Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who’s Better? - rantsports

Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

We are a better team with JVB.

They are a better team with DR.

Both QBs match their team's current offensive philosophy well. Our current offensive philosophy is more similar to prototypical NFL standards, though we're seeing a gradual shift in the NFL now.

As mentioned earlier, they're both (JVB & DR) apples of a different variety.

Well, I'm not sure about a running QB not being as good in Iowa's "system". Just look at Brad Banks. Yes, he had to be able to throw the ball some, and was helped out by having alot of excellent targets to throw to, but he still did quite a bit of damage with his feet. Not Denard Robinson type rushing stats, but he was definitely a dual threat QB even in our system.
Comparing and athletic, black QB to Vick is one of those highly overused analogies in football.

Yes, comparing the two would be absurd. Do you watch football or just critique other's critiques? From now on, don't concern yourself with how "main stream" my analogies are, you comparison hipster.

He's the complete opposite of Peyton Manning, does that help?
Fixed it for you.

These quarterbacks combined bring a wide spectrum of talents to the table. Big Ten fans should sit back and watch both players, because they will be making entertaining plays all season long. These two will have a late season showdown in Ann Arbor on November 17, which could decide who wins the Legends division…Yes please.

It's easier for your receivers to catch the ball when it isn't thrown at their knees or behind them. Especially when the receiver is wide open. That only half applies to Davis.
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

The fact is though, we have the goods, and other teams and fan bases are becoming aware. We could pick up some swagger if we can get through the first five games. JVB's stats "could" be huge by then. it might not determine the next 7 outcomes, but it certainly will help our own confidence going into league play.

Bottom line is the media hacks aren't talking about taylor martinez or msu's and wisky's qbs this time.

They aren't talking about Wiscy's QBs because of Wiscy's newfangled "One-and-Done-and-hey-do-you-know-any-other-4th-or-5th-year-players-out-there-than-can-transfer-here-and-play-immediately?" strategy.

If I were an ACC coach with a redshirt junior QB, I'd ask the phone company to put campus-wide "call block" on any calls originating from area code "608".

The other night on the BTN "Legends" preview, they certainly TRIED to build up Andrew Maxwell (for those suffering 5+years of hearing nothing but "Kirk Cousins", Maxwell is his successor).

Robinson? Great kid, great athlete, and he's done a heck of a job going from a spread-run QB to being able to play pro-sets, too. He's a credit to his school and to the notion of hard work. If he had come to Iowa, I would have loved the kid's grit and ability to change a game in a six-second span. He'd be Brad Banks with better high-end speed.

That said, I have no complaints with what JVB has done. He has certainly made mistakes and has room for improvement, but he is also reaping the reward for playing three years behind Stanzi/JC.

Hopefully, we start 5-0. If we do, it's hard to see us NOT finishing at least 7-5, if not 8-4.

But, like a lot of Hawkeye seasons, it'll be the "little" things that make the difference between 6-6 vs. 8-4, and we will need some real gifts (few/no injuries or depth hits, few mistakes, on-field and replay booth officials being on the ball) to get to 9-3. 10-2 or better, IMO, is just not there this year. But 8-4 most certainly is...
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

We are a better team with JVB. They are a better team with DR. Both QBs match their team's current offensive philosophy well. Our current offensive philosophy is more similar to prototypical NFL standards, though we're seeing a gradual shift in the NFL now. As mentioned earlier, they're both (JVB & DR) apples of a different variety.
Well, I'm not sure about a running QB not being as good in Iowa's "system". Just look at Brad Banks. Yes, he had to be able to throw the ball some, and was helped out by having alot of excellent targets to throw to, but he still did quite a bit of damage with his feet. Not Denard Robinson type rushing stats, but he was definitely a dual threat QB even in our system.

That year we adapted well to utilize the skills of our personnel. That philosophy was contrary to our norm.

I didn't say we wouldn't be good with DR. Obviously we would. It's just not our typical style of play that DR brings.

And BB was a much better passer than DR is.
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

That year we adapted well to utilize the skills of our personnel. That philosophy was contrary to our norm.

I didn't say we wouldn't be good with DR. Obviously we would. It's just not our typical style of play that DR brings.

And BB was a much better passer than DR is.

<<And BB was a much better passer than DR is>>

Debatable. BB was bailed out many times by receivers who adjusted to the ball. DR often has wide-open receivers because he makes a play "look" run.

