Cyclown Article

ISu average attendance in 2009 = 46,242. Jack Trice Stadium capacity = 55,000. Even allowing that Iowa accounted for helping to raise the average attendance level, that is an average of 8758 empty seats per game. At an average price of $50/game that is $437,900 in additional revenue. Add to that the additional $40 premium for the Iowa fans 4000 allotment and that is an additional $160,000. On top of that, single game tickets are not available for the Iowa game unless you are a season ticket holder and you add even more to the total. Is this the major part of the ISU athletic budget, no but if it is no big deal, why hose the Iowa fans? So you go ahead an keep telling yourself that taking the $90 premium for the Iowa and Nebraska games, and the sellouts that go along with them, and the need to buy season tickets to get a seat for Iowa, as no big deal and we will see how it goes if the game is dropped from the schedules. I think Iowa will muddle through and ISU will just need a few more taxpayer dollars to make ends meet.
ISu average attendance in 2009 = 46,242. Jack Trice Stadium capacity = 55,000. Even allowing that Iowa accounted for helping to raise the average attendance level, that is an average of 8758 empty seats per game. At an average price of $50/game that is $437,900 in additional revenue. Add to that the additional $40 premium for the Iowa fans 4000 allotment and that is an additional $160,000. On top of that, single game tickets are not available for the Iowa game unless you are a season ticket holder and you add even more to the total. Is this the major part of the ISU athletic budget, no but if it is no big deal, why hose the Iowa fans? So you go ahead an keep telling yourself that taking the $90 premium for the Iowa and Nebraska games, and the sellouts that go along with them, and the need to buy season tickets to get a seat for Iowa, as no big deal and we will see how it goes if the game is dropped from the schedules. I think Iowa will muddle through and ISU will just need a few more taxpayer dollars to make ends meet.

What's interesting about the 90.00 seats was that last year, ISU offered up a mini-pack before the season that included the Iowa game and a couple others for 99.00. Why anyone would buy a three game package for the same amount as some season tickets at Jack Trice is puzzling, but that's another story.

If the Clones were still charging 90.00 a pop for the Iowa game, that means that the other two games in the mini pack were 4.50 apiece, or that they had marked down the Iowa game to 33.00.
I repeat part of my original point. Take Iowa off the Clown schedule and interest in their program drops significantly. The writer of the article was looking at the finances of a single game. What was lacking was the impact of losing the most important game for cyclone fans. I Repeat, take the game away and the interest in their program will go down resulting in significant financial repercussions.
It's pretty bad when you rely on your in-state rival to boost your athletic department, most schools depend on it's fanbase.
As a lifelong Cyclone fan and alumni I found these comments to be hysterical. Out of morbid curiosity and some free time at work today I sent the link to this thread to about 10 close friends of mine that graduated from Iowa and also asked a few people I work with. All are big Hawk fans, every single one of them barely miss a game, travel to all bowl games, etc. The funny part about it was that I got a consensus opinion, not a single one agreed with anything that has been said. My boss who is a large Hawkeye booster even went as far to say that he was embarassed, which made me literally spit out my coffee.

If I thought a single one of you actually attended the University of Iowa I'd maybe take it a little more serious, but this is obviously the opinion of a few guys from UNI and some GED recipients, aka TavernHawks.

And to clarify with this rivalry business, I spent 22 years of my life in Eastern Iowa. Who are you people trying to claim as the big Iowa "rival"? Illinois? Please. I don't even know who else you'd consider.

To say that it's a waste of a game is also hilarious, being that Ferentz has a 5-6 record against ISU, makes it look like you are all tired of getting handled.
As a lifelong Cyclone fan and alumni I found these comments to be hysterical. Out of morbid curiosity and some free time at work today I sent the link to this thread to about 10 close friends of mine that graduated from Iowa and also asked a few people I work with. All are big Hawk fans, every single one of them barely miss a game, travel to all bowl games, etc. The funny part about it was that I got a consensus opinion, not a single one agreed with anything that has been said. My boss who is a large Hawkeye booster even went as far to say that he was embarassed, which made me literally spit out my coffee.

If I thought a single one of you actually attended the University of Iowa I'd maybe take it a little more serious, but this is obviously the opinion of a few guys from UNI and some GED recipients, aka TavernHawks.

And to clarify with this rivalry business, I spent 22 years of my life in Eastern Iowa. Who are you people trying to claim as the big Iowa "rival"? Illinois? Please. I don't even know who else you'd consider.

