Could it be Fran???


Well-Known Member
Not trying to start anything but just reading the article and the account of what went down per Gary Parrish just curious ... could it have been Fran due to Ulis being recruited late and committing to Kentucky? I have a hard time seeing a guy like Izzo getting confronted by Cal but it's not an impossibility. Or it could be a totally different recruit/Kentucky player.

Here’s the prologue in short: Parrish says there was a prominent coach within the last three years that had been recruiting a kid hard, attended over thirty of his games over two years, etc. Calipari came in after seeing the kid once the previous summer and watched him play one game. The recruit then committed to Kentucky. That’s not the craziest part. According to Parrish, the coach started spreading rumors about how Cal must have cheated to get the recruit, that he barely knew his name, etc. So, Cal confronted the coach in Vegas.

Parrish recounts the story, which he says he heard from five different sources:

“100% true, John confronts this guy in Vegas, because he heard the guy was yapping. He confronts him. Cal approaches the coach and says something like ‘Listen, I know what you’ve been saying’

‘No, I haven’t been saying–‘

‘I know you did, I know you said what you said. I’ve heard it from enough people, but I want you to understand one thing. Yes I am the type of guy who can come in at the last minute and take any player I want from you. You can spend your whole life recruiting a kid and at the end of the day, if I want him, I’ll get him. If we want him, we’ll get him. Don’t ever get that confused. Be appreciative every time I don’t come in and get your guy. Don’t accuse me of cheating when I do.

‘I didn’t say–‘

‘Yes you did say that. And it’s fine, but just understand, nothing stupid went on. It’s just that I’m me, and we’re Kentucky and we can come in and get that kid whenever we want.”
It could also be Anthony Davis and Bruce Weber as others have noted on the Twittersphere
Yea he sure is cocky about not having to cheat for a guy who's already been caught cheating.
He used an NCAA eligible player that the NCAA Clearinghouse later reversed its' decision after the entire season was complete. Calipari was never penalized for anything there or at UMass.

So then why did Memphis and UMass vacate their wins and Final Four banners? Just for the heck of it? I know why Calipari wasn't penalized - same reason why Pete Carroll wasn't penalized. He was gone before the punishment came down.
I can't see Fran being the type of guy to back pedal. If he said it, he would own it and say it to Cal's face.
So then why did Memphis and UMass vacate their wins and Final Four banners? Just for the heck of it? I know why Calipari wasn't penalized - same reason why Pete Carroll wasn't penalized. He was gone before the punishment came down.

Exactly. Guy knows how to stay ahead of the posse.

IMO, the penalties should be applied to the coach, not necessarily the program where given infractions were committed. You shouldn't be able to simply run from your own infractions and leave a program with your dirty laundry if you know the hammer is coming down. Might also dissuade programs from hiring known cheaters if their program could suddenly be on probation, too. Or, guess if the coach retires, then go ahead and penalize the program, and have that same penalty waiting for that coach at his new program if/when he comes out of retirement.

I don't know. Maybe that's not a perfect solution, but my point is that I think it's BS that a coach can simply walk away from his current job and get away with it clean as a whistle while his successor has to deal with the probation.
I would love to see Fran get to the point where he can come in late in the recruiting process and pick up top recruits who have been recruited by other successful programs. I bet Brands can or has done it in wrestling.
So then why did Memphis and UMass vacate their wins and Final Four banners? Just for the heck of it? I know why Calipari wasn't penalized - same reason why Pete Carroll wasn't penalized. He was gone before the punishment came down.

No not the same thing at all. Calipari never was found guilty of any wrong doing, never had any show-cause penalty or anything. Derrek Rose and Marcus Camby were the ones who violated NCAA rules not Cal.
Exactly. Guy knows how to stay ahead of the posse.

IMO, the penalties should be applied to the coach, not necessarily the program where given infractions were committed. You shouldn't be able to simply run from your own infractions and leave a program with your dirty laundry if you know the hammer is coming down. Might also dissuade programs from hiring known cheaters if their program could suddenly be on probation, too. Or, guess if the coach retires, then go ahead and penalize the program, and have that same penalty waiting for that coach at his new program if/when he comes out of retirement.

I don't know. Maybe that's not a perfect solution, but my point is that I think it's BS that a coach can simply walk away from his current job and get away with it clean as a whistle while his successor has to deal with the probation.

Sure, if the coach is the one breaking the rules, they should be applied to him. Again, Cal has never been found to have broken any NCAA rules. Why should Calipari get punished because a wannabe agent was trying to get Camby to sign with him by giving him money and gifts? How did that benefit Cal in any way? It was the NCAA Clearinghouse's fault that they approved Rose's test score, then later reversed it. Why would any coach not play a terrific, and totally eligible, freshman?

Haters gonna hate.
I don't think what Cal is doing at Kentucky is against the rules, but I do think what he is doing has contributed to the decline of college basketball. College bball really needs something similar to NCAA Baseball, either you go pro out of high school (NBA or D-League or overseas or independent league) or you go to a CC for 1 or 2 years or you commit to a 4 year college for at least 3 years.

Right now the NBA is basically using college as a 1 year minor league system and its pretty sad.
Then Kentucky coach didn't say that he wasn't a cheater, but that he didn't have to cheat. If a cheater sees something that he finds will be beneficial to him, he is going to cheat. He seems like a guy that plays within the rules, but if I was a recruit I wouldn't trust what he was saying. I doubt he could of gotten the two five star guard recruits coming in next year by telling them they might have to play behind Ulis. The Kentucky coach isn't going to receive any humanitarian awards.

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