Could Stanzi Best Qb in Iowa History?

"Nationally known" does not just include playing on a Big 10 team & even top Big 10 team. There is much more to the landscape of college football.

Currently, Rick Stanzi is known to Big 10 teams, South Carolina, Georgia Tech & Arizona. Yes, he could really make a name for himself this year with another run & increasing is stats. But, unfortunately, right now, not many fans from other conferences would identify who Iowa's QB is.

I.E. Name me Oregon's QB?
Missouri's QB?
Nebraska's QB?
Auburn's QB?

You get what I am saying. Stanzi doesn't market himself like Tebow, Bradford or McCoy & doesn't have coaches that care to market by going that route.

I'm pretty sure most people know who Stanzi is, as he was the poster child for our run last year. And since most of the entire country got sick of hearing about us, they were getting plenty sick of hearing about Stanzi.

Oregon QB: Jeremiah Masoli (couldn't tell you the new one, but he's never started before)
Missouri QB: Blaine Gabbert
Nebraska QB: Zac Lee
Auburn QB: couldn't tell ya
LSU QB: Jordan Jefferson

Now granted, I pay just a LITTLE more attention than the casual CFB fan, but I didn't look any of these up. The only one I didn't know off the top of my head was Auburn. And after looking it up: Neil Caudle looks to be the new starter (Chris Todd graduated). So again, the only starting QB's for this year that I didn't know were the two that have never started before.
It is all there this season...he has a chance to be a Heisman contender, he is nationally known, top 10 preseason team, if all things go well

He could have 3 bowl wins with 2 of them being BCS wins, a 30-4 record or so as a starterm beating #1 ohio state at kinnick to clinch the big ten this year

What do u guys think? or have i been drinking to much kool aid?

too much kool aid

two words, chuck long
His "team" is great and I love Ricky, but I still believe the argument begins and ends with Chuck Long.

Agreed and as of right now he isn't even in the top 5. Way too much would have to go right for him and Iowa to have the season it would need to vault him into the top 5 at least in my book.

I still think some people are getting a little crazy with what they expect this team to do. Let's not get to ahead of ourselves and let things play out before we start throwing NC and Heisman's out there. Holy hell, people let's take a step back for a second.
Well he certainly looked better about not forcing the ball in the controlled scrimmage. He's improved every year so far, and I fully expect him to do the same. The interceptions are what he focused on all offseason, so I don't think it's too much to expect him to improve in that area. He's shown us time and again, on and off the field, that when he puts his mind to something he's going to get it done.

And honestly, have you EVER been caught on the record as saying something positive about Iowa sports? I've certainly never seen it. Either your bashing coaches, taking jabs at players, or putting down posters on here. That schtick gets pretty old very quickly.

Ok, let me get your logic here. By saying that I do not think Stanzi is Heisman worthy, I am hating on him? Hating on him to the point where I never say anything good about Iowa period?

Do you have any idea how foolish you sound? I'll give you a second to think about it.

Are you done? Do you get it now? Do you see how pointing out the obvious, even if that obvious fact is something that is not negative about an Iowa player, just not excessively flattering, is not hating?

Oh who am I kidding, you have a good showing at a controled scrimmage as evidence. Clearly Stanzi is ready to step his game up to stratospheric levels.

BTW, you look through all of my posts, and find a single post of mine bashing a coach, I mail you five dollars American.
Ok, let me get your logic here. By saying that I do not think Stanzi is Heisman worthy, I am hating on him? Hating on him to the point where I never say anything good about Iowa period?

Do you have any idea how foolish you sound? I'll give you a second to think about it.

Are you done? Do you get it now? Do you see how pointing out the obvious, even if that obvious fact is something that is not negative about an Iowa player, just not excessively flattering, is not hating?

Oh who am I kidding, you have a good showing at a controled scrimmage as evidence. Clearly Stanzi is ready to step his game up to stratospheric levels.

BTW, you look through all of my posts, and find a single post of mine bashing a coach, I mail you five dollars American.

Fine, maybe not "bashing". But I've never once seen you say anything positive.

And chalk up another poster that you've put down on this board. Seriously, get a better hobby than trying to degrade people with your "intelligence".
You also fail to notice that nowhere did I say that Stanzi would DESERVE to win the Heisman. But if he cuts his INT's (certainly possible, and with the way he works on his game it's not outlandish to think he'll succeed), and we're undefeated for most of the year (another distinct possibility), he WILL get consideration, whether he deserves it or not.
I have never once tried to degrade anyone with my superior intelligence. I have encouraged others to try and better themselves intellectually by striving to reach my levels, which is done out of altruism, not malice.

