Defensive Coordinator Advertising...


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that Iowa has to advertise the Defensive Coordinator position within a public forum, i.e newspaper, website, something of that nature.

If you were to apply, what would be the strengths/experience of your resume'?

Mills Age 42

Intestinal Fortitude: Been married and divorced twice 1995-1998 and 2003-2008
Leadership: 6th grade teacher 2000-Present
Vision: Built on a wooden fence on un-level ground May 2010
Success: Never lost a game at the collegiate level 1969-Present
Planning: Can put large American bulldog inside fenced-in
area while retrieving small frighten dog at the same
time without injury or loss of life 2010-Present

Thanks, Mills
Jon, age 40

Has won four straight national titles on EA Sports College Football
Has put together four straight Top 10 recruiting classes on EA Sports College Football
Blitz every play on EA Sports College football

I believe the above clearly demonstrates my understanding of the game and its finer nuances, and you will be hard pressed to find another candidate with such attritbutes...well, except someone who has played the video game more than I have and has more national championships
Suter- Age 59
Experience GM @ KCJJ Radio 1992-Present
Rock & Roll musician 1980-1991
Played sandlot football 1958 (Evy era)-1960. 1961-1964 (Burns era) Played all skill positions. 1965-1970
Defensive Philosophy- Kick their ***** on every single play.
Salary Range- I will happily take 50k less than Norm was making.
Duffman 35
De facto voice of JD Miller
Five time Madden 12 superbowl champ. This demonstrates a much more sophisticated understanding of football compared to those who only play NCAA football. Went an entire season without blitzing.
Shane, Age 42

From the mean streets of Marshalltown, Iowa.
I've won multiple National Titles in every year of NCAA Football from '04-'10
I blitz often, from all angles.
I over recruit at LB and DB to make sure there's competition and that translates to better play on the field...and transfers.
I once correctly guessed that Iowa should have "done something else" on every play that didn't work, for an entire season.
I love chili and lasagne.
I'm easily distracted by cheerleaders, Lo Lo Jones and James Vandenberg's mom, but my game plan is so solid that it won't be a problem.
I drink during games, which makes me a genius on LOTS of levels.
I'm not afraid to yell at the team even if it's through the TV.
I cuss like a trucker but I don't smell like one.
Duffman 35
De facto voice of JD Miller
Five time Madden 12 superbowl champ. This demonstrates a much more sophisticated understanding of football compared to those who only play NCAA football. Went an entire season without blitzing.

Well crap. Looks like I am out.
Tim. 34 years old. Won 2/3 of my games against my friends on Tecmo Bowl and Tecmo Super Bowl between 1988 and 1992. Thats like going 6/3 or something in conference play. Got a degree in Philosophy. And love to party and do the hokie pokie.
Shane, Age 42Experience:From the mean streets of Marshalltown, Iowa.I've won multiple National Titles in every year of NCAA Football from '04-'10I blitz often, from all angles.I over recruit at LB and DB to make sure there's competition and that translates to better play on the field...and transfers.I once correctly guessed that Iowa shou
ld have "done something else" on every play that didn't work, for an entire season.I love chili and lasagne.I'm easily distracted by cheerleaders, Lo Lo Jones and James Vandenberg's mom, but my game plan is so solid that it won't be a problem. I drink during games, which makes me a genius on LOTS of levels.I'm not afraid to yell at the team even if it's through the TV.I cuss like a trucker but I don't smell like one.

Forgot that you like penguins... :)
I've never had to punt on NCAA football ever. I've developed(changed attributes) of the Iowa hawkeye players to the point where I have beaten every major Division 1 team continuing my dynasty with 6 titles and counting. Don't act like none of you have never "developed" your players. I'm looking at you Jon.
I know a total of 6 defensive play sets. I will virtually never blitz. I will drop LBer's into odd passing coverage. Mandatory white boy safety. I will virtually never blitz. I like to keep the scheme (singular) vanilla. Cover 2. I virtually never blitz.