To say that it's a waste of a game is also hilarious, being that Ferentz has a 5-6 record against ISU, makes it look like you are all tired of getting handled.

Sounds like someone's goat done got got.
As a lifelong Cyclone fan and alumni I found these comments to be hysterical. Out of morbid curiosity and some free time at work today I sent the link to this thread to about 10 close friends of mine that graduated from Iowa and also asked a few people I work with. All are big Hawk fans, every single one of them barely miss a game, travel to all bowl games, etc. The funny part about it was that I got a consensus opinion, not a single one agreed with anything that has been said. My boss who is a large Hawkeye booster even went as far to say that he was embarassed, which made me literally spit out my coffee.

If I thought a single one of you actually attended the University of Iowa I'd maybe take it a little more serious, but this is obviously the opinion of a few guys from UNI and some GED recipients, aka TavernHawks.

And to clarify with this rivalry business, I spent 22 years of my life in Eastern Iowa. Who are you people trying to claim as the big Iowa "rival"? Illinois? Please. I don't even know who else you'd consider.

To say that it's a waste of a game is also hilarious, being that Ferentz has a 5-6 record against ISU, makes it look like you are all tired of getting handled.

I can't speak for anyone else, but both my wife and I are University of Iowa alumni. As far as rivalry games go, I do not think Iowa has one in the same sense as Ohio State vs Michigan or Texas vs Texas A&M and several others around the country. I just know that the Hawk fans I know do not consider ISU a rivalry game anymore than they consider Northwestern a rivalry game. Our record against them since Kirk got here has not been good either, actually worse than against ISU. Ask Penn State fans if they consider Iowa a rival and most of them will say no and we have a much better record against them since Kirk has been here than either Northwestern or ISU has against Iowa. 5 years from know ISU fans will still be talking about the 10 year span when they had a winning record against Iowa and they will be sure to mention that Seneca Wallace was some kind of football player.
Sounds like someone's goat done got got.

You got me. I'm enraged at a group of people that are so out of their mind they think that the Hawkeyes actually have a legit shot at a national championship. Speaking of which, I have some ocean front property in Nebraska some of you might be interested in.
I can't speak for anyone else, but both my wife and I are University of Iowa alumni. As far as rivalry games go, I do not think Iowa has one in the same sense as Ohio State vs Michigan or Texas vs Texas A&M and several others around the country. I just know that the Hawk fans I know do not consider ISU a rivalry game anymore than they consider Northwestern a rivalry game. Our record against them since Kirk got here has not been good either, actually worse than against ISU. Ask Penn State fans if they consider Iowa a rival and most of them will say no and we have a much better record against them since Kirk has been here than either Northwestern or ISU has against Iowa. 5 years from know ISU fans will still be talking about the 10 year span when they had a winning record against Iowa and they will be sure to mention that Seneca Wallace was some kind of football player.

12 year span so far, and damn Seneca sure was good. I'm guessing you are another one those people that call the game "ISU's SuperBowl". It's really the easiest way to pick out a Hawk fan, being that I've never heard those words spoken from anyone that has any knowledge or affiliation with ISU.

Maybe we are just more realists and see the game for what it is, a fun in state game. Nothing more, nothing less.
You got me. I'm enraged at a group of people that are so out of their mind they think that the Hawkeyes actually have a legit shot at a national championship. Speaking of which, I have some ocean front property in Nebraska some of you might be interested in.
be·liev·a·ble (b
adj. Capable of eliciting belief or trust.

Yup your goat got gotten. Also take your meds before you contrive stories about having a hawkeye boss and friends who you have fired emails off to. I am certain they all just rallied around you knowing you are a cyclone fan. THe problem with your lie is the fact that not many Hawkeye fans work at McDonalds.

Next time you make up a lie have a 5 year old check to see if it passes the believability test.

Walk easy you just might start believing your stories.

Now with that said...finish moving in to your dorm room I am sure the flood waters have receded.
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You got me. I'm enraged at a group of people that are so out of their mind they think that the Hawkeyes actually have a legit shot at a national championship. Speaking of which, I have some ocean front property in Nebraska some of you might be interested in.