Both bring a dynamic that JVB doesn't, but for Iowa's year-in/year-out "look", JVB is the best option.

IOWA will almost always recruit a JVB-type vs. a DR-type.
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

That year we adapted well to utilize the skills of our personnel. That philosophy was contrary to our norm.I didn't say we wouldn't be good with DR. Obviously we would. It's just not our typical style of play that DR brings.And BB was a much better passer than DR is.
<<And BB was a much better passer than DR is>>Debatable. BB was bailed out many times by receivers who adjusted to the ball. DR often has wide-open receivers because he makes a play "look" run.Both bring a dynamic that JVB doesn't, but for Iowa's year-in/year-out "look", JVB is the best option.IOWA will almost always recruit a JVB-type vs. a DR-type.

I'm not overestimating BB's passing ability, but I think you are overestimating DR's. Take a look at HawkeyeHistorian's YouTube channel of the 2002 year games. Granted those only show the highlights. BB wasn't great with the crossing routes and he had a below average arm strength, but he made many, many good passes each game.

Then go back and watch a replay of UM's win over ND last year. It was thrilling, but the passing success was sheer luck.
Vandenberg had a lot of help last year with McNutt catching his passes, lets see how he does this year, Keenan has the stuff to be a good playmaker but I'm not so sure he has what McNutt had last year.

Martin-Manley is the new DJK. We'll be fine at that position.
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

I'm not overestimating BB's passing ability, but I think you are overestimating DR's. Take a look at HawkeyeHistorian's YouTube channel of the 2002 year games. Granted those only show the highlights. BB wasn't great with the crossing routes and he had a below average arm strength, but he made many, many good passes each game.

Then go back and watch a replay of UM's win over ND last year. It was thrilling, but the passing success was sheer luck.

Not overestimating DR. I'm saying that passing ability for the to is a wash, because neither of them were molded a la JVB.

That is why I say that IOWA will almost always recruit a JVB-type QB...
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

pretty crazy to have the 2nd best qb in the big 10 and everyone is still assuming we will have this bad of a season.

Its pretty crazy to have had as bad of seasons as Iowas had the last two years.
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, WhoÂ’s Better? - rantsports

This has long been my contention as well. Vandenberg has benefited greatly from Marvin's ability to make a play on any ball. If he continues throwing the ball off target we are going to struggle mightily. I hope I am wrong and he demonstrates he is as good as people keep saying he is, I just don't know that that's the case.

Please, McNutt and the rest of the receivers had an enormous amount of drops on easily catchable balls last year. Davis probably had the most unfortunately.

McNutt had probably twice the amount of drops compared to times he made plays on poorly thrown balls.

JVBS biggest problem was that he locked onto McNutt to early allot of times.
It's easier for your receivers to catch the ball when it isn't thrown at their knees or behind them. Especially when the receiver is wide open. That only half applies to Davis.

What about when it bounces off their hands face and body?

He had some bad bad games last year but for the most part he is a very accurate thrower for the college game.
If you’re looking for the best drop back passer in the Big Ten, look no further than James Vandenberg. The senior looks to be the man, for a new look Iowa Hawkeyes offense under first year coordinator Greg Davis.

He’s coming off a solid junior campaign, completing 58.7 % of his passes, for 3022 yards, with 25 TD and only 7 INT.
Is that % accurate?? If so, its not overwhelming for the guy who is most likely the best pro-style qb in the league.

And if Davis does to Iowa what he did to texa$$, I wouldn't expect much improvement. The Whorn fans called him GD GD for a reason.
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

74hunter. Iowa led in drops last year that probably had something to do with the low percentage.
74hunter. Iowa led in drops last year that probably had something to do with the low percentage.
Led the league in drops? Is that something that they even keep track of?

You could be right, I know that our WRs had a bad case of the dropsies, too. I'd say they averaged at least 2-3 per game.

It says more about the quality of pro-style QB's in the B1G than it does about Vandenberg, I think...
Haha, good point. I just find it odd that a guy who is supposed to be the best pro-style QB in the league only completed 2.5% more of his passes than a guy who is thought of as one of the worst passers in the nation (Martinez).
Re: Denard Robinson or James Vandenberg, Who�s Better? - rantsports

At one point last year they lead the B1G in drops.

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