."
Yeah, because 35,000 Iowa fans (who only a percentage of would have gone to Disney anyways) boycotting Disney World will show them. Oh Wait, the Disney/ABC/ESPN conglomerate wouldn't even notice and it would have no effect on their bottom line.

ESPN is not hating on the Big Ten. This conference has embarrassed itself in premier bowl games for the past several years. The SEC meanwhile has continually produced strong teams the last several years. Is ESPN threatened by the BTN – maybe a little. But the Big Ten has a ton a television sets and financially has some of the greatest clout in the NCAA. It certainly is not in ESPN's interest to intentionally trash this conference and alienate the Big Ten and its fan base.

Also, on top of what is poor national Big 10 reputation, Iowa has given ESPN reasons to be skeptical of this team.

All of this poor Iowa stuff is getting old. We are what we are.
Yeah, because 35,000 Iowa fans (who only a percentage of would have gone to Disney anyways) boycotting Disney World will show them. Oh Wait, the Disney/ABC/ESPN conglomerate wouldn't even notice and it would have no effect on their bottom line.

ESPN is not hating on the Big Ten. This conference has embarrassed itself in premier bowl games for the past several years. The SEC meanwhile has continually produced strong teams the last several years. Is ESPN threatened by the BTN – maybe a little. But the Big Ten has a ton a television sets and financially has some of the greatest clout in the NCAA. It certainly is not in ESPN's interest to intentionally trash this conference and alienate the Big Ten and its fan base.

Also, on top of what is poor national Big 10 reputation, Iowa has given ESPN reasons to be skeptical of this team.

All of this poor Iowa stuff is getting old. We are what we are.

No you are what you are...Do you work for ESPN? Disney? Booooo to you sir....if you don't it appears that they have brain washed you...do you constantly have visions of Lou Holtz and Jesse Palmer running down a sandy beach holding hands as the sun sets over the horizon? go blog on espn.com dude...
(1) Yeah, because 35,000 Iowa fans (who only a percentage of would have gone to Disney anyways) boycotting Disney World will show them. Oh Wait, the Disney/ABC/ESPN conglomerate wouldn't even notice and it would have no effect on their bottom line.

(2) ESPN is not hating on the Big Ten. This conference has embarrassed itself in premier bowl games for the past several years. The SEC meanwhile has continually produced strong teams the last several years.

(3) Is ESPN threatened by the BTN – maybe a little. But the Big Ten has a ton a television sets and financially has some of the greatest clout in the NCAA. It certainly is not in ESPN's interest to intentionally trash this conference and alienate the Big Ten and its fan base.

1 - yep, you're right. Disney doesn't even want Orlando to have two Big Ten bowls within a week of each other to bring people down around the holidays. They don't need the business. Orlando's economy based on a booming tourism business is humming in this robust economy.

2 - Yes, ESPN is hating on the Big Ten. Did anyone happen to see the manhandling that Alabama had laid on them by Utah in that bowl game? Nope, but ESPN probably reminded you of the Big Ten's horrible record multiple times in the past week. There is a tremendous amount of parity amongst the top 15 of so teams in any given year, a play or two is often the difference between winning or losing. The top 2 or 3 teams out of each of the conferences, in most years, are going to be pretty evenly matched up, other than U$C, who is always stacked.

3 - You underestimate the extent to which ESPN is threatened by content producers distributing their own content. When the Big Ten's contract is up, they are going to demand a pretty penny from ESPN to keep their games with ESPN/ABC because they have an alternative means of broadcasting. ESPN has had a monopoly in content distribution for a long time. The midwest is a giant TV market to lose.

If ESPN loses content distribution rights in the next decade and no longer broadcasts live games, other than a few crappy conferences and the SEC games they have just signed up, there isn't a lot left. Assume the NFL, MLB, Big Ten and Big Twelve all get networks and start broadcasting all of their own games. ESPN is relegated to Sportscenter and GameDay. Whoo hoo. They will not make any money off of those. They have a very strong interest in bashing the Big Ten and will continue to do so.
I am wondering if you are the guy who flew from Frankfurt to Des Moines with me and my mom?

Did you come back for the Mich game?

I was at the Ark St and Michigan games, but flew into Chicago...did not know there was a flight into Des Moines from Frankfurt
Get your facts straight. TCU AND Boise St won't both be in BCS bowls. There can only be one that gets to the BCS. Plus I assume ND will lose to either Pitt or Stanford and keeping them out of the top 14 which they have to be in to get to the BCS
With that said if we are 11-1 we should still be around 10-12 and will get a BCS bid. They would love to take a team like Iowa that will bring 25,000 plus fans.
Hey BTR, explain this to me then.

If ABC and ESPN are systematically trying to destroy the big 10 as you say, why do they keep paying to broadcast the Rose Bowl?

Did you remember that the only BCS bowl that Disney owns the right to is the granddaddy? Why would ABC spend so much energy to trash half of the only marquee bowl game they have left? Why would ESPN/ABC broadcast 3-4 Big 10 games a week if they hate them so very much? Why would they plug the conferences being broadcast by the competition (CBS has first rights to any SEC game, the SEC championship game, and FOX has the rights to all other BCS games)?

You guys seem to make all of these excuses for why guys at ESPN doesn't like the big 10, but you seem to ignore the simplest explaination of all; The Big 10 deserves it. Even this year, Michigan sucks, OSU got beat in another big game against USC, and Iowa plays like crap at least 1/2 the time.

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