Disappointing: Time for Changes

How many more games is the offense going to lose by not doing anything? They are too conservative and can't put any drives together late to ice games. If KOK can't do it with this talented group of people on offense, can he ever make it happen?
If your premise is correct, that we have Championship level players, then there is only one reason we can't execute as well as our opponents who all seem, when playing Iowa, to be able to:
1. Get the big stop when needed.
2. Take what the defense gives and move down the field for a score.
3. Successfully manage the clock at the end of a half or during a two minute drill.
4. Protect the quarterback during a two minute drill against a four man rush.
5. Blitz without tipping it off or giving up a big play because of it.
So if we truly have players with ability equal to other Big Ten contenders, and I think we do, then the reason we all feel this way on Saturdays is because of ineffective planning, lack of adjustment and poorly coached athletes "losing their composure" under pressure. It is not an answer to say "if one or two plays had turned out differently we might have won the game" when our failures outlined above continue to occur in all of our big games.
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... in my personal opinion. You could say that or you could say that in each and every one of these games we've lost the coaches did a good job putting us in a position to win and the players didn't execute. Probably a little of both.
Be careful what you wish for, look what happened to the basketball team.
Iowa is over achieving as a football program for the last 20something years. Think about the inherent obstacles that this program has to overcome. Sparsley populated state that has a few players each year that are Big Ten level. Reputation for a nuts & bolts, nothing fancy football philosophy, which people complain hurts recruiting the big-time players. And, how many times have you read on here that 'Iowa isn't a sexy destination for recruits'? Plenty.
Ferentz gets what being the coach at Iowa means and entails. Fans always want to talk about the Bob Sanders and the Dallas Clarks that this staff can come up with, but given the choice Ferentz would take a roster full of 5 star players over hoping for a diamond in the rough every time. But, he can't get those kids regularly so..................
Its important to know who you are.
Iowa is over achieving as a football program for the last 20something years. Think about the inherent obstacles that this program has to overcome. Sparsley populated state that has a few players each year that are Big Ten level. Reputation for a nuts & bolts, nothing fancy football philosophy, which people complain hurts recruiting the big-time players. And, how many times have you read on here that 'Iowa isn't a sexy destination for recruits'? Plenty.
Ferentz gets what being the coach at Iowa means and entails. Fans always want to talk about the Bob Sanders and the Dallas Clarks that this staff can come up with, but given the choice Ferentz would take a roster full of 5 star players over hoping for a diamond in the rough every time. But, he can't get those kids regularly so..................
Its important to know who you are.

No problem with this, however what would it hurt to make some changes in the staff after 12 years.
No problem with this, however what would it hurt to make some changes in the staff after 12 years.
Maybe, but that is an awfully tough thing to evaluate and appreciate if your not the head coach. I'm just not sure different assistants turn Iowa into Alabama or Ohio St.
Might as well face it, this team does not have the skills in all positions to win the tough games. They are a 7-4 team and that is about as good as they would ever be able to do. There are some skilled players here and there, but as a team they just cannot come up with the close wins. Ohio is better down the line to be able to pull out a win. We are not as good as Wisconsin and Ohio State. I think we are better than Northwestern but NW just lucked out and won. Every year there is an underdog who will pull out a win now and then.

We don't need a new coach, just better players at every position. Of course I think that McNutt and Clayborne and DKJ and maybe Klug (I could be missing one or two players here) are tops and will play Professional ball. The other players are not at that level and it is just a fact we have to face. Yes they are real good players but not good enough.
Maybe, but that is an awfully tough thing to evaluate and appreciate if your not the head coach. I'm just not sure different assistants turn Iowa into Alabama or Ohio St.

Well obviuously per the last two years we are pretty damn close to OSU.:D
Might as well face it, this team does not have the skills in all positions to win the tough games. They are a 7-4 team and that is about as good as they would ever be able to do. There are some skilled players here and there, but as a team they just cannot come up with the close wins. Ohio is better down the line to be able to pull out a win. We are not as good as Wisconsin and Ohio State. I think we are better than Northwestern but NW just lucked out and won. Every year there is an underdog who will pull out a win now and then.

We don't need a new coach, just better players at every position. Of course I think that McNutt and Clayborne and DKJ and maybe Klug (I could be missing one or two players here) are tops and will play Professional ball. The other players are not at that level and it is just a fact we have to face. Yes they are real good players but not good enough.