I didn't put you down, I tried to make you see what a foolish argument you made, which you did (you're welcome, btw).

But to your further point, that I don't say anything positive. I think my history of posting stands for itself. You can view it yourself and look at what I say. You can do it when you look for evidence that I bash coaches (my offer of $5 still stands for you).

However, there is a difference between being positive, and being irrationally positive. I am not irrational. If someone says something irrational (such as, Stanzi might be the best QB in Iowa history), it is not my duty as a fan to support that because I am an Iowa fan. It is my duty to point out the absurdity of that statment as the Ambassador to the Real World.
You also fail to notice that nowhere did I say that Stanzi would DESERVE to win the Heisman. But if he cuts his INT's (certainly possible, and with the way he works on his game it's not outlandish to think he'll succeed), and we're undefeated for most of the year (another distinct possibility), he WILL get consideration, whether he deserves it or not.

You also fail to notice that I never said you said Stanzi deserved to win the Heisman...
You also fail to notice that I never said you said Stanzi deserved to win the Heisman...

Then why bother arguing with me at all? All I said was the he could certainly get consideration. The fact that the best player rarely wins the award these days is evidence that all we have to do is win, and him to cut his INT's, and he will get considered.
I have never once tried to degrade anyone with my superior intelligence. I have encouraged others to try and better themselves intellectually by striving to reach my levels, which is done out of altruism, not malice.

I didn't put you down, I tried to make you see what a foolish argument you made, which you did (you're welcome, btw).

But to your further point, that I don't say anything positive. I think my history of posting stands for itself. You can view it yourself and look at what I say. You can do it when you look for evidence that I bash coaches (my offer of $5 still stands for you).

However, there is a difference between being positive, and being irrationally positive. I am not irrational. If someone says something irrational (such as, Stanzi might be the best QB in Iowa history), it is not my duty as a fan to support that because I am an Iowa fan. It is my duty to point out the absurdity of that statment as the Ambassador to the Real World.

And yet there have been very few who actually agree with that sentiment on this board. Nobody with a clue is going to deny that Chuck Long is the greatest QB to ever play here. Nothing Stanzi can do will change that.

And I have done some digging at your post history. Still haven't seen much to change my mind. There's a difference between irrationally positive and being positive. I've not seen anything from you that even remotely resembles positive. Neutral at best.

Edit: you were pretty supportive of McCaffery's hiring. So far that's been the only thing I've seen.
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Then why bother arguing with me at all? All I said was the he could certainly get consideration. The fact that the best player rarely wins the award these days is evidence that all we have to do is win, and him to cut his INT's, and he will get considered.

Why did I bother argung with you? Because you tried calling me out.

You said if Stanzi goes undefeated and cuts down on his ints, he will get Heisman consideration. I made the fairly rational observation that those are big ifs, and you responded by calling me out for never being positive.

Basically, my beef is that I shared my opinion, which was in no way negative, and you called me out personally.

Tell me who was out of line here...
Why did I bother argung with you? Because you tried calling me out.

You said if Stanzi goes undefeated and cuts down on his ints, he will get Heisman consideration. I made the fairly rational observation that those are big ifs, and you responded by calling me out for never being positive.

Basically, my beef is that I shared my opinion, which was in no way negative, and you called me out personally.

Tell me who was out of line here...

Because it projects the image that you don't have faith in the kid to actually improve himself. I can totally understand someone saying that he won't win it. But you seemed to think that Stanzi won't improve, and will keep throwing INT's. All I'm doing is putting some faith in him. If it were 100% results, he would have been benched 1,000 times by now. Listening to fans do fifty 180-degree turns on him is ridiculous. Instead of agonizing myself over every incomplete pass, I put faith in that he will get the job done. And right now his job is to cut his INT's.
Because it projects the image that you don't have faith in the kid to actually improve himself. I can totally understand someone saying that he won't win it. But you seemed to think that Stanzi won't improve, and will keep throwing INT's. All I'm doing is putting some faith in him. If it were 100% results, he would have been benched 1,000 times by now. Listening to fans do fifty 180-degree turns on him is ridiculous. Instead of agonizing myself over every incomplete pass, I put faith in that he will get the job done. And right now his job is to cut his INT's.

