Cully Payne - emotional control


Well-Known Member
For a freshman, the way Cully handled himself after getting tortured with MN's full court pressure in the first half- was very impressive.

he is a tough minded, competitive kid.

He came out in the 2nd half and played a lot better for a couple stretches.

Payne is probably the toughest kid on this team - mentally and physically.
I like Payne and May. If this program can be righted, I expect to see them being major contributors to it.

Though short on skills and height, there were a couple times little Lick took it a Minnesota defender and drew the foul. Unfortunately there were more times the ball was lost but ...
Payne is slow, not a great ball handler, and plays matador half court defense. He hustles but is clearly out of his league.

(Just trying to balance this out a bit.)
Alot of ppl on these threads seem to consider playing hard and being a "tough, hard nosed player" means something extra...these are traits that pretty much every BCS D1 player has...
Alot of ppl on these threads seem to consider playing hard and being a "tough, hard nosed player" means something extra...these are traits that pretty much every BCS D1 player has...

Your right. Division one athletes across the board have the exact same mental and physical toughness. They also all play at the exact same effort level.

Uh huh.
Alot of ppl on these threads seem to consider playing hard and being a "tough, hard nosed player" means something extra...these are traits that pretty much every BCS D1 player has...

Perhaps this is true to some extent, however the title of the thread is emotional control and that certainly is not true of every BCS D1 player, and most certainly not every BCS D1 freshmen. I think the point is that Cully seems to posses this intangible attribute and that it is an asssett. I happen to agree with the OP on this.
Uh huh. You made two completely different points than I made. So what's your point?

I don't agree that

"these are traits that pretty much every BCS D1 player has..."

playing hard and tough hard nosed player.

Thats what you wrote.

I do not agree with that.

If you want to argue to argue, fair enough.

Tom Izzo's teams, generally speaking, are much tougher than their opponents. How they practice, what is taught to them.

Cully Payne is a lot tougher than Anthony Tucker.

Past Hawkeyes, not many "played harder" than Greg Brunner.

D1 basketball and collegiate athletics are filled with players, very skilled or just average athletically, that do not play that hard and are not that tough.

Thats my point which disagrees with yours.
Alot of ppl on these threads seem to consider playing hard and being a "tough, hard nosed player" means something extra...these are traits that pretty much every BCS D1 player has...

Not true....these are usually traits inherent that can't be taught quickly. Since Payne is a freshman I think we use these terms to describe attributes you don't usually find in freshmen. Given the weight and importance of his position to get Iowa in their offense, I think he has done a great job. I also believe he is a pretty good ball handler given he is averaging few turnovers vs some very stingy D's and presses already this year. I can think of many of guards in recent history that didn't take care of the rock as well as Payne.

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