Concussions and Football Poll

What are Your Thoughts on Football Concussions

  • The Concussions bother me a little.

  • The Concussions bother me a lot.

  • The Concussions don't bother me at all.

  • The risk is on the player and I'm going to watch it.

  • I"m watching less football because of it.

  • I'm about done with football because of concussions.

  • I don't think concussions are a problem.

  • I think coaches under report concussions.

  • I'd like to see the game changed to prevent concussions.

  • I personally have had a concussion

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Well-Known Member
I was getting down on football in general. My own sons have had concussion issues and it strikes home. Seeing the impact of the concussions on players and then the video of the Iowa high school player who committed suicide comes out. Then I got caught up in the 2015 season and to an extent 2016. What is your opinion. My experience tells me that coaches way under report concussions.
I was getting down on football in general. My own sons have had concussion issues and it strikes home. Seeing the impact of the concussions on players and then the video of the Iowa high school player who committed suicide comes out. Then I got caught up in the 2015 season and to an extent 2016. What is your opinion. My experience tells me that coaches way under report concussions.

Would it break your heart if Pop Warner football went away? I am not trying to be a d!ck I ask that question based on what you posted in the other threads?
Would it break your heart if Pop Warner football went away? I am not trying to be a d!ck I ask that question based on what you posted in the other threads?
With the wuestion I wouldnt have thought you were acting like a penis. Since you imply you are what is your point? Dont tell me you havent thought about concussions. It pretty clear I enjoy watching football. Do you feel threatened?
I picked 4 of them.

It bothers me a little, I've had a couple, still gonna watch cause I love football and it is a choice to play, and I would like to have them try to do what they can to minimize the damage (although I'm not sure how much can be done barring either changing the game to much, putting a limit on how many can be had before forced retirement, not allowing contact until older age, more strict 3rd party oversight on evaluating hits/injury and protocol, and training/practice methods a la Dartmouth).

With players getting faster, bigger, will continue to happen.

Shortening the football career timelines and how soon/how long they can play contact may help.

Ultimately, it will be a responsibility of coaches, med staff, and the players.
It's not just concussions. im starting to have a problem with the sheer amount of injuries taking place in the NFL today. Every Sunday morning you see the bottom line scrolling by listing the players that are probable, doubtful, out, etc. It's truly mind blowing how many there are. We are basically watching people injure each other for our entertainment. When you look at it like that it kinda makes you look internally about what it is you really enjoy about the game of football

Anymore in the NFL it seems the best teams tend to be the ones that lucked out with injuries. The Seahawks and panthers are a perfect example.

PS I'm a Sunday ticket subscriber and have been for 8 years now so I'm not a casual football fan.
With the wuestion I wouldnt have thought you were acting like a penis. Since you imply you are what is your point? Dont tell me you havent thought about concussions. It pretty clear I enjoy watching football. Do you feel threatened?

No, just trying to be respectful since you mentioned your children. I am a middle aged guy so football will be around the rest of my lifetime. There is nothing to feel threatened about.
It's not just concussions. im starting to have a problem with the sheer amount of injuries taking place in the NFL today. Every Sunday morning you see the bottom line scrolling by listing the players that are probable, doubtful, out, etc. It's truly mind blowing how many there are. We are basically watching people injure each other for our entertainment. When you look at it like that it kinda makes you look internally about what it is you really enjoy about the game of football

Anymore in the NFL it seems the best teams tend to be the ones that lucked out with injuries. The Seahawks and panthers are a perfect example.

PS I'm a Sunday ticket subscriber and have been for 8 years now so I'm not a casual football fan.

I chalk it up partly to evolution. Guys are bigger, faster, stronger...force and impact has risen. That part has evolved but joints, connecting tissue, and bones appear to not have kept pace. Medical, physical training technology, along with equipment and pharmaceutical advancements gets players back on the field faster and extends careers longer...probably not to the benefit to the player long term.
I am not sure what the general take is on football by the whole public. The players have a right to play up to a certain point but the younger age groups maybe even getting up to 9th and 10th grade should maybe more for skill development rather than extreme contact.
What are some other dangerous sports, surfing, skiing rips up a lot of people each year and I know one friend who had to be life flighted after a fall to have brain surgery to limit blood leak pressure like Liam Neeson's wife died from. And skiing is a general public sport. Auto racing, what other sports. We dont hear much about the many injuries in these sports because football is so high profile in this country.
I chalk it up partly to evolution. Guys are bigger, faster, stronger...force and impact has risen. That part has evolved but joints, connecting tissue, and bones appear to not have kept pace. Medical, physical training technology, along with equipment and pharmaceutical advancements gets players back on the field faster and extends careers longer...probably not to the benefit to the player long term.
I saw stars about everyday in practice. I was little until later years in height. I was slow and little. I was 16 starting my senior year and fastest in whole school. Point is kids develop differently.
I got a concussion during football practice when I was 16. I had memory loss and headaches that lasted for weeks. It scared the hell out of me and I ran cross country my last two years instead. (This was in the late 1980s)

I'll never let my son play football or hockey or any other sport predicated on violent collisions.

I still watch some football, but not nearly as much as I used to. I used to celebrate hard hits, now they just make me cringe a little.

Things are changing, and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. Imagine what will happen when it becomes possible to detect CTE and/or Tau buildup in living people? There will be serious calls to end the sport.
Anyone remember when HF discussed leaving coaching due to knee and other type injuries. Always thought he used that to get a different turf...did feel that way but put some blame on turf which in part is what if my memory serves me the shoe fiasco in Tulsa.
The problem is the sheer weight and speed of the players. The collisions are horrific.


1. Put a weight limit on the players?
2. Go back to single platoon football?
3. Shorten the games (in other words, limit the number of plays)?
4. Make the players play without any padding other than a helmet, similar to lacrosse???

I think a combination of these items might make the game safer
The problem is the sheer weight and speed of the players. The collisions are horrific.


1. Put a weight limit on the players?
2. Go back to single platoon football?
3. Shorten the games (in other words, limit the number of plays)?
4. Make the players play without any padding other than a helmet, similar to lacrosse???

I think a combination of these items might make the game safer

I do think speed and quickness contrbute.
I see football going to 7 on7 like they do in the summer.

You can regulate sport only so much. I think they have reached the limit in football. At least, the way it is played today.
I see football going to 7 on7 like they do in the summer.

You can regulate sport only so much. I think they have reached the limit in football. At least, the way it is played today.

I do think technique is a part of it. I hate Penn State but they tackle and hit correctly. Other teams use the helmet as a weapon Iowa included
Same in high school. As an example go back and look at the worst officiated game ever and watch the baloney facemask penalty. On that play look at what the Hawk does. He plants his helmet righr into the mask of the Gator. Id be pissed as well. Should have been an automatic ejection of the Iowa player.

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