I can't remember everything I'd even heard but they had several black teammates on their shows I thought. It's been 2 or 3 yrs ago already I bet since they did those. I know that they didn't seem to get along with Wadley. But it sounds like he was a total tool. They may have spoke about Martin Manley back when he was screwing over fans too with his merch by taking $ and not providing the stuff. Beyond that I can't remember who all they may have talked about it's just been awhile.
I'm just curious what was up with Robs passive aggressive shot at them like that was all about. Had they recently said something to or about Rob or what? He doesn't seem to want to say.
Here is what I remember or inferred...
I am sure the WUWs had plenty of friends from all backgrounds on the team, that is what teams normally are. I remember Drake talking about how he and Akrum were boys. When the racial allegations came out, the WUWs tried to grapple with it in a sincere way, but it was clear their loyalty was with coaches and Doyle more than their black teammates. They had James Daniels and Jordan Lomax on to discuss the issues, but they did not really let those 2 speak freely. I don't think there was anything malicious about it, just 3 inexperienced podcasters with a biased perspective not doing a great job of facilitating a difficult conversation.
Because they were less critical of the football program than most in the media, and because they had inside perspective, people flocked to them. People wanting to be told that their favorite sports team was doing things just fine, and it was a handful of disgruntled players who were the problem. Some of the uglier elements of any fanbase. You know the types, the ones who will readily deny or dismiss away anything that is negative toward their favorite sports team.
That attention seemed to push them further in the direction of, "The coaches did nothing wrong!" Rob, as one of the local journalists willing to criticize how the program failed to address this problem until it was thrown in their face, has come under direct attack by them (and I am sure by their followers).
I think the growth of their media enterprise is impressive, and I am especially impressed by some of their charitable contributions. But I do not like how they have conducted their business along the way. I thought their crudeness bordering on offensiveness was off putting, but I still occasionally listened. But they had one episode within which they called a local reporter a c___ for reporting on specifics of KF's salary after the COVID year. I packed it in at that point. I occasionally stumble across some of their rantings on twitter, which convinces me I made the right decision (the statement below was from Drake Kulick, directed toward Beth Goetz).