Dace has a broken bone


Kirk did not say what, but that probably means the end of the season for him...Greenwood is going to be OK
Man.... Poor guy can't get a break. I saw that guy roll over his ankle, and I was hoping it was only a mild sprain. I really feel for him.
At least it's only a broken bone. If it's a clean break, it's a great deal better than another knee injury. Hopefully, he'll get that 6th year. He has been the epitome of hard work and class during his career at Iowa. Shown a lot of character.
I feel horrible for Dace. He has been a great Hawk. Nobody outworks that guy. He deserves better. Atleast Dace can enjoy this great team season.
Robinson's ankle roll looked worse than Dace.

I hope Dace gets another year. An ankle break should be a full recovery.
Thank God for Sandemann being ok...Brother-in-law(who is a Dr.) text immediatly after that hit and said thats a bad one he was "posturing"...which usually means bad head injury. Hopefully he is ok...
Just watched the highlights on ESPN. During the postgame interview with KF, it looked like #32 on crutches in the background. Anybody else see this?
He was on crutches, but that was probably just precautionary. They wouldn't have had time to get him x-rays.
Thank God for Sandemann being ok...Brother-in-law(who is a Dr.) text immediatly after that hit and said thats a bad one he was "posturing"...which usually means bad head injury. Hopefully he is ok...

Seriously. His arm was stiff and out away from his body after that hit, it just looked bad. I thought he was knocked out cold, I am glad he walked off the field.
I honestly am torn about Dace playing anymore. I know how much he loves football, but at some point, you just have to do what's best for you and walk away from the game, even if you love it. If he chose never to try to play again, I would be proud of him for his effort and courage throughout his career and look forward to him being a community leader somewhere (in football or in life) wherever he goes in the future.
I honestly am torn about Dace playing anymore. I know how much he loves football, but at some point, you just have to do what's best for you and walk away from the game, even if you love it. If he chose never to try to play again, I would be proud of him for his effort and courage throughout his career and look forward to him being a community leader somewhere (in football or in life) wherever he goes in the future.

Amen. Dace is a good guy and a great Hawkeye...
I honestly am torn about Dace playing anymore. I know how much he loves football, but at some point, you just have to do what's best for you and walk away from the game, even if you love it. If he chose never to try to play again, I would be proud of him for his effort and courage throughout his career and look forward to him being a community leader somewhere (in football or in life) wherever he goes in the future.

Yeah, but the guy has a chance to collect a payday that would change most of our lives even if a late round pick. If I'm Dace I think I would still go for that.

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