Comparing Ferentz and Fry

Hayden also didn't have Ped State to deal with most of the time.

Then you didn't look deep enough, Iowa did play PSU a couple times I beleive. I would as to look at his Iowa's schedule even harder, Iowa wasn't always facing powder puffs those first 14 years under Fry.
Wow. Wrong on all points.

Fry's 1981 was a co-championship and his 1990 title was shared WITH THREE OTHER TEAMS.

So that is 1 outright and 2 shared, and 3 Rose Bowl games in 20 years.

Ferentz has 2 shared titles (one of them a perfect 8-0 conf. record) and has 2 Orange Bowls in 14 years.

The Ferentz legacy (and how he will be remembered) will be determined during the next 3-5 years.

The jury is still out.

Fry won all his Big Ten and Co-Big Ten Titles in his first 14 years along with 3 Rose Bowls visits. Let us not forget being RANKED #1 in the country..

Edge Fry when comparing the first 14 years. That is what was asked by the OP compare the first 14 years..

Now the pressure is on Ferentz, can he do what Fry was unable to do return to the top.
He never had a QB as bad as JVB, either. Or Greg Davis. Those two are 99.9% responsible for the crap show that was our offense this year. Two easy fixes.

Both of these disasters are on KF. The truth sucks sometimes.
Fry had a much better coaching staff and Iowa was known as head coach factory, not where retreads go to collect a check to keep silent. Fry also wasn't the 6th highest paid coach in the country, but both were thin skinned when the product on the field went south. The last 3 years have been a joke in all aspects: recruiting, offense, defense, special teams and game / clock management. Last game of the year and we still couldn't get plays in from the sidelines and screwed up clock management in a game that might have salvaged some dignity for the fans had we won.
Fry had a much better coaching staff and Iowa was known as head coach factory, not where retreads go to collect a check to keep silent. Fry also wasn't the 6th highest paid coach in the country, but both were thin skinned when the product on the field went south. The last 3 years have been a joke in all aspects: recruiting, offense, defense, special teams and game / clock management. Last game of the year and we still couldn't get plays in from the sidelines and screwed up clock management in a game that might have salvaged some dignity for the fans had we won.

"Last game of the year and we still couldn't get plays in from the sidelines and screwed up clock management in a game that might have salvaged some dignity for the fans had we won."

And year 14. Absolutely disgusting. A girl could manage the clock better than him.FreedComanche
Exactly, that's my point. Even fry was bad in the 90s. Everyone has down years, and Ferentz is no different. Not sure where all the Kirk hate is coming from.

First off, I don't hate ferentz. I do think he's, at present, a bad D-1A head coach.

Secondly, you are correct in saying everyone has down years. However, not every D-1A head coach in his 14th year has a 4-8 record against a very, very soft schedule while having an offense ranked 114th.

A big reason why fry's last years didn't end well was because other coaches would recruit against his age, meaning he wouldn't be around long after the recruit got to Iowa City. That really, really hurt him in getting good talent. I talked to a guy from Texas that Fry directly recruited and he verified that. Every coach that recruited him brought thar up. ferentz doesn't have that crutch to use yet.

Kirk has 2 co-championships which = 0 rose bowls.

Fry had 3 real championships = 3 rose bowls.

The End

So in 1981 when Iowa and OSU tied with a 6-2 record and in 1990 Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and MSU all tied with a 6-2 record those are considered "real championships" but KF's shared titles in 02 and 04 are not?

Makes sense.

And the Rose Bowl point is stupid as well.
Then you didn't look deep enough, Iowa did play PSU a couple times I beleive. I would as to look at his Iowa's schedule even harder, Iowa wasn't always facing powder puffs those first 14 years under Fry.

He said most of the time they didn't have to deal with PSU and you said Iowa played PSU a couple times. How did he not look deep enough?
He said most of the time they didn't have to deal with PSU and you said Iowa played PSU a couple times. How did he not look deep enough?

IMO he was downplaying Iowa's schedule.. Iowa played teams that were better than PSU and i was implying he should have looked deeper at Fry's schedule..

This is what he said..
"Hayden also didn't have Ped State to deal with most of the time"
Because Iowa played teams that were better than PSU and he should have looked deeper..

