Defense, Archie and stuff


Well-Known Member
The lack of defensive intensity and poor foot speed is unacceptable. You see shirts and skins games at the Y or on the playground where guys are putting everything they've got into it simply because they have pride -- they hate to get beat by their man and they hate to lose. But then you take scholarship athletes, put them in a Big Ten game in front of 10,000+ fans and watch them consistently play defense like matadors. That's an insult to anyone who's ever put in a hard day's work doing anything.

Most of defense and rebounding is effort. Talent always helps, but if you move your feet on defense, block out on the boards, that effort will take you a long way. I don't know what Bobby Hansen said on the Nebraska broadcast, but my guess is he may have mentioned once or twice that somebody has to give Richardson a hard foul or two rather than letting him shoot like he's in his driveway.

I love Fran, but from a fan's standpoint, I don't want to see Basabe anywhere near any playing time for at least a game or two. His prima donna act has run its course. Sit him and let him collect dust. Seriously: How could Olesani do worse? Get Gabe some minutes, and get that monster Archie LOTS of minutes. That was a Picasso move Archie made with that second half spin and monster dunk. And he blocked a shot earlier. Let the man play. He acts like he enjoys it and he can bring some attitude. And if Basabe transfers at the end of the year, I say great for him and great for Iowa. It gives Fran a scholarship to use on somebody who actually wants to play.

Losing to Nebraska at home because Iowa doesn't have enough heart (hustle, effort), is totally unacceptable. Ya leave it all on the floor and ya get beat, so what. But that's not what happened.

Finally, I loved Cartwright last year, but if any one player can take the blame for this loss, it's him. He shouldn't see the floor in any game that is still being decided. He makes a few great plays, but he makes far more boneheaded ones. And Fran already told us about Cartwright's defensive prowess.

Iowa should have beaten Purdue at home. Iowa should have beaten Nebraska at home. The Hawkeyes win only those two games and the entire season has a vastly more positive look. And the MAIN reason that didn't happen is that Iowa doesn't have enough hard-nosed players who refuse to lose. That has nothing to do with talent. It has everything to do with heart.
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Cartwright is probably ticked cause he doesn't start anymore, but what in the world would give him the right to that. He wasn't great last year but looked better on a not so good team. He'll be gone next year and we get a major upgrade with Gessel and Clemmons.

Basabe, you hate to lose his athleticism if he transfers, but to me if he did leave for some reason and Aaron White got every one of his minutes I would be more happy than sad. I have no idea what Meyer's game is like, but at 6'10" and if he can give better effort than Mel has I say bring it on.
Cartwright is probably ticked cause he doesn't start anymore, but what in the world would give him the right to that. He wasn't great last year but looked better on a not so good team. He'll be gone next year and we get a major upgrade with Gessel and Clemmons.

Basabe, you hate to lose his athleticism if he transfers, but to me if he did leave for some reason and Aaron White got every one of his minutes I would be more happy than sad. I have no idea what Meyer's game is like, but at 6'10" and if he can give better effort than Mel has I say bring it on.
Meyer will not hurt us. He gives 110% all the time. Basabe has turned into a cancer on the team. His attitude is infectious. Bench him til he begs to play. I would start Archie next game or White.
In my opinion, Melsahn is not a post-player...he is hesitant on making moves and does not position himself to provide an advantage against his defender. Devon Archie does have some post presence, but needs some more playing time to get more comfortable with the game situation. Melsahn does have a mid-range game where Devon doesn' it comes down to what match-up works best for each game situation.

Cartwright's situation appears to be more of a confidence thing. I think he is pushing too much and trying to make things happen too quickly. He needs to relax and play the game he is used to playing.

Lastly, the defense last night was tough to watch. They would do okay for 25-30 seconds and then forget about the fundamentals. When times comes that a player is needing to make a move, he will usually go to his strong hand...once again...tough to watch. But then again...I'm not a coach or out their playing the game anymore.
That was a GREAT move by Archie, and I love his hustle. That being said there were too many times that he got caught out of position in the zone defense which lead to easy Nebby buckets.

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