Dear Nebraska.......

Yep, and now that Ohio State has their sanction issues and Michigan is still a meddling former power (not to mention if anything happens with this Penn State thing) it's probably going to be like this for a while.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, I just cant see OSU being down long.

To much talent in that state.
Every time I watch Martinez, I wonder how bad is the second guy that he beat out for the job? If their starter is that bad the backup must be a total goof.

Nebraska's best quarterback is playing in the KC Royals organization for a cool $7.5 million plus. Bubba Starling was the best all around high school athlete I have ever seen. Had he stayed at Nebraska, he would have seen playing time by now.
Thanks for the info. Not surprised that Martinez wasn't their first choice. Can't imagine that he would start for any div 1 team as QB unless it was a stop gap measure.
monkey man martinez has terrible terrible form. his body goes backwards when he throws, like he is shotputting. very bad. BUT...he did complete a lot of passes on Saturday. but wow, atrocious (spelling) mechanics
I believe the write up in espn said North western hasnt beat anybody with a pulse this year. Whats up Nebraska? I only quoted it.
Your askin me, I think it just not gettin up for a game, making to many mistakes. Just stupid stupid mistakes at the wrong time. On a side note, SoundOff made me smile at the end.
Thanks for the info. Not surprised that Martinez wasn't their first choice. Can't imagine that he would start for any div 1 team as QB unless it was a stop gap measure.

The offence was made up for his style of play. The ability to have a mobile qb is one of the reasons he got the top spot. But like i said before, he was movin the ball alot better running. I havent seen him get very far this year at all so now its passing for him which isnt the greatest.
One does Nebraska not score 70 points on that defense. Oh wait, Martinez can't throw the deep ball. Every team I've watched play NW has torched them with deep balls over their safeties. Unfortunately, I didn't get to watch the NW / NU game.
I agree. But it seemed like T-Mart threw the deep ball and hit the WR, they dropped the ball. Bell did on a couple of throw. T-Mart actually played about as well as he could, threw the ball well. The O-line looked bad, Rex didn't look good, the WR's dropped some balls, the D didn't make enough stops. We just flat out got beat, but this is a trend with Pelini teams. Can't figure it out, but we got beat by ISU a few years ago, T Tech back in 2009 (I think), I think that there have been 5 unranked teams that Pelini has lost to. Very odd, and he had better get it figured out.

The best gift we can give the Nebraska board, is OkeefeForPresident. If NW starts beating you, he will spread his d-bag disease all over you guys.
Lol! :D

Her mom is cool, but her and the rest of them are hard nuts to crack. That whole state brags about their fans being classy, yet I have to remind them on days like yesterday, my response to their game was "t-marts throwing has improved" yet last week all I heard was "we are going to kick Iowa's azz, we beat MSU and you guys lost to MN".
First it was RW hasnt been with Wisky long enough and they are big and slow, to wow they are a well put together team. Then it was OSU is down, they are missing some players, we will roll, to OSU has a great D and thats the best D we will see all year and we beat them. NU, they suck, they are bottom feeders, then it was they are not as bad as their record shows.
They either tout or tear down teams to suit whatever they want/need to make themselves feel better or to try and look better.
Sorry for the rant, but good god it gets old and just makes me annoyed and makes me want to kick a Braska fan right in the nads.
Interesting, but this is not my experience. I got a story for you: I ended up going to 2 different parties to watch the NU/NW game. The first, we were at a sports bar in an Omaha suburb, and there were probably 40 or 50 Husker fans, and 1 Hawk fan with his young son. I got there about 2, and after the game, we all clapped because Michigan lost (great game, btw), no one said a word to the Hawk fan, no trash talking, no good-natured ribbing, the guy got up, and left without incident.

At the end of the first quarter of the NU/NW game, I ended up over at another friends house, and there were 20-30 people, all Husker fans, 1 Hawk fan. Hawk "fan" wasn't wearing his gear, so no one knew, until, as the game played out and it seemed that NW was taking it to the Huskers, he got louder, and louder cheering for the 'Cats, talking trash, running his mouth. At the end of the game, he was up in people's faces, talking smack, running his mouth, and all I could do was call him a db and shake my head.

Edit: I'm by no means stating that Hawk fans are all jerks, but I am getting tired of this weaksauce about how Husker fans are all a bunch of insufferable jerks. As a matter of fact, on Huskerboard, an MSU fan posted about how great of a time he had in Lincoln and stated how well Husker fans treated him.
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Of course he was treated well. His team lost. It is how fans are treated when their team comes in to Lincoln and win that can be the issue. I have witnessed several foul things being shouted at visting fans after a game that didn't go Nebraska's way. I am not saying it is more or less than would happen elsewhere - just that it happens here in Lincoln just like it does anywhere else.
Civilized, nonsmack-talking Iowa fans? How about Cooter from Sound-off? Do you think Nebby will need to take off one of their helmet decals to get up to play Iowa? I don't think so.
By the way, I would leave 'Lil Red at home when Nebby goes to Happy Valley- sorry, poor taste but I couldn't resist.
Yesterday was the first time I had ever sat down and watched part of a Nebraska game this season. Now I get what you guys are talking about with Martinez throwing the ball.

I kept thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me, because he motioned his arm like he was throwing it, but the ball does not fly in the direction he throws his arm.
Uh, that was his best throwing game since OSU last year.
Nebraska's best quarterback is playing in the KC Royals organization for a cool $7.5 million plus. Bubba Starling was the best all around high school athlete I have ever seen. Had he stayed at Nebraska, he would have seen playing time by now.
A good runner, but an iffy passer too, wasn't he?

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