Dear Fran, Please start recruiting scoreres. Everyone else has them.

Another game lost because we don't have any scorers other than Marble and he can be negated with D. The reason we lose close games down the stretch is because everybody has more than 1 scorer, except us. Woodbury, Clemmons, Oglesby and McCabe have 0 offensive skills and May is extremely limited. So we play 10 guys, big deal. Give me some guys with the ability to get somewhere off the bounce or who can finish at the rim. Recruiting is really, really suspect and if McCaffrey whiffs on Jok, Uthoff and Meyer, like he has with Clemmons, Ingram and Oglesby, we will be regulars in the NIT at best. I think it is safe to say McCaffrey won't be leaving for a "better opportunity" anytime soon if he keeps recruiting project players.
Another game lost because we don't have any scorers other than Marble and he can be negated with D. The reason we lose close games down the stretch is because everybody has more than 1 scorer, except us. Woodbury, Clemmons, Oglesby and McCabe have 0 offensive skills and May is extremely limited. So we play 10 guys, big deal. Give me some guys with the ability to get somewhere off the bounce or who can finish at the rim. Recruiting is really, really suspect and if McCaffrey whiffs on Jok, Uthoff and Meyer, like he has with Clemmons, Ingram and Oglesby, we will be regulars in the NIT at best. I think it is safe to say McCaffrey won't be leaving for a "better opportunity" anytime soon if he keeps recruiting project players.

That is the Nail on the Head!
Another game lost because we don't have any scorers other than Marble and he can be negated with D. The reason we lose close games down the stretch is because everybody has more than 1 scorer, except us. Woodbury, Clemmons, Oglesby and McCabe have 0 offensive skills and May is extremely limited. So we play 10 guys, big deal. Give me some guys with the ability to get somewhere off the bounce or who can finish at the rim. Recruiting is really, really suspect and if McCaffrey whiffs on Jok, Uthoff and Meyer, like he has with Clemmons, Ingram and Oglesby, we will be regulars in the NIT at best. I think it is safe to say McCaffrey won't be leaving for a "better opportunity" anytime soon if he keeps recruiting project players.

Moar stupid! We need moar stoopid!

WAY too early to say Fran has whiffed on Clemmons or Ingram. FFS.
Not too early. Gesell is the kid with the most chance of being a scorer, and he won't be that guy until jr. year.

team needs a big recruit in this summer's group, or it will be 9-9, 10-8 at best for a few years.
It won't matter if you can score....

I think we really need to cut the rotation. Some of these guy should not be seeing the court. Get it down to like 7 guys, with very limited minutes for others.
People that complain about Fran's recruiting either a) have no idea how recruiting works b) have forgotten how awful Iowa was the past few years c) think Iowa= Duke (it doesn't) d) are complete idiots e) all of the above
People that complain about Fran's recruiting either a) have no idea how recruiting works b) have forgotten how awful Iowa was the past few years c) think Iowa= Duke (it doesn't) d) are complete idiots e) all of the above

True for the most part. guys act like he is trying to recruit lesser players. You do realize that Iowa has sucked and sucked hard for several years which makes it not so easy to recruit freshman who are all americans.

Stupid Fran, he should start recruiting top 10 players in the country!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
People that complain about Fran's recruiting either a) have no idea how recruiting works b) have forgotten how awful Iowa was the past few years c) think Iowa= Duke (it doesn't) d) are complete idiots e) all of the above

No argument with this. Also no argument that this summer's class needs a scorer.
Also, I wish Fran didnt love project players so much. Man, that guy just loves building players instead of getting top flight talent. I wish he wasnt so stubborn. I think turning away the best players in the country for project players that he loves is really holding us back!
This is a hilarious post.....we were one of the worst places to play under Todd Sadsack and yet now only 3 years into his career here Fran is supposed to pull All-Americans out of his butt? We are actually starting to get some good recruits here and we are building back up pretty quickly in my bad loss and now the whole house of cards is imploding for some fans....we need to chill the fudge out and regain perspective (and maybe not play JO so much).... guys act like he is trying to recruit lesser players. You do realize that Iowa has sucked and sucked hard for several years which makes it not so easy to recruit freshman who are all americans.

Stupid Fran, he should start recruiting top 10 players in the country!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Cosign. Reminds me of Sonics "fans" back in the day who'd complain after losing to the Lakers "why don't we just trade for Shaq?"
We scored just fine in the first half. It comes down to finishing games with energy and confidence. I love this team and they will be so much better next year with the addition of Jok and Uthoff. They can only get better as the conference takes a slight step back in talent. FRESHMAN AND SOPHMORE'S PEOPLE.
From what I can tell, Woodbury will never be a scorer. He may get a a half dozen points a game at best. Most over-rated recruit in Iowa history.

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