What you have done here is commit a logical fallacy wherein you attribute a false conclusion to my statements and then attack me based on that false conclusion. No one has defined a threshold for "improved", and we are operating on two different definitions of the term. I think he will keep throwing ints, because that is what I have seen him do. He was extremely inconsistent in his second year as a starter. While I assume his game will progress for the better, I don't think he is going to throw for 25 tds and 5 ints. I do not believe he is, nor will he ever be that kind of player. I think 20 and 10 is much more reasonable.

It is fine to have faith on him, but don't attack others for not sharing your faith. That sir, makes you no better than a terrorist :)
What you have done here is commit a logical fallacy wherein you attribute a false conclusion to my statements and then attack me based on that false conclusion. No one has defined a threshold for "improved", and we are operating on two different definitions of the term. I think he will keep throwing ints, because that is what I have seen him do. He was extremely inconsistent in his second year as a starter. While I assume his game will progress for the better, I don't think he is going to throw for 25 tds and 5 ints. I do not believe he is, nor will he ever be that kind of player. I think 20 and 10 is much more reasonable.

It is fine to have faith on him, but don't attack others for not sharing your faith. That sir, makes you no better than a terrorist :)

Haha that one actually made me laugh. I agree that he won't be a 25-5 guy. But I think 20-23 TD's and 9-12 picks would be enough for him to get the nation's attention, as long as we're winning. So what I meant by "cut his INT's" was not to say that he will throw almost none. Just reducing them enough to really make a difference.
If Stanzi were to win a NC or the Heisman why wouldn't he be considered the better Hawkeye QB?

Note: Of course neither scenario is likely to happen, but shonn greene as college fb's #1 running back was much more unlikely and brad banks' one year as a starter was a much more absurd thought than both.
If Stanzi were to win a NC or the Heisman why wouldn't he be considered the better Hawkeye QB?

Note: Of course neither scenario is likely to happen, but shonn greene as college fb's #1 running back was much more unlikely and brad banks' one year as a starter was a much more absurd thought than both.

Because we've already discussed the difference between being the most SUCCESSFUL QB in Iowa history, and being the BEST QB. Stanzi is not a better player than Chuck Long was. But he may walk out with a more successful career (possible NC, 3-0 bowl record (including Orange Bowl and NC game), and maybe a Heisman (for the sake of your argument)). But like someone pointed out earlier in the thread, Dan Marino was the better QB when compared to Troy Aikman, even though Aikman led the ring total 3-0.
Haha that one actually made me laugh. I agree that he won't be a 25-5 guy. But I think 20-23 TD's and 9-12 picks would be enough for him to get the nation's attention, as long as we're winning. So what I meant by "cut his INT's" was not to say that he will throw almost none. Just reducing them enough to really make a difference.

Sorry but if Stanzi has 20-23 TD's and 9-12 INT's even if Iowa is undefeated those numbers don't get him to NY.

In fact if Iowa some how would go undefeated this year and Stanzi had those numbers my guess one of the RB's, a WR, or a certain DE would have a better chance at the heisman then Stanzi.

Getting the "nation's attention" and being on the Heisman short list are two totally different things.
Because we've already discussed the difference between being the most SUCCESSFUL QB in Iowa history, and being the BEST QB. Stanzi is not a better player than Chuck Long was. But he may walk out with a more successful career (possible NC, 3-0 bowl record (including Orange Bowl and NC game), and maybe a Heisman (for the sake of your argument)). But like someone pointed out earlier in the thread, Dan Marino was the better QB when compared to Troy Aikman, even though Aikman led the ring total 3-0.

The distinction is noted, but your answer to my query is effectively, "because I say so."

So why should Chuck Long be considered the better QB in the event Stanzi wins a NC or Heisman?
The distinction is noted, but your answer to my query is effectively, "because I say so."

So why should Chuck Long be considered the better QB in the event Stanzi wins a NC or Heisman?

Because Long was a more prolific QB. Their proficiency at playing the position is the key. The Heisman rarely goes to the best player these days (Larry Fitzgerald, Adrian Peterson, Darren McFadden, Colt McCoy, and Ndamakung Suh say hello). Long was competing against Bo Jackson, one of the best to ever play the game. And he almost beat him for the trophy.

I didn't actually get to watch Long play (I'm only 20), but my dad has told me plenty of times that watching him throw the ball was like watching surgery on a football field. That does not fit Stanzi.

Winning a national championship and a Heisman does not make Stanzi a more talented QB than Chuck Long.
I think he has a chance to be the best ever. I also have said I think he's an NFL QB for over a year now, and have been killed for it! Lol

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