The staff has always been open to it, and usually plays 3-4 Fr. each year. I think this year they just have more kids that are ready to come in and play right away. A couple positions because of need, a couple because they are just that good. It means the recruiting has really picked up, something I've been saying for a year and a half as the staff was pulling in this current class. I remember going round and round with idiots like IowaLaw who were bashing players calling them 3* nobody wanted, etc. Welp look at them now, Stanley is on the 2 line with Weigers, Young is gonna play WR, Lattimore will be getting DT reps, you got Jones, Rubamba and Hooker in the secondary who are gonna contribute. Anyone with 1/2 a brain could see that class was shaping up to be a good one. The best part is, the kids most highly sought afters (Toks, Neimann, Taylor, Fant) are all gonna be solid guys as well. Lots of upside to the '16 recruiting class.