No we sometimes get penalties for doing that QB sneak when the line isn't set.... I think that what you are thinking.
There have been SOOO many times in the past years where the QB stood there staring at the sideline.. not knowing what to do.
I can remember one game last year were Ruddock was staring at the sideline not spiking the ball and it basically cost us any chance.
I will say this... at least Kirk did go for the win in this case.
One of the hardest loses in years was Wisconsin 2010. It was the game that many people say started the downward spiral. We lost any chance at a win when we called timeout after getting a 1st down instead of clocking it. The timeout saved 1 or 2 seconds but saved us a down that we didn't have time to use anyway. We got into field goal range but could do nothing but watch the clock run out.