Congrats to Phil Parker!!


Well-Known Member
What a nice promotion for him. He has certainly earned it by working his butt off for 13 years as a Hawk coach.

As Sean Considine and other former Hawks like DJK have already said, he is very deserving and an outstanding coach.

Go get'em Phil!!
What a nice promotion for him. He has certainly earned it by working his butt off for 13 years as a Hawk coach.

As Sean Considine and other former Hawks like DJK have already said, he is very deserving and an outstanding coach.

Go get'em Phil!!

Agreed. He's had great success coaching less sought-after recruits into the NFL and his unit has been the most consistent on defense over the past several seasons. I think this was a good hire.
Ferentz is the master of secrecy. If I ever need to tell someone a secret, it is going to be Kirk. My God can that guy withhold information from people.

You would think he would prefer secretive, confusing blitz packages and coverage to keep the opposing QB guessing . . .

I also think Phil will make a fine defensive coordinator.
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Congratulations on the bump Coach Parker, I know this is well deserved and I look forward to the continued success of our man in!
Don't complain, just show support. Everyone had there idea of who it would be, it is time to circle the wagons. Parker is our guy, here is to a great defense in 2012
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Naw was testing android but apparently Jon's crappy programming company can't code to allow video placement from the android app.
i'll contribute to this thread! I'm guessing Parker has learned a thing or two from a very good DC and is a very good recruiter as well and well respected by players and coaches.
At first I thought WTF. Then, I read some more on his credentials including the amount of players drafted at his position and think we will be good. I was hoping for Bradley, but Parker has earned the right to run the D. Go Hawks!
Go Hawks! Finally a positive thread on this board about the Hawkeye Football Coaching Staff. Congrats to Phil and good luck this off-season.
I think if former players were saying it should be Phil, then it should be. They lived it and went through the Hawkeye Family. Fans are relatives and don't know how good these coaches are and want to hate, for what? I don't know. Thanks for a positive thread!
Congratulations to coach Parker.

I have faith these are good moves by KF. I'm not going to second guess, since he and every other coach on his staff know more about coaching than I ever will. I would say this of true for just about everybody on these boards. To see all the posts thinking they know more than KF is simply comical.

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