Did Fran slam another chair?


Well-Known Member
I proly wouldve if i was him.. Who loses to Nebraska in basketball? Geez the Hawks have a long way to go. Basabe has regressed a long way from last year. Not Good
This was an incredibly frustrating game. We should've won handily, but instead we let them hang around all game, and then gave it away at the end.
01-26-2012 08:05 PMTChawk
Team is really alot like their coach, total joke and way in over their heads.
Are you f'n kidding?
I see, we're going to go the be stupid and overreact route. That's cool I guess.
No i am not, didn't like the hire when it happened and so far he hasn't show the ability to coach a lick...

He is in way over his head and don't see him turning program around at all.

Out of bounds plays, players improving, exciting brand of basketball, Great recruiting class, 3 and 4 in a big ten stretch we all predicted 1 and 6.

Good call homie! Fran sucks.
No i am not, didn't like the hire when it happened and so far he hasn't show the ability to coach a lick...

He is in way over his head and don't see him turning program around at all.

I liked the hire, and will give Fran 5 years to turn it around.

Yousir are a complete tool, no not the kind you find in your Christmas stocking that you leave in the glove compartment of your car. Just a complete tool.
Would you rather have Licklighter as a coach? Give the guy another year or 2 alright? Just look at what Fran had when he came to Iowa. One of the worst Div 1 basketball teams around. He has made big improvements already.
I tend to discount the thoughts of anyone who uses the phrase "coach a lick"...:rolleyes:

No i am not, didn't like the hire when it happened and so far he hasn't show the ability to coach a lick...

He is in way over his head and don't see him turning program around at all.

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