Your screen name speaks volumes about what you think of Iowa. You are likely another one of those Clone fans who stands up and cheers louder when something bad happens to Iowa than you do when something good happens for ISU. You appear to hate all things Iowa and then you wonder why Hawk fans think you are pathetic.
Your screen name speaks volumes about what you think of Iowa. You are likely another one of those Clone fans who stands up and cheers louder when something bad happens to Iowa than you do when something good happens for ISU. You appear to hate all things Iowa and then you wonder why Hawk fans think you are pathetic.
That and the fact PPierce has a problem making up stories that are lies.
be·liev·a·ble (b
adj. Capable of eliciting belief or trust.

Yup your goat got gotten. Also take your meds before you contrive stories about having a hawkeye boss and friends who you have fired emails off to. I am certain they all just rallied around you knowing you are a cyclone fan. THe problem with your lie is the fact that not many Hawkeye fans work at McDonalds.

Next time you make up a lie have a 5 year old check to see if it passes the believability test.

Walk easy you just might start believing your stories.

Now with that said...finish moving in to your dorm room I am sure the flood waters have receded.

It's nothing short of amazing that he sent the link to this thread to 10 Iowa alumni and not one of them agreed to anything posted in this thread!!!
You got me. I'm enraged at a group of people that are so out of their mind they think that the Hawkeyes actually have a legit shot at a national championship. Speaking of which, I have some ocean front property in Nebraska some of you might be interested in.

You are mad at ESPN?
12 year span so far, and damn Seneca sure was good. I'm guessing you are another one those people that call the game "ISU's SuperBowl". It's really the easiest way to pick out a Hawk fan, being that I've never heard those words spoken from anyone that has any knowledge or affiliation with ISU.

Maybe we are just more realists and see the game for what it is, a fun in state game. Nothing more, nothing less.

There is no "or so" if you go back more than 12 you are in trouble. I actually root for ISU when they are not playing Iowa and have a daughter attending grad school there. When was the last time you cheered for Iowa to have a successful season in any sport. I have a lot of ISU alumni in my extended family and I cannot remember any of them ever supporting an Iowa team. Your animosity for the Hawkeyes is obvious and your contempt for us is apparent right down to your screen name. Yet you wonder why we do not respect you.
ISu average attendance in 2009 = 46,242. Jack Trice Stadium capacity = 55,000. Even allowing that Iowa accounted for helping to raise the average attendance level, that is an average of 8758 empty seats per game. At an average price of $50/game that is $437,900 in additional revenue. Add to that the additional $40 premium for the Iowa fans 4000 allotment and that is an additional $160,000. On top of that, single game tickets are not available for the Iowa game unless you are a season ticket holder and you add even more to the total. Is this the major part of the ISU athletic budget, no but if it is no big deal, why hose the Iowa fans? So you go ahead an keep telling yourself that taking the $90 premium for the Iowa and Nebraska games, and the sellouts that go along with them, and the need to buy season tickets to get a seat for Iowa, as no big deal and we will see how it goes if the game is dropped from the schedules. I think Iowa will muddle through and ISU will just need a few more taxpayer dollars to make ends meet.

I applaud your effort to address the data, seriously, thanks.

But you'll have to excuse my "cyclown idiocy" here...why are you using 55,000 to figure number of empty seats per game for Iowa's contribution? I'm just not following your math. In 2009 the total attendance to the ISU-Iowa game was 52,089 (
I applaud your effort to address the data, seriously, thanks.

But you'll have to excuse my "cyclown idiocy" here...why are you using 55,000 to figure number of empty seats per game for Iowa's contribution? I'm just not following your math. In 2009 the total attendance to the ISU-Iowa game was 52,089 (

You're going to have point out where in that thread the attendance in last years game was brought up.
I applaud your effort to address the data, seriously, thanks.

But you'll have to excuse my "cyclown idiocy" here...why are you using 55,000 to figure number of empty seats per game for Iowa's contribution? I'm just not following your math. In 2009 the total attendance to the ISU-Iowa game was 52,089 (

My mistake. I did not check the official attendance for the game. I just sort of assumed that if you set a record for attendance when UNI came to town that you at least had a sellout for Iowa. The fact that you can't even fill the stadium for an in state team speaks volumes for the condition of your program and the enthusiasm of your fans. It also kind of makes my point that Hawkeye fans do not consider it a rivalry game. Maybe it could just be that Iowa fans feel that they are being taken advantage of and have decided to stay home. I really don't know, but your fans need to get with it and start filling the place up.
I think the Iowa-Iowa State game is in real jeopardy if the Big Ten goes to 9 conference games.

I enjoy the rivalry but Iowa needs 7 home games every year.

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