Dana Altman Quotes


Well-Known Member
Kept going on and on about how poorly his team played against Iowa. We didn't move the ball, we didn't run in transition, we didn't execute in transition. Not one mention about how Iowa took them out of their offensive sets and forced them into tough shots. Not one mention about Iowa's transition defense and making sure they didn't get anything easy. Not one mention about how Iowa was working the glass and getting to all the loose balls.

Hey dickhead...your team got beat by a team playing better than you are. Give the other team credit please.
Kept going on and on about how poorly his team played against Iowa. We didn't move the ball, we didn't run in transition, we didn't execute in transition. Not one mention about how Iowa took them out of their offensive sets and forced them into tough shots. Not one mention about Iowa's transition defense and making sure they didn't get anything easy. Not one mention about how Iowa was working the glass and getting to all the loose balls.

Hey dickhead...your team got beat by a team playing better than you are. Give the other team credit please.
Well, he's not wrong. His team did play like crap.
So, the way Iowa played defense didn't have any impact on how Oregon played. Sorry...there was a reason they played like crap...it's called a team playing defense with intensity and desire.
Well your mom still wants me to coach her up in the bedroom but I told her my expertise isn’t heavyweights. Do you still want to contribute ? I have some on my hands

Well your mom still wants me to coach her up in the bedroom but I told her my expertise isn’t heavyweights. Do you still want to contribute ? I have some on my hands

Haha, this guy seems like a real stable one.

I am also shocked he is not a coach anymore. Sure being an asshole didn't help.

Now a little about my mom: Not fat, aged 61, and I don't live in her basement.

Haha, this guy seems like a real stable one.

I am also shocked he is not a coach anymore. Sure being an asshole didn't help.

Now a little about my mom: Not fat, aged 61, and I don't live in her basement.

You can stay in the little boys corner I will deal with you next . Which prick attacked me first again?
Haha, this guy seems like a real stable one.

I am also shocked he is not a coach anymore. Sure being an asshole didn't help.

Now a little about my mom: Not fat, aged 61, and I don't live in her basement.

So I state my reason why Aultman didn’t give Iowa any credit and I get attacked for it ? Nice . When you get off the other guys lap let me know . No pun intended
Thanks for taking a guess you POS. I got out to spend more time with my family . The hours of a high school coach is brutal and all year round now with off season non manditory workouts . Sounds like you already knew that .

I respect that ✊. I am sure your family really
Thanks for taking a guess you POS. I got out to spend more time with my family . The hours of a high school coach is brutal and all year round now with off season non manditory workouts . Sounds like you already knew that .

Yup, those six hour teaching days and 182 work days a year are brutal. Teachers and coaches work. They do not work any harder than anyone else. They also have more free time than most, and that includes high school coaches.
And seriously, are you a teacher? Manditory??? Try mandatory..

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