Ok, this right here. I agree with most of it, but the only thing I would disagree with is the fact that this is a 7-4 team, but I can't argue it given the fact that that is what we are.

Another thing I didn't get were some posters saying that the OP was talking about getting rid of KF. I don't believe that is what they were saying. If they were, then I agree that is crazy.

I believe what they were talking about were the coordinators. It's a little hard to argue (IMHO) against that given what we have done since KF has been here. I love Norm, so it's hard to say what our defense did/didn't do given he was out. KO seems to have his head on straight, but given situations late in the game, it's hard to understand some of the play-calling.

At the end of the day, I think we all know that KF wouldn't fire a coordinator. As much as we all want it to happen (keep in mind the Christiansen days) it won't happen.

The only possible thing I could see happen (and I say that with about 3% possibility) would be KO resigning, and that won't happen.

The only hope right now is that we buck up and beat the hell out of Minny, play and win a bowl game against an SEC opponent, and hope that KO and Parker make some changes in what we do. That's just me.
It is offensive related. KOK is too predictable. First and second drives of each half are usually successful in some respect, but they are scripted, and after that the play calling stinks. We have too many downs we simply give away like the other team is in the huddle with us. Defensively we held the last three opponents to well below their scoring averages, but couldn't offensively keep the defense off the field long enough to play at a high level for four quarters. Other teams have KOK's number it is either time for him to become less predictable or to be finding somewhere else to coach. Since as long as KF is in charge KOK will still be there, he needs to start doing a better job. Just my unprofessional opinion. Still love my Hawks, just wish they could get over the hump.
Not advocating for wholesale changes....that's silly.

However, this is definitely the most under-achieving team I can remember in decades.

Special teams imploding, offense can't keep a 4th quarter game-winning drive going, defense can't get a 4th quarter stop, bone-head clock management....it had it all.

Very perplexing, frustrating and disappointing.
The only REAL problems are fans being ridiculous after losses. Quit blaming people and just accept that this year we're a few plays from perfection and last year we were a few plays of being 7-5....its how the game goes.
As a hawkeye fan i have always been proud to cheer for the hawks win or lose. At this moment i am very disappointed as i am sure many are with the way this season has turned out. I had similar feelings after i believe the '07 season where after high pre-season expectations Iowa finished the season with a loss to W. Michigan and failed to make a bowl game. However their is a big difference between the '07 squad and this current team. The '07 team lacked the heart and talent of this years team. Iowa has had the talent, leadership and playmakers this year but has failed and the blame falls on the coaches. I think for the first time in Ferentz's 12 years as coach, he needs to conduct a serious review of his coaching staff. In my opinion this is the only thing holding Iowa from being an elite program. The team and talent on the Iowa Football team is at a Championship level and its time the coaching is as well.

YUP! KF is the worst coach in the nation, we should fire him...we are only 7-4....lost to Wishy by 1, OSU by 3....Cant compete...bla bla bla...you losers are effing RETARDS!
As a hawkeye fan i have always been proud to cheer for the hawks win or lose. At this moment i am very disappointed as i am sure many are with the way this season has turned out. I had similar feelings after i believe the '07 season where after high pre-season expectations Iowa finished the season with a loss to W. Michigan and failed to make a bowl game. However their is a big difference between the '07 squad and this current team. The '07 team lacked the heart and talent of this years team. Iowa has had the talent, leadership and playmakers this year but has failed and the blame falls on the coaches. I think for the first time in Ferentz's 12 years as coach, he needs to conduct a serious review of his coaching staff. In my opinion this is the only thing holding Iowa from being an elite program. The team and talent on the Iowa Football team is at a Championship level and its time the coaching is as well.

While I agree that changes should be made (college football has changed since Ferentz became Iowa's head coach 12 years ago), Kirk will not make any changes. At this point, he views himself and his staff as tenured professors (albeit very highly paid). In other departments in a large university, the only changes in staffing occur when someone retires, or moves on to a better position. So if Norm Parker cannot continue, Kirk will just elevate Phil Parker to the coordinator position, and then put Levar Woods on the staff full-time.
I belive the quote from animal house was something like this
"Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is no way to go through life kid" ......let what should apply but I am guessing at best there is some drunken posting going on that is borderline stupid. COme on......we have a chance to go 8-4 and have a Jan 1 bowl and we want to change things up.....We've lost 4 game by a total of 15 points.......

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