Meh, it goes both ways. Fry had the luxury of playing an ISU program that didn't have a pulse pretty much his entire career at Iowa. NW and Wisky were also much worse than what they are today.
Meh, it goes both ways. Fry had the luxury of playing an ISU program that didn't have a pulse pretty much his entire career at Iowa. NW and Wisky were also much worse than what they are today.

So Section what you think? is it a push between Fry and Ferentz?
KF has avoided OSU several times for 2 years in a row. Back then unseating UM and OSU was really hard. IllAnnoy was very good some years as was Purdue. Indiana was pretty decent at times. Fry went sideways when he lost asst's to head coach jobs. KF loses asst's to lateral moves or retirement.

We also have no prove KF's first 2 years were due to lack of talent, especially after seeing results now. It is also possible the lack of current diamonds in the rough could be due in part to changes in the lifting program. Fry in his last year beat CMU badly. That CMU team won the same amount of games as in 2012.

Fry had one absolutely pathetic year. In fairness to KF, we don't know Bob Commings wouldn't have done well with early teams as well.

Not a person back in 1998 believed that had he stayed the HF would not have rebuilt from his only really pathetic year. Not sure many see KF rebuilding from is 3rd or 4th absolutely pathetic year.

One of KF's bowl wins was a total joke. That was LSU. That was absolutely pathetic end of game management. It was so bad that it even messed up LSU.
KF has avoided OSU several times for 2 years in a row. Back then unseating UM and OSU was really hard. IllAnnoy was very good some years as was Purdue. Indiana was pretty decent at times. Fry went sideways when he lost asst's to head coach jobs. KF loses asst's to lateral moves or retirement.

We also have no prove KF's first 2 years were due to lack of talent, especially after seeing results now. It is also possible the lack of current diamonds in the rough could be due in part to changes in the lifting program. Fry in his last year beat CMU badly. That CMU team won the same amount of games as in 2012.

Fry had one absolutely pathetic year. In fairness to KF, we don't know Bob Commings wouldn't have done well with early teams as well.

Not a person back in 1998 believed that had he stayed the HF would not have rebuilt from his only really pathetic year. Not sure many see KF rebuilding from is 3rd or 4th absolutely pathetic year.

One of KF's bowl wins was a total joke. That was LSU. That was absolutely pathetic end of game management. It was so bad that it even messed up LSU.

Please list each coaches "pathetic years". Because if you are counting 2010 as pathetic for KF and not counting 1997 as pathetic for Hayden then you are an idiot.

How is the Capital One Bowl win a joke? If you watched the game you would realize that Iowa completely outplayed LSU pretty much the entire game. Did the Hawks get lucky at the end? Absolutely. Did Iowa deserve to win the game? Absolutely.
First, don't call someone an idiot if you can not figure out what the pathetic year was. I did watch the game and wonder if you didn't watch it or you are an ........ Yes Iowa dominated it for a long time until LSU did the qb switch. How anyone cannot see that game and know how it ended was one of the worst end of game management demonstrations is an .....

Did Iowa deserve to win it? It was a game of 2 halves. Iowa no more or less than LSU. Giving up that much that late was not as deserving as you might think. It was a demonstration of things to come. Very poor end of game mgt and giving up games late due to as Dolph says.....a tired Iowa defense...and as we know now as playing not to lose.

The play at the end was not very well scripted. It was a forecast of things to come. We just didn't see it at the time.

Now before calling people names, stop acting like one.
The problem with Section's arguements or debate on this whole thread is he uses emotionally based opinions to try and get his pathetic point across.

The fact is this. Kurt is not meeting the benchmarks that an Iowa coach should be making and they are trending in the wrong direction. Prove me wrong? Given his salary, the amount of fan base support the program recieves, the amount of money the program spends, the facilities the program has, and the amount of booster/alumni support he has at his disposal he is not meeting minimum expectations. The ROI is not there. It is a fact. Everyhting elses is emotional BS. Kurt talked of Fat Cats a few years back. Maybe it's because most people are reflections of their leader and he should take a look at the cat staring back at him in the mirror.

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