Could Neb or Colorado Rescind their invitations!


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think they will but could they? I personally think Tom Osborne & the Colorado AD's are completely sick of Texas holding the Big 12 by the _alls. Texas holds that conference hostage for only its gain.

I respect what Nebraska & Colorado did because they saw the light & bolted for greener pastures while they had a chance. Texas wants it's own team/state TV network & they just use the Big 12 as an avenue for revenue.

I now have a really bad taste in my mouth for Texas after witnessing how greedy & selfish they really are, and, now I can't wait until Iowa meets up with them again.
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Why would they? Nebraska is still going to get more money by joining the B10 and they would still have to bend over for Texas by still being in the B12. Not sure about Colorado though.
Why would they? Nebraska is still going to get more money by joining the B10 and they would still have to bend over for Texas by still being in the B12. Not sure about Colorado though.

Yea. That's my point. I don't think they would & the Big 10 is a natural fit for Nebraska. Actually, I don't know how much of a research institution they are, but, that will increase over the years as Penn St has after they joined. There are collateral things to also gain by joining. Research dollars increase for the institution as well.