Cyclown Article

So my point has some validity? There was a fair amount of good fortune for Iowa to be in the Big 10--financially speaking--as time wore on?
I don't think so. The conference has evolved into what it is because of the schools and their leadership. It wasn't just luck.
I don't think so. The conference has evolved into what it is because of the schools and their leadership. It wasn't just luck.

Also true in a lot of ways. But did the B10 have much to do with the population base of the cities with in it's footprint? Of course not, and that is a lot of what has made the BTN so much money. Yes the B10 gets all the credit for creating the network and making it into what it has become, but the University of Kansas probably isn't much different than Iowa so where did they go wrong? They happened to join a conference that's geographic footprint ended up having a much smaller population.
If that's the case, imagine what they'll be able to do against ISU!

But really, ISU only getting 3.5 at home - especially when home field is typically good for three points anyway - doesn't bode well for them.
Man, because all preseason predictions are right. When they favor the Hawks. Putting too much biblical significance on a number, and the first game of the year liekly means both teams will be sloppy.
I didn't feel like reading all 5 pages of this thread and i'm sorry if i'm repeating someone.

But the biggest reason isn't the $90 they charge hawkeye fans to get here even though we charge them the same normal rate. And it isn't the over half a million they recieve for coming into kinnick, NO...

Its the fact that they tie their season tickets to both this game and the nebraska game. Whoever they play at trice, they force fans to buy season tickets in order to get a seat at that home game. Their ENTIRE season ticket package is funneled through this game.

I say get rid of the damn game until it makes financial sense.

We sell out our game whether it's uni or ohio st. It just doesn't matter who to us. But it's huge for them. Financially. You're little brother attitude shines through on EVERY SINGLE argument.
So my point has some validity? There was a fair amount of good fortune for Iowa to be in the Big 10--financially speaking--as time wore on?

I think the fact that Iowa has been in the Big 10 for 111 years now, and that the conference is now in a position to be stronger than ever would seem to eliminate "luck" from the equation. The Big 10 didn't get to the position it is in now because of luck.

By contrast, the Big 12 has only been around since 1996(98?) has all ready lost two teams, and is likely looking at being dissolved within five years.

It would seem to me that ISU is lucky to still be in the Big 12.
Man, because all preseason predictions are right. When they favor the Hawks. Putting too much biblical significance on a number, and the first game of the year liekly means both teams will be sloppy.

Who said anything about preseason predictions? I certainly didn't; I merely mentioned that ISU only getting 1/2 point at home against a MAC team can't be a good thing.
I think the fact that Iowa has been in the Big 10 for 111 years now, and that the conference is now in a position to be stronger than ever would seem to eliminate "luck" from the equation. The Big 10 didn't get to the position it is in now because of luck.

By contrast, the Big 12 has only been around since 1996(98?) has all ready lost two teams, and is likely looking at being dissolved within five years.

It would seem to me that ISU is lucky to still be in the Big 12.

My only point with that is that Iowa is fortunate to have joined a league 111 years ago that would end up with the advantages it has today (population within the geographic footprint for BTN $$ reasons). Those advantages probably weren't selling points for the U of I administration back in 1899. All while Iowa (the state) doesn't really contribute much to that population pool. Sure, Iowa has had plenty of success in the league and nationally athletically over the course of time but that isn't what I'm talking about. Also, I'm not talking about the foresight of the B10 Admin and other school leaders that were the first with the conference network and have made many good decisions to build a solid league.

I would liken it to being Denny Albaugh's kid. Sure you grew up working hard for him by putting in long hours in the summer and you got your college degree and went back to work for him upon graduation to become a valuable contributor to his enterprise. At the end of the day, though, you were still fortunate to being born into his family at the start of things.

Btw, B12 was 1996 and I would agree that the league has never been especially stable. I do think it is sad that Nebraska (long standing history of annual competition with ISU) is the one leaving as opposed to one of the Texas schools. If it were up to me and were feasible, I would much prefer that ISU be linked with the schools it always has been. I don't blame Nebraska one bit for leaving but it will be strange to not compete with them anymore as a conference opponent.
I dont think its also feasable in this state to have more then one prominant football team. Iowa as a state does have the attractions or the population that other states do. Its pretty easy to see now Iowa got the leg up over ISU due to it being in the Big 10. There has just never been a drive at ISU to make it any type of high tier program. I dont think it ever can be.

All i have heard all year from ISU fans is 9-7 all year. I can see how iowa fans get annoyed when you do win because it such a foreign thing to you you cant handle it. Then when you do get a lucky break, actually win a game. No matter if its a little or a blowout you act like a bunch of ******** for a year. I personally have never heard any nebraska fans rubbing in the asskicking they have handed you year after year but you beat Us and woah here we go were #1. Thats why you think Iowa and Nebraska are your superbowls when our fans go into your stadium and sell it out.

Its because of your lack of goodies you bring to the table and your overall ******** fan base makes Iowa fans not want this game. As nebraska we were stuck with you but iowa isnt. I think they are finally seeing a way out of this stupid rivalry which benefits them very little. Hell with an open spot they might be able to get USC or Clemson to come down everyother year. Get some teams in kinnick which will boost the hawks credibility, not friggin ISU.
I dont think its also feasable in this state to have more then one prominant football team. Iowa as a state does have the attractions or the population that other states do. Its pretty easy to see now Iowa got the leg up over ISU due to it being in the Big 10. There has just never been a drive at ISU to make it any type of high tier program. I dont think it ever can be.

All i have heard all year from ISU fans is 9-7 all year. I can see how iowa fans get annoyed when you do win because it such a foreign thing to you you cant handle it. Then when you do get a lucky break, actually win a game. No matter if its a little or a blowout you act like a bunch of ******** for a year. I personally have never heard any nebraska fans rubbing in the asskicking they have handed you year after year but you beat Us and woah here we go were #1. Thats why you think Iowa and Nebraska are your superbowls when our fans go into your stadium and sell it out.

Its because of your lack of goodies you bring to the table and your overall ******** fan base makes Iowa fans not want this game. As nebraska we were stuck with you but iowa isnt. I think they are finally seeing a way out of this stupid rivalry which benefits them very little. Hell with an open spot they might be able to get USC or Clemson to come down everyother year. Get some teams in kinnick which will boost the hawks credibility, not friggin ISU.
There you have it CLowns! Iowa is not the only team who's fans recognize the inferiority complex ISU fans have. On a side note one thing that I find really really idiotic from clown fans is their pseudo elite mentality that a person cannot be a fan unless they graduated from the school they follow. Based on the size of the state of Iowa, that mentality is moronic. I have a neighbor 2 doors down who is as a hawkeye fan "one of those Iowa Fans". My neighbor has never set foot inside a college classroom but he has built an extremely successful company. I guess he is one of "those" fans who donates a extremely significant sum of money to the I-club. Just another example of an immature and inexperienced fan base that is hindered by an inferiority complex.

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