Dear Larry Cotlar:


Well-Known Member
I know you have been in the radio biz for many years. I know you are "the voice" for drake men's basketball. I know you want drake to be recognized on a national level as opposed to being an afterthought within this state. but PLEASE, stop inserting drake into conversations as often as you are. you might be discussing our country's relations with spain and somehow you work drake into that conversation. i know, you feel like you have to wave the drake flag and draw attention to them. however, it's a little embarassing how often this is done. drake will always be fourth fiddle in this state. just accept it. thanks.
A. Is a message boar kind of like a homing pigeon? Roll wrote up his message, attached it to a hog and sent it on it's way over to the studio? Gotta be honest....that sounds awesome!

B. People still listen to Cotlar? Dude is unlistenable.
I know you have been in the radio biz for many years. I know you are "the voice" for drake men's basketball. I know you want drake to be recognized on a national level as opposed to being an afterthought within this state. but PLEASE, stop inserting drake into conversations as often as you are. you might be discussing our country's relations with spain and somehow you work drake into that conversation. i know, you feel like you have to wave the drake flag and draw attention to them. however, it's a little embarassing how often this is done. drake will always be fourth fiddle in this state. just accept it. thanks.

Excellent post!
I know you have been in the radio biz for many years. I know you are "the voice" for drake men's basketball. I know you want drake to be recognized on a national level as opposed to being an afterthought within this state. but PLEASE, stop inserting drake into conversations as often as you are. you might be discussing our country's relations with spain and somehow you work drake into that conversation. i know, you feel like you have to wave the drake flag and draw attention to them. however, it's a little embarassing how often this is done. drake will always be fourth fiddle in this state. just accept it. thanks.

Answer me this why would 1700 "the champ" even hire Cotlar and Terrill on the same station, and then make Cotlar work with M.T. i feel sorry for Cotlar, even though he's kinda of a gomer on the airways..
The "out of bounds" program is the worst thing I have ever heard coming out of the DM market.

I tend to agree. The Round Guy asks the most drawn out, pointless questions almost anytime he tries to get in on an interview to a guest. By the time he gets to the end of his question the person he's talking to usually doesn't remember the original point. I do still listen sometimes though since it's either that or Rome.
Good sports talk radio in Des Moines? That left when Deace went off the air in the afternoons. Nobody that is currently on now is worth a crap, except Murphy and Fales. They are great!

I consider cotlar, tirrell, perault, roundguy, ken miller ALL unlistenable!
Good sports talk radio in Des Moines? That left when Deace went off the air in the afternoons. Nobody that is currently on now is worth a crap, except Murphy and Fales. They are great!

I consider cotlar, tirrell, perault, roundguy, ken miller ALL unlistenable!
Agreed. But Murphy and Fales are not that good either IMHO.
Miller and Deace are still awesome as well...Weekdays 6-8am on 1460 KXnO (shameless plug)

As for Cotlar, I only catch that show once or twice a week if I don't like who Rome's about to interview or when he's on vacation, like this week...and yesterday Cotlar was going on about Duke and why people hate them and he and a caller turned it into why people hate Iowa...because of their arrogant fans...and it got me thinking about a couple of things...

1. Cotlar's still an idiot, which I already knew...


2. It's funny how arrogant Iowa fans the eyes of ISU and apparently Missouri fans...
tirrell....can be interesting at times but his act is getting old....too predictable....will throw out anything to see if it sticks...still wonder who bankrolls all of his trips (NCAA's baketball, Masters, Super Bowl, bowl games, etc...)

miller & perrault....i seem to agree with miller alot....perrault seems like a "colin cowherd" know it all

milller & deace....not afraid to rock the boat...they call a spade a spade....can be a little too "churchy" for me...need to step down from the soap box

murph and andy...good people...everyday joe's....good humor...easy to listen to

cotlar, roundguy, garman....all nice guys i am sure but a complete snooze fest
I agree with most of you the Out of Bounds show is bad but I can't stand Rome so I listen. I think 3 people is too many in the booth and Cotler is terrible.

I do not listen to Perrault and Miller at all. I listen to Marty every day and I feel the show is getting better. He still goes overboard on things but for the most part I enjoy it.

My favorite is Dan Patrick.
I agree that the Out of Bounds show doesn't work with 3 hosts. I would jettison Round guy and Garmin and let Cotlar have his own show again. He has a lot of good national contacts and gets good interviews. He seems lost sharing the time with those other 2 guys.