Dace's Remarks about our "White" running back?

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Well-Known Member
I find his remarks pretty ignorant and insulting. There have been backs just like Wiesman drafted in the last couple of years, one from Rutgers, one from LSU and another from Arkansas so for him to say that is the ONLY school at the FBS level was fairly misinformed. I understand his point about the unheard of walk-on portion, but how many times did he say " with a last name like Wiesman" in a way his remarks are on the verge of anti-semetic.

Lets compare this to Dace saying I can't believe Harvard has a black person with the last name of _________ on their rowing team and they were good. If he said this his name would be Mudd, but somehow since it is about a white person with the last name of Wiesman its alright? Not really trying to flame anything here but if you are of the Jewish faith does this bother you? It just seams like somebody with so much training would be a little more aware of what he was saying. Just wondering if anyone else picked up on what he was saying. I have never heard Jon say anything close to being this ignorant, and I would be embarrased as a Hawk fan if he were representing our team after saying something so moronic.
The kid spells it W-E-I-S-M-A-N.
Not trying to be pedantic, but it matters.

Regarding teh dacer...no further comment (see sig, particularly the first sentence).
I watched the video. Having been interviewed, and misquoted by the media numerous time, I'm not too surprised by anything a "reporter" does, or says. I wouldn't have said anything like this, but with media types, if nothing else, they have large egos. Many think they are above societal rules of behavior and decency.

I wasn't offended by anything he said, but it was surprising he kept saying it. Repeatedly. Over and over. And over.
Toby Gerhart was a RB from Stanford who was the 2009 Heisman runner-up in a vote that broke the record for closest ever.

Does anyone have a link to this video?
There is NOTHING ACCEPTABLE about this thread! I work hard to avoid all threads relating to that idiot, even though it is hard because of Jon's man crush, and I get trapped into reading about him because the thread looks like it is about an ex-Iowa lineman.

You must now hide your head in shame and you owe us all an apology.
There is NOTHING ACCEPTABLE about this thread! I work hard to avoid all threads relating to that idiot, even though it is hard because of Jon's man crush, and I get trapped into reading about him because the thread looks like it is about an ex-Iowa lineman.

You must now hide your head in shame and you owe us all an apology.

In my defense I did not spell his name correctly because I do not listen to him or honestly know anything about him. I was reading an article and was forced to listen to his remarks so I appologize for the misspelling of a name, but the context of the post name should have given it away.

Anyway who remembers' back in the 90's when Indiana had that "White" running back that tore it up for a while.
He was able to observe Weisman's name and race, though. Very perceptive of him...

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