Cyrus K may be visiting Saturday....

Now that we know that he is visiting.... is there anything that we as fans do to show our support? I have the day off tomorrow and would gladly do my part to help show Cy that Iowa is the right place for him develop his talents. (And No Im not talking about anything illegal, sexual, or Frowned upon by the NCAA) But, Im sure overwhelming support cant hurt Iowa's chances. That being said. Does anyone know what they typically do for visits like his?

I would guess an offseason visit would mostly entail a tour of the athletic facilities and the campus. Maybe talk with position coaches? Can't imagine they get too fancy.
I still can't get too excited. I believe he is 'bama all the way. His brother players there. Nick Saban is no slouch of a coach and is perfectly capable of developing talent for the nfl. And its warmer. Be nice, but I just don't see it happening.

I think its debatable whether Saban is a good coach. OK, he's probably good but...
Give him an average roster, he'll have an average team.

The only thing that Saban is really good at is oversigning players every year.
At that, he's the best in the country.
Auburn just recieved a committment from the #6 OL who de-committed from Texas today. His name is Christian Westerman.
I think its debatable whether Saban is a good coach. OK, he's probably good but...
Give him an average roster, he'll have an average team.

The only thing that Saban is really good at is oversigning players every year.
At that, he's the best in the country.

I don't remember him having too great of a roster at Michigan State and I thought he did pretty good. Once he moved to the SEC, I will agree that he has had very talented rosters.

I think we do have a shot at Cy but he even said so himself that having a former teammate on the rosters is not a selling point for him, so I doubt seeing what Coker has done for us really makes that big of a difference.
Does your sister/girlfriend/wife have any hot friends? Wait, we don't want to turn this into an Everson debacle.

Yeah, that was crude. I apologize..
I think we do have a shot at Cy but he even said so himself that having a former teammate on the rosters is not a selling point for him, so I doubt seeing what Coker has done for us really makes that big of a difference.

Agreed, I cant speak for anyone else, but I wanted to get as far away from high school as possible when I went to college. It is our chance to discover who we really are. That being said, I think he should do it with his high school teammate Coker!!!
I was thinking about these baseball and football players who receive coaching for free with a promise to pay 2% of their possible professional salaries to the coach. This seems like something the NCAA wouldn't allow.
Additionally... if I was a banker and Cyrus K walked in and wanted a 100K loan with 13% interest with no payments until 2015... I am sure I could find the investors to back it AND have him insured with Lloyds of London in case of collegiate injury.

What is the difference between this and a normal kid taking a loan out for a car? for a house while attending college? If a 19 year old science major was attending Stanford on a educational scholarship could he not get a loan for a studio apartment based upon merit? YES. Could he not get a student loan that wouldn't require payment until he graduated?

I think this is the direction that top end athletes should take... the NCAA should have something in place similar to which contractors are available to build in a housing development so that they can be monitored and required to pay a monitoring fee.

Catch my drift or am I just blowing snow?
by the way... small scale math here... 10 players take plan A. Plan A is $100K at 13% interest - an insurance fee based upon injury/NFL probability.

13% interest on $1M (10 players X $100K) over a 3 year period= 1,442,897.00
70% of them make it to the NFL and pay back upon contract= $1,010,027.90
30% of them get injured/don't get drafted... you lost your money, but insurance would kick in to pay a percentage depending upon what you contracted.

Lets say the insurance was for
a. The entire $100k, the investor would make $442,897.00
b. None, the investor would make $10,027.90

So the key is a 70% probability they would make the NFL, or have a chart based off probability/insurance charge for someone of lesser talent to the point it wouldn't make sense to give them a loan.

You want players to get paid... this is a way to get it done legally. I think I shall start a company, imagine explaining this business concept to a bank or investor.
I don't remember him having too great of a roster at Michigan State and I thought he did pretty good. Once he moved to the SEC, I will agree that he has had very talented rosters.

I think we do have a shot at Cy but he even said so himself that having a former teammate on the rosters is not a selling point for him, so I doubt seeing what Coker has done for us really makes that big of a difference.

Saban's record at MSU:
0-3 in bowl games(lost all 3 by double digits)
Won more than 7 games in a season exactly once.

Conversely, Saban in the SEC:
@LSU: 48-16
@Alabama: 43-11

In the NFL:

Moral of the story...
When things aren't drastically tilted in his favor, he's average at best & that's exactly why he's in the SEC.
Saban's record at MSU:
0-3 in bowl games(lost all 3 by double digits)
Won more than 7 games in a season exactly once.

Conversely, Saban in the SEC:
@LSU: 48-16
@Alabama: 43-11

In the NFL:

Moral of the story...
When things aren't drastically tilted in his favor, he's average at best & that's exactly why he's in the SEC.

His team did win the Citrus Bowl after he took the LSU job. Technically he didn't coach them in that game, but it was still his team.

He was also at MSU, not exactly a program that has ever had much in the way of tradition.
His team did win the Citrus Bowl after he took the LSU job. Technically he didn't coach them in that game, but it was still his team.

He was also at MSU, not exactly a program that has ever had much in the way of tradition.

Exactly my point.
I could win a lot of games at LSU or Alabama.
Especially if I could sign 347 players every year.
Exactly my point.
I could win a lot of games at LSU or Alabama.
Especially if I could sign 347 players every year.

No, he took the LSU job after the '99 regular season, when his MSU team went 9-2. They won the Citrus Bowl that January. He wasn't technically the coach, but it was his team, and his coaching that got them there.
No, he took the LSU job after the '99 regular season, when his MSU team went 9-2. They won the Citrus Bowl that January. He wasn't technically the coach, but it was his team, and his coaching that got them there.

Not debating that bro.
You're missing the point, which is that Saban is an average coach when not allowed to sign one million players each season, as he has done at LSU & Bama.
Not debating that bro.
You're missing the point, which is that Saban is an average coach when not allowed to sign one million players each season, as he has done at LSU & Bama.

One 4-year stint at a chronic underachiever is hardly enough evidence to claim that. Ferentz didn't do so hot his first 4 years, either.
One 4-year stint at a chronic underachiever is hardly enough evidence to claim that. Ferentz didn't do so hot his first 4 years, either.

1.) '99
2.) '00
3.) '01
4.) '02

^This was a pretty good year if my memory serves me right. ;)
Saban's record at MSU:
0-3 in bowl games(lost all 3 by double digits)
Won more than 7 games in a season exactly once.

Conversely, Saban in the SEC:
@LSU: 48-16
@Alabama: 43-11

In the NFL:

Moral of the story...
When things aren't drastically tilted in his favor, he's average at best & that's exactly why he's in the SEC.


See Gene Chizik